“Men’s natures are alike; it is their habits that carry them far apart.”
Confucius, Analects, 500 B.C.E.
“Heredity deals the cards; environment plays the hand.”
Psychologist Charles L. Brewer (1990)
Among our similarities, the most important—the behavioral hallmark of our species—is our enormous adaptive capacity. Some human traits, such as having two eyes, develop the same in virtually every environment. But other traits are expressed only in particular environments. Go barefoot for a summer and you will develop toughened, callused feet—a biological adaptation to friction. Meanwhile, your shod neighbor will remain a tenderfoot. The difference between the two of you is an effect of environment. But it is also the product of a biological mechanism—adaptation. Our shared biology enables our developed diversity (Buss, 1991). Thus, to say that genes and experience are both important is true. But more precisely, they interact. Just how our genes and our experiences interact to form us as unique individuals is one of the hottest topics in psychology today.
11-5 How is molecular genetics research changing our understanding of the effects of nature and nurture?
Behavior geneticists have progressed beyond asking “Do genes influence behavior?” The new frontier of behavior-genetic research draws on “bottom-up” molecular genetics, which studies the molecular structure and function of genes.
Searching for Specific Genes Influencing BehaviorMost human traits are influenced by teams of genes. For example, twin and adoption studies tell us that heredity influences body weight, but there is no single “obesity gene.” More likely, some genes influence how quickly the stomach tells the brain, “I’m full.” Others might dictate how much fuel the muscles need, how many calories are burned off by fidgeting, and how efficiently the body converts extra calories into fat (Vogel, 1999). Genes typically are not solo players. So, one goal of molecular behavior genetics is to find some of the many genes that together orchestrate complex traits such as body weight, sexual orientation, and impulsivity (Derringer et al., 2010; Holden, 2008; Tsankova et al., 2007).
Genetic tests can now reveal at-risk populations for dozens of diseases, and the search continues. (For another aspect of genetic testing, see Thinking Critically About: Prenatal Testing to Predict Future Traits.)
Searching for Triggers That Switch Genes On and OffGenes can be either active (expressed, as hot water activates the tea bag) or inactive. Epigenetics (meaning “in addition to” or “above and beyond” genetics), studies the molecular mechanisms by which environments can trigger or block genetic expression. Genes are self-regulating. Rather than acting as blueprints that lead to the same result no matter the context, genes react. An African butterfly that is green in summer turns brown in fall, thanks to a temperature-controlled genetic switch. The same genes that produced green in one situation will produce brown in another.
Our experiences also lay down epigenetic marks, which are often organic methyl molecules attached to part of a DNA strand (FIGURE 11.3). If a mark instructs the cell to ignore any gene present in that DNA segment, those genes will be “turned off”—they will prevent the DNA from producing the proteins normally coded by that gene. As one geneticist said, “Things written in pen you can’t change. That’s DNA. Things written in pencil you can. That’s epigenetics” (Reed, 2012).
THINKING CRITICALLY ABOUT: Prenatal Testing to Predict Future Traits
11-6 What are some benefits and risks of prenatal genetic testing?
In labs worldwide, molecular geneticists are teaming with psychologists to pinpoint genes that put people at risk for genetically influenced disorders. One worldwide research effort is sleuthing the genes that make people vulnerable to the emotional swings of bipolar disorder, formerly known as manic-depressive disorder. Other searches are targeting conditions such as specific learning disorder, depression, schizophrenia, and alcohol use disorder. But identifying specific culprit genes is often difficult (Hewitt, 2012). The challenge stems from a single gene’s typically small effect, and from the sheer number of genes in our human genome (Peikoff, 2013).
Even so, aided by inexpensive DNA-scanning techniques, medical personnel can now give would-be parents a read out on how their fetus’ genes differ from normal and help them understand what this might mean. Assuming it were possible, should prospective parents take their eggs and sperm to a genetics lab for screening before combining them to produce an embryo? Should screening of fertilized eggs be limited to health factors? Should we encourage would-be parents to have their genes inspected for rare brain diseases, allowing them to know what they might pass on to their future children (Andersson et al., 2012)? Would prenatal testing be acceptable for traits that predict brains or beauty? Prenatal screening poses ethical dilemmas. In China and India, where boys are highly valued, testing for an offspring’s sex has enabled selective abortions resulting in millions—yes, millions—of “missing women.”
Progress is a double-edged sword, raising both hopeful possibilities and difficult problems. By selecting out certain traits, such as a vulnerability to a psychological disorder, we may deprive ourselves of future Handels and van Goghs, Churchills and Lincolns, Tolstoys and Dickinsons—troubled people all.
Environmental factors such as diet, drugs, and stress can affect the epigenetic molecules that regulate gene expression. Mother rats normally lick their infants. Deprived of this licking, infant rats in one experiment had more epigenetic molecules blocking access to their brain’s “on” switch for developing stress hormone receptors. When stressed, those animals had above-average levels of free-floating stress hormones and were more stressed out (Champagne et al., 2003; Champagne & Mashoodh, 2009).
Researchers now wonder if epigenetics might help solve some scientific mysteries, such as why only one member of an identical twin pair may develop a genetically influenced mental disorder, and how childhood abuse leaves its fingerprints in a person’s brain (Spector, 2012). Epigenetics can also help explain why identical twins may look slightly different. Researchers studying mice have found that in utero exposure to certain chemicals can cause genetically identical twins to have different-colored fur (Dolinoy et al., 2007). These discoveries will be made easier by efforts such as the National Institute of Health-funded Roadmap Epigenetics Project, a massive undertaking aimed at making epigenetic data publicly available.
1. Epigenetics | a. Study of the relative effects of our genes and our environment on our behavior. |
2. Molecular behavior genetics | b. Study of how the structure and function of specific genes interact with our environment to influence behavior. |
3. Behavior genetics | c. Study of environmental factors that affect how our genes are expressed. |
1. c, 2. b, 3. a