Test yourself repeatedly throughout your studies. This will not only help you figure out what you know and don’t know; the testing itself will help you learn and remember the information more effectively thanks to the testing effect.
Neural and Hormonal Systems
1. The neuron fiber that passes messages through its branches to other neurons or to muscles and glands is the c01uBIDYpUx8tI7S .
4. In a sending neuron, when an action potential reaches an axon terminal, the impulse triggers the release of chemical messengers called u8rE4t5YvvXjjIy372QAMLV58g+JWyvq .
7. The sympathetic nervous system arouses us for action and the parasympathetic nervous system calms us down. Together, the two systems make up the zPifQ5brCURiYGiU6ARqUA== nervous system.
8. The neurons of the spinal cord are part of the vpPLI5kUu2Wk5ObV nervous system.
10. The CXL/YI7bdj+PemX8 PsF/BxtPXQN9kq4/ secrete(s) epinephrine and norepinephrine, helping to arouse the body during times of stress.
Tools of Discovery and Older Brain Structures
14. The part of the brain that coordinates voluntary movement and enables nonverbal learning and memory is the +FkV9cYkWVl7P4HI0cEy4Q== .
16. A cat’s ferocious response to electrical brain stimulation would lead you to suppose the electrode had touched the XXrTlZEqkB70qv+z3zFo3w== .
18. The initial reward center discovered by Olds and Milner was located in the ttK00UXNXq5Kmwt4637THFF84ME= .
The Cerebral Cortex and Our Divided Brain
22. Judging and planning are enabled by the 94eFyu0V4Eufe7li lobes.
24. The “uncommitted” areas that make up about three-
26. An experimenter flashes the word HERON across the visual field of a man whose corpus callosum has been severed. HER is transmitted to his right hemisphere and ON to his left hemisphere. When asked to indicate what he saw, the man says he saw udFaTX/RGto= but points to puk9R4C8PUk= .