Chapter 1. Personal Growth Initiative Scale


Personal Growth Initiative Scale

We can view personal growth as an individual's active, intentional involvement in changing and developing as a person (Robitschek, 1998). Do you actively pursue challenges that will move you closer to the person you'd like to be? These 16 questions help you assess your own growth initiative.


Personal Growth Initiative Scale - II

©Christine Robitschek, Ph.D., 2008

Robitschek, C., Ashton, M. W., Spering, C. C., Geiger, N., Byers, D., Schotts, G. C., & Thoen, M. (2012). Development and psychometric properties of the Personal Growth Initiative Scale–II. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59, 274-287. doi: 10.1037/a0027310.



For each statement, please mark how much you agree or disagree with that statement.


1. I set realistic goals for what I want to change about myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

2. I can tell when I am ready to make specific changes in myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

3. I know how to make a realistic plan in order to change myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

4. I take every opportunity to grow as it comes up.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

5. When I try to change myself, I make a realistic plan for my personal growth.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

6. I ask for help when I try to change myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

7. I actively work to improve myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

8. I figure out what I need to change about myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

9. I am constantly trying to grow as a person.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

10. I know how to set realistic goals to make changes in myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

11. I know when I need to make a specific change in myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

12. I use resources when I try to grow.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

13. I know steps I can take to make intentional changes in myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

14. I actively seek out help when I try to change myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

15. I look for opportunities to grow as a person.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

16. I know when it’s time to change specific things about myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

Your Score

Your Score

Your overall score is: {} (range of 0 to 80)

Your average score is: {model.average_formatted} (range of 0 to 5)

Overall scores range from 0 to 80, and averages range from 0 to 5. Those with higher scores tend to search out and create situations that will foster their growth. In contrast, those with lower scores actively avoid situations that challenge them to grow.

Scale scores are positively correlated to psychological well-being: The higher the score, the greater the person’s well-being. And scores are negatively correlated to psychological distress: The lower the scores, the higher the distress. Scores are also positively correlated to assertiveness, a sense of personal control, and knowing strategies to reach important goals.

Your Scores for the Four Subscales

Readiness for Change

Your overall score: {model.change_total} (range of 0 to 20)

Your average score: {model.change_average_formatted} (range of 0 to 5)


Your overall score: {model.planfulness_total} (range of 0 to 25)

Your average score: {model.planfulness_average_formatted} (range of 0 to 5)

Using Resources**

Your overall score: {model.resources_total} (range of 0 to 15)

Your average score: {model.resources_average_formatted} (range of 0 to 5)

Intentional Behavior

Your overall score: {model.intentional_total} (range of 0 to 20)

Your average score: {model.intentional_average_formatted} (range of 0 to 5)

* (ability to plan for change)

** (ability to use resources to make change happen)


Build This Strength

Building Self-Motivation in Your Own Life

Would you like to increase your personal growth initiative? You might start by reviewing the tips in the Time Management preface at the beginning of this text. Assessing and focusing your time use is a good first step to becoming more intentional about establishing and reaching academic and personal goals.

In addition, to help build your self-motivation and achieve the goals you set, researchers suggest taking the following five steps (from this text’s Chapter 6, Learning):

1.State your goal in measurable terms and announce it. You might, for example, aim to boost your study time by an hour a day and share that goal with friends and family.

2.Decide how, when, and where you will work toward your goal. Take time to plan. Those who list specific steps showing how they will reach their goals more often achieve them (Gollwitzer & Oettingen, 2012).

3.Monitor how often you engage in your desired behavior. You might log your current study time, as suggested in the Time Management preface for this text, noting under what conditions you do and don’t study. (When I [DM] began writing textbooks, I logged how I spent my time each day and was amazed to discover how much time I was wasting.)

4.Reinforce the desired behavior. To increase your study time, give yourself a reward (a snack or some activity you enjoy) only after you finish your extra hour of study. Agree with family and friends that you will join them for weekend activities only if you have met your realistic weekly studying goal.

5.Reduce the rewards gradually. As your new behaviors become habits, give yourself a mental pat on the back instead of a cookie.

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