People occupy several roles. You are a citizen, a student, a daughter or son, and a friend. Each role comes with expectations for how you ought to think, feel, and behave. For example, you share information about yourself with your closest friends that you would not share with strangers. Gender roles involve clusters of behaviors considered appropriate for males or for females.
Some people embrace a traditionally masculine gender role or a traditionally feminine gender role. Others feel attuned to a blend of male and female gender roles, which is called androgyny. Sandra Bem (1974) created a scale that makes it possible to characterize people as masculine, feminine, or androgynous. In this activity, you will complete this scale and receive feedback on your score.
Bem, S. L. (1974). The measurement of psychological androgyny. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 42, 155-162.
Rate yourself on each item, on a scale from 1 (never or almost never true) to 7 (almost always true).
1. Self-reliant
2. Yielding
3. Helpful
4. Defends own beliefs
5. Cheerful
6. Moody
7. Independent
8. Shy
9. Conscientious
10. Athletic
11. Affectionate
12. Theatrical
13. Assertive
14. Flatterable
15. Happy
16. Strong personality
17. Loyal
18. Unpredictable
19. Forceful
20. Feminine
21. Reliable
22. Analytical
23. Sympathetic
24. Jealous
25. Has leadership abilities
26. Sensitive to the needs of others
27. Truthful
28. Willing to take risks
29. Understanding
30. Secretive
31. Makes decisions easily
32. Compassionate
33. Sincere
34. Self-sufficient
35. Eager to soothe hurt feelings
36. Conceited
37. Dominant
38. Soft spoken
39. Likable
40. Masculine
41. Warm
42. Solemn
43. Willing to take a stand
44. Tender
45. Friendly
46. Aggressive
47. Gullible
48. Inefficient
49. Acts as a leader
50. Childlike
51. Adaptable
52. Individualistic
53. Does not use harsh language
54. Unsystematic
55. Competitive
56. Loves children
57. Tactful
58. Ambitious
59. Gentle
60. Conventional
Masculinity and Femininity Scores
Masculinity and Femininity scores refer to the average agreement with items pre-tested as traditionally masculine and traditionally feminine in nature, respectively. Scores range from 1 to 7, with higher scores indicating a stronger masculinity or femininity.
The following personality characteristics were pre-tested as MASCULINE:
self-reliant | analytical | willing to take a stand |
defends own beliefs | has leadership abilities | aggressive |
independent | willing to take risks | acts as a leader |
athletic | makes decisions easily | individualistic |
assertive | self-sufficient | competitive |
strong personality | dominant | ambitious |
forceful | masculine |
Your MASCULINITY SCORE: {model.Masculinity_formatted} (range of 1 to 7)
The following personality characteristics were pre-tested as FEMININE:
yielding | sympathetic | tender |
cheerful | sensitive to the needs of others | gullible |
shy | understanding | childlike |
affectionate | compassionate | does not use harsh language |
flatterable | eager to soothe hurt feelings | loves children |
loyal | soft spoken | gentle |
feminine | warm |
Your FEMININITY SCORE: {model.Feminity_formatted} (range of 1 to 7)
The remaining items in the list are considered NEUTRAL (neither masculine nor feminine):
Moody | Truthful | Friendly |
Theatrical | Inefficient | |
Happy | Secretive | Adaptable |
Unpredictable | Sincere | Unsystematic |
Reliable | Conceited | Tactful |
Jealous | Likable | Conventional |
Solemn |
Androgyny Score
For the masculinity and femininity scores, the higher your number (the closer to 7), the greater your agreement with either masculine or feminine traits. For Androgyny scores, the closer you score to zero, the higher is your expressed androgyny, or degree to which you feel comfortable with both masculine and feminine traits. Your Androgyny score was computed by subtracting your Masculinity score from your Femininity score. For example, a person with a 5.45 Femininity score and a 1.45 Masculinity score would have an Androgyny score of 4. This score indicates that the person has relatively low Androgyny and identifies strongly with a feminine gender role. In contrast, a person with a high Femininity score (5.45) and a high Masculinity score (5.45) would have an Androgyny score of 0, indicating equal identification with both masculine and feminine gender roles. If your score is well below zero, that also means you have low androgyny because you have a high Masculinity score and a low Femininity score. The closer your Androgyny score is to zero, the more you identify with both masculine and feminine gender roles.
Your ANDROGYNY SCORE: {model.Androgyny_formatted} (range of 0 to 7)
Tips for Increasing Androgyny
Androgyny relates to several positive outcomes. Being more androgynous relates to greater resiliency and self-acceptance, and lower depression. Given this link between androgyny and psychological well-being, you may wish to embrace the strengths of both masculine and feminine gender roles.
If you would like to raise your Androgyny score, first take a look at your Masculinity and Femininity scores. Next, identify your lower score and consider how you might incorporate aspects of that gender role in your everyday life. If your score is higher for Masculinity than Femininity, identify one Feminine characteristic, such as “sympathetic,” and try to engage in its related behaviors. If you score higher for Femininity than Masculinity, choose a Masculine trait, such as “acts as a leader,” and, when appropriate, try to behave as a leader. Once you become comfortable with the new traits, pick another Feminine or Masculine trait and repeat the same exercise. The more traits you learn to use, the greater flexibility you will have as you navigate through life.
Activity Completed! Congratulations, you have completed this activity!