Chapter 1. Work Preference Inventory


Work Preference Inventory

Teresa Amabile, Karl Hill, Beth Hennessey, and Elizabeth Tighe created an inventory that assesses “individual differences in intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations.” Everyday life is a mix of intrinsic motivation (a desire to do something for its own sake) and extrinsic motivation (a desire to act in ways that gain a reward or avoid a punishment). To become aware of your own motivation and to seek balance, take the inventory.


Amabile, T. M., Hill, K. G., Hennessey, B. A., & Tighe, E. M. (1994). The work preference inventory: Assessing intrinsic and extrinsic motivational orientations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 66, 956, Table 1. Copyright © 1994 by the American Psychological Association. Reprinted with permission.



Respond to each of the items using a scale from 1 = never or almost never true of me, to 4 = always or almost always true of me.


1. I am not that concerned about what other people think of me.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

2. I prefer having someone set clear goals for me in my work.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

3. The more difficult the problem, the more I enjoy trying to solve it.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

4. I am keenly aware of the goals I have for getting good grades.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

5. I want my work to provide me with opportunities for increasing my knowledge and skills.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

6. To me, success means doing better than other people.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

7. I prefer to figure things out for myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

8. No matter what the outcome of a project, I am satisfied if I feel I gained a new experience.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

9. I enjoy relatively simple, straightforward tasks.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

10. I am keenly aware of the GPA (grade point average) goals I have for myself.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

11. Curiosity is the driving force behind much of what I do.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

12. I’m less concerned with what work I do than what I get for it.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

13. I enjoy tackling problems that are completely new to me.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

14. I prefer work I know I can do well over work that stretches my abilities.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

15. I’m concerned about how other people are going to react to my ideas.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

16. I seldom think about grades and awards.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

17. I’m more comfortable when I get to set my own goals.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

18. I believe there is no point in doing a good job if nobody else knows about it.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

19. I am strongly motivated by the grades I can earn.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

20. It is important for me to be able to do what I most enjoy.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

21. I prefer working on projects with clearly specified procedures.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

22. As long as I can do what I enjoy, I’m not that concerned about exactly what grades or awards I can earn.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

23. I enjoy doing work that is so absorbing that I forget about everything else.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

24. I am strongly motivated by the recognition I can earn from other people.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

25. I have to feel that I’m earning something for what I do.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

26. I enjoy trying to solve complex problems.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

27. It is important for me to have an outlet for self-expression.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

28. I want to find out how good I really can be at my work.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

29. I want other people to find out how good I really can be at my work.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

30. What matters most to me is enjoying what I do.

{true} setModel("q1", qqMC1)

Your Score

Your Score

Your Intrinsic Motivation Score is: {model.intrinsictotal} (range is 15-60; average 45)

Your Extrinsic Motivation Score is: {model.extrinsictotal} (range is 15-60; average 39)

Scores on both the intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation subscales can range from 15 to 60, with higher scores reflecting greater intrinsic or greater extrinsic motivation, respectively. Average (mean) scores for both male and female students are approximately 45 for the intrinsic motivation scale, and 39 for the extrinsic motivation scale. Research suggests little correlation between scores on the two scales.


Build This Strength

Amabile and her colleagues report that intrinsic motivation correlates positively with the need for cognition (enjoying analytic thinking), academic comfort (feeling comfortable doing academic activities), interest in scientific pursuits, creativity, adult playfulness, and cognitive curiosity. Extrinsic motivation correlates negatively with the need for cognition.

Life requires a mix of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. What helps is to become aware of our own motivations, and to seek an appropriate balance. If we wish to become more intrinsically motivated—say, to learn for its own sake, and not just for a grade—it may help to step back and meditate on our priorities, to slow down to savour interesting ideas and discoveries, and to try to become less concerned with what other people think.

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