Specialized nerve cell engaged in information processing.
dendritic spines
Protrusion that greatly increases the dendrite’s surface area; typical point of dendritic contact with the axons of other cells.
axon collaterals
The axon may branch, often at right angles, into one or many axon collaterals which enable the neuron to communicate with more than one neuron.
terminal branching
The division of an axon’s lower tip into multiple smaller branches, or telodendria, each containing its own terminal button, enabling it to contact more than one location on a target cell.
Branching extension of a neuron’s cell membrane; greatly increases the cell’s surface area; collects information from other cells.
Root, or single fiber, of a neuron that carries messages to other neurons.
soma (cell body)
The cell body, which contains the cell nucleus and structures responsible for the life processes of the cell. The shape of the soma varies in different types of neurons. Most molecules essential for the cell’s functions are formed within the soma.
A round or oval structure enclosed in a membrane. It contains the nucleolus and the chromosomes, which include the organism’s genetic information in the form of DNA.
axon hillock
Juncture of soma and axon.
Spatial junction between one neuron and another; forms the information transfer site between neurons.
Myelin sheath
Glial coating that surrounds axons in the central and peripheral nervous systems; increases the speed of neural signaling and prevents signaling interference from adjacent cells.
terminal button
Nob at the tip of an axon that conveys information to other neurons.
sensory neuron
A neuron that carries afferent (incoming) information from the body into the spinal cord and brain.
A neuron that integrates sensory and motor information within the central nervous system.
motor neuron
A neuron that carries efferent (outgoing) information from the brain and spinal cord to muscles.
sensory neuron 1sensory neuron
Cell that detects or carries sensory information into the spinal cord and brain.
interneuron 1interneuron
Association cell interposed between a sensory neuron and a motor neuron; in mammals, interneurons constitute most of the brain’s neurons.
motor neuron 1motor neuron
Cell that carries efferent motor information from the brain and spinal cord to make muscles contract.

Build a Neuron

By: Dr. Daniel Hummer, Morehouse College