12.5 Terms

Match each of the terms on the left with its definition on the right. Click on the term first and then click on the matching definition. As you match them correctly they will move to the bottom of the activity.


interaction (p. 327)
two-way ANOVA (p. 327)
factorial ANOVA (p. 327)
Factor (p. 327)
cell (p. 329)
main effect (p. 329)
quantitative interaction (p. 332)
qualitative interaction (p. 332)
marginal mean (p. 333)
A qualitative interaction is a particular type of quantitative interaction of two (or more) independent variables in which one independent variable reverses its effect depending on the level of the other independent variable.
A marginal mean is the mean of a row or a column in a table that shows the cells of a study with a two-way ANOVA design.
A statistical interaction occurs in a factorial design when two or more independent variables have an effect on the dependent variable in combination that neither independent variable has on its own.
A main effect occurs in a factorial design when one of the independent variables has an influence on the dependent variable.
A cell is a box that depicts one unique combination of levels of the independent variables in a factorial design.
A factorial ANOVA is a statistical analysis used with one scale dependent variable and at least two nominal independent variables (also called factors); also called a multifactorial ANOVA.
A two-way ANOVA is a hypothesis test that includes two nominal independent variables, regardless of their numbers of levels, and a scale dependent variable.
Factor is a term used to describe an independent variable in a study with more than one independent variable.
A quantitative interaction is an interaction in which the effect of one independent variable is strengthened or weakened at one or more levels of the other independent variable, but the direction of the initial effect does not change.