Chapter 8 Introduction



Confidence Intervals, Effect Size, and Statistical Power

Confidence Intervals

Interval Estimates

Calculating Confidence Intervals with z Distributions

Effect Size

The Effect of Sample Size on Statistical Significance

What Effect Size Is

Cohen’s d


Statistical Power

The Importance of Statistical Power

Five Factors That Affect Statistical Power


  • You should know how to conduct a z test (Chapter 7).

  • You should understand the concept of statistical significance (Chapter 7).

“Math Class Is Tough” Teen Talk Barbie, with her negative proclamation about math class, was a lightning rod for discussions about gender stereotypes. Some of Barbie’s negative press related to the fact that Barbie’s message might doom girls to even poorer performances in mathematics. The media tend to play up gender differences instead of the less interesting (and more frequent) realities of gender similarities.
© Photographer/Alamy


“Want to go shopping? OK, meet me at the mall.” “Math class is tough.”

With these and 268 other phrases, Teen Talk Barbie was introduced to the market in July 1992. By September, it was being publicly criticized for its negative message about girls and math. At first the Mattel toy company refused to pull it from store shelves, citing more positive phrases in Barbie’s repertoire, such as “I’m studying to be a doctor.” But the bad press escalated, and by October Mattel had backed down. The controversy endured, however, and even showed up in a 1994 Simpsons episode when Lisa Simpson boycotted the fictional Malibu Stacy doll that had been programmed to say, “Thinking too much gives you wrinkles.”

The controversy over gender differences in mathematical reasoning ability began after a study on the topic was published in the prestigious journal Science. Participants included about 10,000 male and female students in grades 7 through 10 who were already among the top 2% to 3% on standardized tests of mathematics (Benbow & Stanley, 1980). In this preselected sample, the boys’ average score on the mathematics portion of the SAT test was 32 points higher than the girls’ average score, a statistically significant difference that gained vast media attention (Jacob & Eccles, 1982). But the danger of reporting such a mean difference is the implication that all or most of the members of one group are different from all or most of the members of the other group. As we see from the overlapping distributions in Figure 8-1, such an assertion is far from the truth.

Figure 8.1: FIGURE 8-1
A Gender Difference in Mathematics Performance
This graph represents the overlap in mathematical performance that would be expected if distributions for males and females differed, on average, by the amount that Hyde and colleagues (1990) reported in their meta-analysis. The solid line represents the distribution for females, and the dotted line represents the distribution for males.

Language Alert! Part of this misunderstanding is caused by the language of statistics: “Statistically significant” does not mean “very important.” The misunderstanding about Benbow and Stanley’s study (1980) spread from researchers to the media to the general public. The issue gained even more attention when the release of Teen Talk Barbie inspired members of a guerrilla art group. The Barbie Liberation Organization switched the computer chips in talking Barbies and GI Joes and returned them to store shelves. Suddenly, GI Joe was chirping, in a voice uncannily like Barbie’s, “Let’s plan a great big wedding,” as well as complaining that “Math class is tough.”


It took a meta-analysis—a study of all the studies about a particular topic—to clarify the story these data were telling. Janet Hyde and colleagues conducted the meta-analysis by compiling the results from 259 mean differences in mathematical reasoning ability (Hyde, Fennema, & Lamon, 1990). These data represented 1,968,846 male participants and 2,016,836 female participants. Here’s what the researchers discovered:

Are you surprised that a small (but statistically significant) gender difference is almost completely overlapping? This is a case in which hypothesis testing alone inadvertently encouraged a profound misunderstanding (?Jacob & Eccles, 1986). Fortunately, statisticians have developed three ways to move beyond these flaws in hypothesis testing. First, we compute confidence intervals, which provide a range of plausible mean differences. Second, we calculate effect sizes, which indicate the size of differences. Finally, we estimate the statistical power of the study to be sure that we have a sufficient sample size to detect a real difference. If we discover that we don’t have enough statistical power, then we need to increase statistical power so that we can believe the results of our own study.

It is increasingly expected by journal editors that researchers will include these methods in their reports of research (Cumming, 2013; Funder et al., 2013). Moreover, researchers are increasingly complying. For example, in one major journal within the last several years, 94% of studies reported effect sizes and 40% reported confidence intervals (Odgaard & Fowler, 2010).