Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures; those followed by t indicate tables.
Abumrad, J., 105
Airy, George, 126
Ali, N., 336
Alter, A., 430
Alternative hypothesis, 110
Ampuero, J., 20
Anderson, C. L., 385
ANOVA (analysis of variance)
definition of, 276
factorial, 327
homoscedastic vs. heteroscedastic populations and, 278
notation for, 286
APA guidelines
defaults and, 62
Archibold, R. C., 470
Arcidiacono, P., 20
Ariely, D., 360
Arithmetic operations, A–
Armstrong, M. L., 56
Aron, A., 399
Aron, E. N., 399
Ashenfelter, O., 18
Ayaz, H., 321
Azim, E., 264
Bailey, D. G., 327
Baird, M., 119
Baker, P., 390
Bang, H. M., 425
Banks, J., 389
Barac, R., 319
Bardwell, W. A., 241
Barkhorn, E., 359
Barran, R., 467
Bartlett, C., 12
Bayer, P., 20
Bayramgurler, B., 467
Bell curve. See Normal curve
Bellafante, G., 210
Bellosta, S., 328
Bensinger, G., 415
Bernoulli, Daniel, 126
Bernstein, P. L., 377
Betts, N. M., 152
Bialystok, E., 319
hindsight, 430
Biased scale lie, 49
Bilton, N., 425
Bittman, Mark, 425
Blade of grass paradox, 106
Blatt, B., 121
Böckenholt, U., 200
Bok, D., 378
Boone, D. E., 181
Borsari, B., 123
Boulle, A., 153
Bowen, W. G., 378
Bradbury, T. N., 472
Brinn, D., 431
Bristol, Muriel, 158
Brody, H., 2
Brown, C. S., 271
Bruey, C., 12
Bryant, J., 24
Buchner, A., 203
Buckley, C., 105
Buckner, J. P., 44
Buekens, P., 332
Bunce, S., 321
Busseri, M. A., 320
Callahan, Shannon, 418
Canadian Mental Health Association, 341
Carbonari, R., 274
Carey, K. B., 123
Carlin, J., 200
Causation, vs. correlation, 368
Ceiling effect, 37
definition of, 139
definition of, 78
measures of
misleading use of, 86
SPSS and, 93
Chamarro, C., 474
Chance variability, 78
Chang, A., 271
Charles, C., 474
formula for, 437
for independence, 440
definition of, 432
definition of, 432
Choma, B. L., 320
Claypool, H., 359
Coefficient alpha, 377
definition of, 196
for paired-
Cokely, E. T., 48
Coleman, C. D., 42
Combined effects. See Interactions
definition of, 188
difference between means and, 258
point estimates and, 187
upper and lower bounds of, 259
Confidence levels, 188
Confounding variables, 7
Conley, C. A., 430
Control groups, 110
Cooper, M. J., 426
Cornish, D. L., 390
definition of, 364
illusory, 105
SPSS and, 380
vs. causation, 368
definition of, 364
magnitude of, 412
in prediction, 394
proportionate reduction in error and, 411
Corsi, A., 18
Corsini, A., 328
Coulson, M., 191
Cox, R. H., 360
Craik, F., 321
Cranor, L. F., 182
Critical region, 168
Critical values (cutoffs)
Cronbach’s alpha, 377
Cucchiara, A. J., 475
Cuddihy, L., 11
Cupples, A., 423
Cutoffs. See Critical values (cutoffs)
Dahl, A. A., 17
Darlin, D., 415
Darwin, Charles, 407
Davis, C. M., 270
De Moivre, Abraham, 126
De Morgan, Augustus, 126
Dean, G., 122
Decker, B. P., 358
Deen, J. L., 20
Defaults, for graphs, 62
for chi-
for chi-
definition of, 219
formulas for. See Formula(s), for degrees of freedom
for independent-
for one-
for one-
for two-
Delucchi, K. L., 434
Deming, W. Edwards, 78
DeVellis, R. F., 376
squared, 89
standard. See Standard deviation
Diamond, M., 48
Difference between means, confidence intervals and, 258
Dinger, M. K., 214
comparison, 168, 251t. See also Distribution of differences between means; Distribution of mean differences; Distribution of means
multimodal, 84f, 835
unimodal, 83
spread of. See Standard error
Ditto, P. H., 361
Donahue, W. M., 360
Doros, G., 390
Dorrington, R. E., 153
Dresser, G. K., 327
Ducks, 61
Duggan, M., 122
Dunn, C., 152
Ebbesen, E., 447
definition of, 194
for one-
for paired-
proportionate reduction in error and, 408
Effect sizes, Cohen’s conventions for, 262t
Eiser, C., 269
Ellison, N. B., 394
Ensign, W. Y., 241
Equation(s). See also Formula(s)
Erdfelder, E., 203
η2 (eta squared), 294
Excel, for graph creation, G–
Experiment(s). See also under Research
definition of, 11
Experimental groups, 110
External validity, 102
Extrapolation lie, 50
F distributions
F statistic
definition of, 276
calculation of, 276
vs. t table, 277
Fackler, M., 183
Factorial ANOVA, 327
Factors, 327
Fallow, G. O., 72
Faul, F., 203
Federmeier, K. D., 430
Feng, J., 12
Fennema, E., 187
Fidler, F., 191
Fields, D. A., 214
Figures. See Graphs
Finkelsteine, S., 361
Fishbach, A., 361
Fisher, A., 243
Fisher, R. A., 158
Fleisher, B. M., 470
Floor effect, 36
Fong, K. N. K., 475
for between-
for chi-
for independent-
for paired-
for single-
for confidence intervals
for paired-
for single-
with z distribution, 190
for Cramer’s V, 443
for degrees of freedom
for chi-
for chi-
for independent-
for single-
for two-
for distribution of differences between means, 255
for effect size
for one-
for one-
for expected frequencies, for chi-
for grand mean, 287
for harmonic mean, 296
for Mann-
for pooled variance, 254
for probability, 107
for proportionate reduction in error, 411
for Spearman rank-
for standard deviation, 90
of distribution of differences between means, 255
estimated from sample, 215
estimated from sample, 217
for standardized regression coefficient, 402
standardized regression equation, 396
for sum of squares
for t statistic, 218
for single-
for variance, 90
of distribution of differences between means, 255
Fosse, E., 244
Fox, J. R., 316
definition of, 25
SPSS and, 38
definition of, 25
SPSS and, 38–39
Friedler, Shevach, 431
Friendly, Michael, 48
Funder, D. C., 187
Gailliot, M. T., 60
Galinksy, A. D., 360
Gallagher, M. W., 63
Gallagher, R. P., 145
Garb, H. N., 8
Gaspar, J. G., 274
Geier, A. B., 390
Generalizability, 102
Gentile, D. A., 11
Geographic information systems, 63
Georgiou, C. C., 152
Gilbreth, F., 100
Gilbreth, L., 100
Gill, G., 48
Golan, R., 270
Goldenberg, D., 43
Golder, S. A., 54
Gonnerman, Jr., M. E., 390
Gordon, A. M., 385
Gossett, W. S., 139
Graepel, T., 388
creating with Excel, G–
extrapolation and, 50
faults for, 62
geographic information systems and, 63
vs. bar graphs, 336
selection of, 59
time plots, 54
Grids, 61
Grimberg, A., 475
Griner, D., 210
Gross, N., 244
Gulen, H., 426
Hannan, M. T., 423
Harding, Kate, 469
Hardy, Q., 97
Harmonic mean, 296
Harris, R. J., 12
Harton, H. C., 358
Harville, E., 332
Hashimoto, M., 470
Hatfield, E., 389
Haug, T. T., 17
Hays, W. L., 345
Healey, J. R., 387
Healey, M., 191
Healy, J., 24
Heatherton, T. F., 227
Hendriks, T., 321
Hershfield, H. E., 425
Herszenhorn, D. M., 376
Heteroscedastic populations, 278
Heyman, J., 360
Highfield, R., 121
Hindsight bias, 430
Hinton, P. S., 360
Hizmo, A., 20
Hockenbury, D. H., 208
Hockenbury, S. E., 208
Hoerr, S. L., 152
Hoffmann, C. J., 153
Holiday, A., 386
Hollon, S. D., 293
Homogeneity of variance, 278
Homoscedastic populations, 278
Honegger, S. D., 70
Hoxby, C., 211
Hugenberg, K., 359
Hull, H. R., 214
Huwe, J. M., 72
alternative, 110
development of, 110
nondirectional, 172
notation for, 172
notation for, 172
robust, 167
robust, 167
ANOVA in. See ANOVA (analysis of variance)
definition of, 9
nonparametric tests in, 167
null hypothesis in, 168
p levels (alphas) in, 168
parametric tests in, 167
research hypothesis in, 168
robust tests in, 167
SPSS and, 176
statistical significance in, 168
Type I errors and, 113
Illusory correlation, 105
IMD International, 451
Independence, probability and, 108
Independent trials, 108
definition of, 248
pooled variance and, 254
Indiana University Media Relations, 316
Izzetoglu, K., 321
Jacobs, T., 57
Jefferson, A. D., 270
Jo, B., 264
Johnson, L. F., 153
Johnson, W. B., 72
Joiner, T. E., 227
Kaczmarski, H., 274
Karahalli, E., 467
Karney, B. R., 472
Keim, K., 152
Keiser, O., 153
Kell, H. J., 473
Kelly, I. W., 122
Keltner, D., 385
Kennedy, S. H., 197
Kida, T., 430
Kiel, D. P., 423
Klonsky, J., 11
Koch, C., 72
Koch, J. R., 56
Koehler, J. J., 430
Kominski, R., 42
Kosinski, M., 388
Krahé, B., 13
Kramer, A. F., 274
Krulwich, R., 105
Kuck, V. J., 44
Kuo, C., 182
Kuper, S., 25
Kutikov, J. K., 475
Lam, R. W., 197
Lambert, J., 75
Lamon, S. J., 187
Lampe, C., 394
Landrum, E., 277
Lauer, J. B., 380
Lavner, J. A., 472
Law of large numbers, 108
Lee, Y. T., 44
Lee, Y.-J., 364
Leibbrandt, A., 470
Leung, D. P. K., 475
Levels, 7
Levine, J. M., 187
Lilienfeld, S. O., 8
vs. bar graphs, 336
Linear regression. See Regression
Linear relationship, 53
List, J. A., 470
Lloyd, C., 471
Loeb, S., 97
Longitudinal studies, 13
Lopez, D. L., 361
Lopez, J. J., 63
Loschelder, D. D., 360
Lower bound, of confidence interval, 259
Lubinski, D., 473
Lucas, M. E. S., 20
Luo, L., 321
Lutz, G. M., 390
Lynch, P. J., 11
Ma, J., 244
Mackie, D. M., 187
Macy, M. W., 54
Major, D., 270
Maks, S. P., 432
Malpass, R. S., 447
Maner, J. K., 60
Markoff, J., 63
Markowitz, J. C., 293
Marmot, M., 389
Marzabadi, C. H., 44
Massey, A., 385
Mathewson, K., 274
Mayer, J., 214
Mazer, J. P., 319
McCann, A., 83
McCollum, J. F., 24
McGivern, J. L., 70
McNeil, G. D., 385
McShane, B. B., 200
definition of, 79
harmonic, 296
as point estimates, 187
visual representations of, 80
vs. median, 85
when to use, 85
Mean squares, 89
Mecklenburg, S. H., 447
definition of, 81
vs. mean, 85
Medvec, V. H., 74
Mehl, M. R., 268
Menon, V., 264
Merrell, R., 11
Metzner, B. S., 380
Meyer, Urban, 432
Milczarski, W., 469
Miller, D. T., 358
Miller, J., 359
Miller, S. L., 60
Mills, P. J., 241
Mitchell, P., 327
Mobbs, D., 264
calculation of, 93
Möller, I., 13
Morf, C. C., 187
Morita, K., 423
Mossong, J., 153
definition of, 413
in everyday life, 415
Munro, G., 123
Munro, J., 123
Murphy, K. R., 199
Murphy, R. E., 319
Mykletun, A., 17
Myors, B., 199
Nail, P. R., 358
Neighbors, L., 243
Newman, Andy, 385
Nezworski, M. T., 8
Ng, A. K. Y., 475
Nicol, Adelheid, 48
Nondirectional hypothesis, 172
definition of, 126
assumption of, 167
standard, 135
Notation, A–
for ANOVA, 286
capitalization in, 81
italics in, 81
for null hypothesis, 172
for Pearson correlation coefficient, 369
for research hypothesis, 172
for standard error, 143
Nouven, T. T., 214
notation for, 172
Numbeo, 241
Nunnally, J. C., 376
Nunziata, R., 42
Oberst, U., 474
O’Doherty, J., 250
Ogbu, J. U., 208
Oldfield, Z., 389
Onaral, B., 321
O’Neil, P. M., 214
definition of, 277
notation for, 286
effect size (R2) for, 294
Ord, T., 20
Order of operations, A–
Orthogonal variables, 413
Outcome, 107
Ovtchinnikov, A. V., 426
Owens, D., 56
Cohen’s d for, 234
definition of, 227
effect size for, 234
SPSS and, 236
Palazzo, D. J., 364
Paller, K. A., 430
Paneth, N., 2
Paoletti, R., 328
Parametric tests, 167
definition of, 369
notation for, 369
Peebles, D., 336
Pennebaker, J. W., 268
vs. probability, 107
Personal probability, 106
Peters, P. K., 152
Pexman, Penny, 48
Pinto, J. N., 322
Plassmann, H., 250
Point estimates, 187
Pooled standard deviation, 261
Popkin, S. J., 269
Population, 3
heteroscedastic, 278
homoscedastic, 278
standard deviation of
variance of, 89. See also Variance
vs. sample, 3
Postman, N., 25
Power. See Statistical power
Pratt, J., 12
correlation coefficient in, 394
regression in. See Regression
vs. relation, 395
Press, E., 471
Pressman, S. D., 63
Pritchard, D. E., 364
calculation of, 117
definition of, 106
formula for, 107
independence and, 108
personal, 106
SPSS and, 116
vs. percentage, 107
vs. proportion, 107
Proportionate reduction in error
for multiple regression, 415
Proportions, A–
Psychometricians, 376
Puri, M., 20
q table
for within-
Qiao, N., 423
Quaranta, A., 321
Quinn, D. M., 14
R2. See also Effect size
definition of, 294
for one-
r2 (proportionate reduction in error), 411
Rachman, S., 2
Radley, D., 214
Rajecki, D. W., 380
Ralston, M., 390
Random numbers generator, 101
assumption of, 167
Rangel, A., 250
Rating scales, biased, 49
Ratner, R. K., 358
Raw scores
definition of, 25
benefits of, 395
limitations of, 406
definition of, 395
with raw scores, 419
SPSS and, 418
Regression equation
standardized, 396
Reiss, A. L., 264
Replication, 102
Research designs
with nominal independent and dependent variables, 430t. See also Chi-
with scale independent and dependent variables, 430t
notation for, 172
Reynolds, G., 385
Richards, S. E., 471
Riela, S., 270
Rip, M., 2
Roach, William, 158
Roberts, A. E., 56
Roberts, S. B., 214
Robust hypothesis tests, 167
Rockwell, P., 431
Romanosky, S., 182
Rosario, F., 106
Rosenberg, T., 20
Rosenthal, R., 197
Rosser, J. C., 11
Rouby, D. A., 60
Rozin, P., 390
Rubin, D. C., 269
Ruby, C., 317
Ryan, E. G., 18
Sadava, S. W., 320
definition of, 3
estimation of standard error from, 217
variance of, 89. See also Variance
volunteer, 102
vs. population, 3
calculation of, 216
Sample size
with replacement, 140
SPSS and, 116
Sandhofer, C. M., 271
Schaller, B., 385
Schmidt, M. E., 24
Schomaker, M., 153
Scores. See Raw scores; z score(s)
Sebring, N. G. A., 214
Sherman, J. D., 70
Shewokis, P. A., 321
Shiv, B., 250
Silver, N., 83
Simonds, C. J., 319
Simple linear regression. See Regression, simple linear
definition of, 219
SPSS and, 236
Siniscalchi, M., 321
Slatcher, R. B., 268
Smith, J. P., 389
Smith, T. B., 210
Sneaky sample lie, 49
Sobal, J., 243
Social capital, 394
Source tables
definition of, 285
for one-
Sovik, K. N., 214
Spence, I., 12
Spencer, S. J., 14
Spread. See Standard deviation; Standard error
Sprecher, S., 389
SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)
central tendency, 93
correlation, 380
Data View, 15
frequency tables, 38–39
histograms, 39
hypothesis testing, 176
probability, 116
regression, 418
sampling, 116
scale variables, 15
variability, 93
Variable View, 15
z tests, 176
Squared deviations, 89
mean of. See Standard deviation
Stampone, E., 6
Standard deviation, 90
definition of, 90
pooled, 261
of population
definition of, 143
notation for, 143
z scores and, 145
Standard normal distribution, 135
need for, 130
Standardized regression equation, 396
definition of, 80
Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. See SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences)
definition of, 198
Statistical prediction
correlation coefficient in, 394
vs. relation, 395
Statistical significance, 168
practical importance of, 193
Statistical tests. See Test(s)
misuse of, 48–50
parametric, 167
Steele, C. M., 14
Steele, J. P., 322
Steinfeld, C., 394
Steinman, Gary, 460
Stellar, J. E., 385
Stewart, B., 152
Stillwell, D., 388
Stone, M., 48
Street, W. N., 274
Success, 107
Sutherland, A., 106
Swabb, R. I., 360
Symbolic notation. See Notation
Szymanski, S., 25
in calculating t statistic, 218
t statistic
calculation of, 218
definition of, 218
for independent-
vs. F table, 277
t tests. See also Independent-
comparison distributions for, 251t
F table as, 277
selection of, 251t
Type I errors with, 275
Tal, A., 271
Talarico, J. M., 269
Taylor, G. M., 270
parametric, 167
selecting, E–
Test statistic
F. See F statistic
t. See t statistic
z. See z statistic
Thase, M. E., 293
Thomas, T. R., 360
Time plot, 54
Time series plot, 54
Total degrees of freedom
for one-
for two-
Total sum of squares
Trials. See also Experiment(s)
definition of, 107
outcome of, 107
success of, 107
Trötschel, R., 360
Tuckel, P., 469
Tucker, K. L., 423
Turner, S., 211
Tversky, A., 430
Tversky, B., 336
SPSS and, 353
definition of, 327
factorial, 327
mixed design, 327
Type I errors, 113
with t tests, 275
Unimodal distribution, 83
Unutmaz, S., 467
Upper bound, of confidence interval, 259
Upton, P., 269
Usher, A., 75
Uskul, T. B., 467
external, 102
Vallone, R., 430
Vallortigara, G., 321
Vandewater, E. A., 24
Vann Ittersum, K., 272
chance, 78
definition of, 87
SPSS and, 93
correlation between, 10
definition of, 4
levels of, 7
orthogonal, 413
reliability of, 8
single unknown, solving equations with, A–
validity of, 8
calculation of, 101
homogeneity of, 278
square root of. See Standard deviation
Ventuneac, A. M., 270
Visual displays. See Graphs
Vohs, K. D., 227
Voichick, J., 152
Volunteer sample, 102
Von Seidlein, L., 20
Voss, J. L., 430
Wang, X., 20
Ward, M., 182
Warnakulasooriya, R., 364
Waters, Alice, 271
Weber, E. U., 425
Weinberg, B. A., 470
West, S. G., 187
Wiley, J., 270
Willems, B., 321
Windsor, M. B., 274
Wolff, A., 413
Wood, J. M., 8
Woodley, W., 269
Word, D. L., 42
World Health Organization, 341
Xiong, X., 332
Yanovski, J. A., 214
Yanovski, S. Z., 214
Yilmaz, A., 467
York, B. N., 97
z distribution(s), 135
based on mean of sample, 145
definition of, 130
estimation of, 133
standard error and, 145
usefulness of, 137
SPSS and, 176
Zacks, J., 336
Zarate, C. A., 124
Zheng, T., 4