Purpose and Goals

Chapter 8. Cumulative Nutrition

Nutrition for a Changing World
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.

Cumulative Nutrition

Photo Credit: Sarycheva Olesia/Shutterstock


Despite the many misconceptions surrounding public knowledge of nutrition, there is no single solution for healthy eating. A complete and nutritious diet requires paying attention to all aspects of your diet, including food groups, carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, vitamins, and minerals, as well as your physical activity.

This activity can be completed using the USDA’s SuperTracker Food Tracker tool or any dietary analysis software. To complete the activity using SuperTracker, go to the SuperTracker website. If you do not already have a profile, click ‘Create Profile’ at the top right of the page and follow the instructions.

This will allow you to save your information for future use. After you have created your profile, select ‘Track Food & Activity’ at the top of the page and click ‘Food Tracker’ in the drop-down menu. Record your food and beverage intake for three days that most reflect your typical eating patterns. Enter each food and beverage you have consumed into the Food Tracker. You will also need to track your physical activity. In the “Track Food & Activity” menu, select the “Physical Activity Tracker”, and enter in your physical activity for one week.

Once you have entered all of your food and beverage choices into the food tracker, select ‘My Reports’ from the navigation bar at the top of the page. You will need to use the Nutrients Report, the Food Groups & Calories Report, and the Physical Activity Report for this activity.

For more instructions and help using the SuperTracker website, please visit the help page. If you have not used SuperTracker before, please complete the SuperTracker tutorial activity.

Use the Food Groups & Calories Report to find your data and enter it into the two grids below using only numerical values and decimal points.
Food Group Target Eaten
Grains (ounces)
Whole Grains (ounces)
Refined Grains (ounces)
Vegetables (cups)
Fruit (cups)
Dairy (cups)
Protein Foods (ounces)
Oils (teaspoons)

Calories Allowance Eaten
Total Calories
Empty Calories

Use the Nutrients Report to find your data and enter it into the grids below.
Nutrient Average Eaten (%) Average Eaten (g)
Carbohydrates Average Eaten (g)
Total Sugars
Added Sugars
Fats Average Eaten
(% Calories)
Total Fat
Saturated Fat
Polyunsaturated Fat
Monounsaturated Fat

To calculate the percent of the target that you ate, divide your Average Eaten value by the Target value and multiply by 100.
Minerals Target Average Eaten Percent of Target Eaten
Calcium (mg)
Potassium (mg)
Sodium (mg)
Copper (µg)
Iron (mg)
Magnesium (mg)
Phosphorus (mg)
Selenium (μg)
Zinc (mg)

To calculate the percent of the target that you ate, divide your Average Eaten value by the Target value and multiply by 100.
Vitamins Target Average Eaten Percent of Target Eaten
Vitamin A (μg)
Vitamin B6 (mg)
Vitamin B12 (μg)
Vitamin C (mg)
Vitamin D (μg)
Vitamin E (mg)
Vitamin K (μg)
Folate (μg)
Thiamin (mg)
Riboflavin (mg)
Niacin (mg)

Use the Physical Activity Report to fill in your information in the two grids below. If a pink border appears around your entry, you have entered text that cannot be submitted, such as letters or special characters.
Activity Target Actual
Weekly Aerobic Activity (MIE)
Muscle Strengthening Activity (Days)
Your weight (lbs)

Food Group Target Eaten
Grains (ounces) A1 A2
Whole Grains (ounces) B1 B2
Refined Grains (ounces) C1 C2
Vegetables (cups) D1 D2
Fruit (cups) E1 E2
Dairy (cups) F1 F2
Protein Foods (ounces) G1 G2
Oils (teaspoons) H1 H2
Calories Allowance Eaten
Total Calories ZZ1 ZZ2
Empty Calories YY1 YY2
Nutrient Average Eaten (%) Average Eaten (g)
Protein I1 I2
Carbohydrate J1 J2
Carbohydrates Average Eaten (g)
Fiber K1
Total Sugars L2
Added Sugars M3
Fats Average Eaten
(% Calories)
Total Fat N1
Saturated Fat O2
Polyunsaturated Fat P3
Monounsaturated Fat Q4
Minerals Target Average Eaten Percent of Target Eaten
Calcium (mg) R1 R2 R3
Potassium (mg) S1 S2 S3
Sodium (mg) T1 T2 T3
Copper (mg) U1 U2 U3
Iron (mg) V1 V2 V3
Magnesium (mg) W1 W2 W3
Phosphorus (mg) X1 X2 X3
Selenium (μg) Y1 Y2 Y3
Zinc (mg) Z1 Z2 Z3
Vitamins Target Average Eaten Percent of Target Eaten
Vitamin A (μg) AA1 AA2
Vitamin B6 (mg) BB1 BB2
Vitamin B12 (μg) CC1 CC2
Vitamin C (mg) DD1 DD2
Vitamin D (μg) EE1 EE2
Vitamin E (mg) FF1 FF2
Vitamin K (μg) GG1 GG2
Folate (μg) HH1 HH2
Thiamin (mg) II1 II2
Riboflavin (mg) JJ1 JJ2
Niacin (mg) KK1 KK2
Activity Target Actual
Weekly Aerobic Activity (MIE) LL1 LL2
Muscle Strengthening Activity (Days) MM1 MM2
Your weight (lbs) LBS1
1 of 80

Question 1

For each food group, identify whether you consumed under the target or on/over the target.



Select the correct answer.

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