Activity Part 1
Log onto the USDA website, On the top of the home page, you will see the heading “Super Tracker and other tools”. Click this link. You will need to create a profile for yourself to get a personalized diet plan. This profile will allow you to save your information and diet intake for future reference. Do not use the general plan. Click the track food and activity option.
Record your food and beverage intake for one day that most reflects your typical eating patterns. Enter each food and beverage you consumed into the food tracker. Note that there may not always be an exact match to the food or beverage that you consumed, so select the best match available.Once you have entered all of your food and beverage choices into the food tracker, on the right side of the page under the bar graph, you will see: Related Links: Nutrient Intake Report. Print this report and use it to answer the question on the next tab.
Sample sample of links.
What percentage of dietary fat did you consume? Is this within the 20-35% recommended?
What percentage of saturated fat did you consume? Is it over 10%?
What percentage of saturated fat did you consume? Is it over 145%?
Activity results are being submitted...