Chapter 1: Matching Quiz

Complete the exercise below by matching the key term to the appropriate definition.


organizational communication
multicultural management
new social contract
communication network
quality of life
A habitual way of seeing the world that is unique to each individual.
Using labor outside of a company’s home country as a way to reduce costs.
The illegal trade of human beings across borders.
A form of communication technology that integrates information software with biological processes.
Relationships with trusted co-workers characterized by quick, verbal communication.
The interaction required to direct a group toward a set of common goals.
The overall satisfaction with one’s work experience in the context of other life experiences, constraints, and aspirations.
A different kind of employment relationship, wherein “job security” is fleeting and tied expressly to whether one’s skills fit the organization’s needs at that time.
The ability to adapt one’s leadership style to make the most of pervasive cultural differences among a diverse employee population.
The closer integration of countries and peoples thanks in part to reduced transportation costs and barriers to trade.