Greek Yogurt vs. Original Yogurt

[[Patterns 13e_e-Reading for Comparison and Contrast]]

Diane Yang

Diane Yang is a Taiwanese-born designer whose work includes logos, branding, graphics, and web design. She is currently a student at the Maryland Institute College of Art in Baltimore.


[infographic goes here]


Examine “Greek Yogurt vs. Original Yogurt,” and respond to the following questions.


Question 10.1

What percentage of Americans eat yogurt on a daily basis, according to the infographic?

Question 10.2

What process gives Greek yogurt a tangier taste than regular yogurt?

Purpose and Audience

Question 10.3

What is the purpose of this infographic?

Question 10.4

What is the intended audience for this infographic?


Question 10.5

How does the writer use images, icons, and the general design of the infographic to reinforce the comparison-and-contrast pattern? Point to specific examples.

Question 10.6

How easy was this infographic for you to understand? Which elements seemed especially inventive and clear? Are there places where the graphics or data could be clarified for easier comprehension?

Writing Workshop

Question 10.7

Do you eat yogurt, either Greek or “original”? Do you prefer one to the other? Write a comparison-and-contrast essay explaining your preference.

Question 10.8

This infographic compares and contrasts two common variations of the same food (yogurt). Choose another food with two major variations; then, write an informative comparison-and-contrast essay explaining the similarities and differences.