Chapter 10 In Your Everyday Life

Answering these questions will help you make these concepts more personally meaningful, and therefore more memorable.

  1. In what ways have you experienced the stress adaptation phases of alarm, resistance, and exhaustion in your life as a student?

  2. Do you think you are Type A, Type B, or somewhere in between? In what ways has this been helpful to you, and in what ways has this been a challenge?

  3. Can you remember a time when you felt better after discussing a problem with a loved one, or even after playing with your pet? How did it help you to cope?

  4. What strategies have you used to cope with stress in your own life? How well are they working? What other strategies could you try?

  5. How much control do you feel you have over your life? What changes could you make to increase your sense of control?

  6. Were you surprised by any of the findings related to happiness? What things might you change in your life to increase your own happiness?

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