Chapter 13 In Your Everyday Life


Answering these questions will help you make these concepts more personally meaningful, and therefore more memorable.

  1. Can you recall a fear that you have learned? What role, if any, was played by fear conditioning or by observational learning?

  2. Psychoactive drugs such as alcohol, heroin, and methamphetamine all bring pleasure followed by discomfort or depression when the substance wears off. Knowing this, what strategies do you think might keep young teens from abusing substances?

  3. Has student life ever made you feel anxious or depressed? What advice would you have for new students?

  4. Can you think of a time when feeling depressed actually helped you in some way? Did you re-evaluate your situation or make new plans for the future?

  5. Now that you know more about schizophrenia, do you think the media accurately portray the behavior of people with this disorder? Why or why not?

  6. As his fans already know, comedian and TV personality Howie Mandel suffers from obsessive-compulsive disorder and a severe germ phobia. How do you think being labeled has helped or hurt Mandel?

  7. Dissociative identity disorder is rare, but feeling like a “different person” at times is common. Can you recall ever feeling like a “different person” because of the situation you were in? What was that like?

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