Chapter 4 In Your Everyday Life


Answering these questions will help you make these concepts more personally meaningful, and therefore more memorable.

  1. How gender-typed are you? What has influenced your feelings of masculinity, femininity, or some combination of the two?

  2. What strategy might be effective for reducing teen pregnancy?

  3. Surveys show that about 40 percent of Americans believe society should not accept same-sex marriages. Yet, acceptance of nonheterosexual orientation is increasing, especially among young people. Why do you think so many Americans disapprove of same-sex relationships? And why do you think support for same-sex relationships has increased?

  4. Has reading about the causes of sexual orientation influenced your views? If so, in what ways?

  5. What do you think about the evolutionary perspective on sexual behavior? To what extent do you think genetics affect our sexual behavior?

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