Answering these questions will help you make these concepts more personally meaningful, and therefore more memorable.
How often do you satisfy what Maslow called “self-
Does boredom ever motivate you to do things just to figure out something new? When was the last time that happened, and what did you find?
Do you usually eat only when your body sends hunger signals? How much does the sight or smell of delicious food tempt you even when you’re full?
Have you or a loved one ever tried unsuccessfully to lose weight? What happened? What weight-
Do your connections on social media increase your sense of belonging? At busy times, what strategies do you use to maintain balance and focus?
Can you remember a time when you began to feel upset or uneasy and only later labeled those feelings? What was that like?
Can you think of a recent time when you noticed your body’s reactions to a stressful experience? How did you interpret the situation? What emotion did you feel?
Imagine one situation in which you would like to change the way you feel. How could you do so by altering your facial expressions or the way you carry yourself?
Use to create your personalized study plan, which will direct you to the resources that will help you most in .