1.19: On the road to biological literacy: what are the major themes in biology?

Although the diversity of life on earth is tremendous, the study of life is unified by the themes of hierarchical organization and the power of evolution.


When I was a student, one of my professors had a policy of allowing students to bring a single 8½" × 11" sheet of paper into our exams. We were allowed to write whatever we wanted on this page beforehand and use it during the exam. I spent hours trying to distill the course material to its essential ideas and information. I mastered the art of tiny writing. And I was always very proud of the summary documents that I crafted.

It was with those little “cheat-sheets” in mind that I created the “Review & Rehear se” R&R guides. Please understand that they are not meant to be a replacement for the chapter itself. Rather, they are a prompt, to help you recall, review, and contemplate the most important material from the chapter after you have spent time reading and studying it. I hope they help you!

–Jay Phelan