2.19: Enzymes regulate reactions in several ways (but malformed enzymes can cause problems).

If not for enzymes, it is possible that nothing would ever get done. At least not in living organisms. Enzymes don’t alter the outcome of reactions, but without the chemical “nudge” they supply—often increasing reaction rates to millions of times their uncatalyzed rate—the processes necessary to sustain life could not occur.

The rate at which an enzyme catalyzes a reaction is influenced by several chemical and physical factors (FIGURE 2-43). These include:

Figure 2.43: Getting the job done. Enzyme activity is influenced by physical factors such as temperature and pH and by chemical factors such as enzyme and substrate concentrations.


Just as a molecule can bind to an enzyme and inhibit the enzyme’s activity, so can some cellular chemicals act as activators. Instead of their binding to the enzyme “turning it off,” their binding to the enzyme “turns it on,” altering the enzyme’s shape or structure so that it can now catalyze a reaction.

Sometimes a cell produces a protein “word” that is misspelled—that is, the sequence of amino acids is incorrect. If an enzyme is altered even slightly, the active site may change and the enzyme will no longer function (FIGURE 2-44). Slightly modified, non-functioning enzymes are responsible for a large number of diseases and physiological problems (see Section 5-9). An example is the body’s inability to break down the amino acid phenylalanine (in a condition known as phenylketonuria).

Figure 2.44: When a protein is “misspelled.”


Question 2.12

Why do some adults get sick when they drink milk?

One health issue influenced by enzyme function is the condition called lactose intolerance. Normally, during digestion, the lactose in milk is broken down into its component parts, glucose and galactose (see Figure 2-42). These simple sugars are then used for energy. But some people, when they become adults, are unable to break the bond linking the two simple sugars because they no longer produce the enzyme lactase that assists in this process. Consequently, any lactose in their diet passes through their stomach and small intestine undigested. Then, when it reaches the large intestine, bacteria living there consume the lactose. The problem is that, as the bacteria break down the lactose, they produce some carbon dioxide and other gases. These gases are trapped in the intestine and lead to severe discomfort. Interestingly, in regions of the world with long traditions of pastoralism (raising and consuming livestock), lactose intolerance is much rarer than in other parts of the world. Only about 10% of people from Denmark or Sweden have lactose intolerance, but among people from China, which has historically been largely non-pastoral, the vast majority of adults (more than 80% according to numerous published studies) are lactose intolerant.

The unpleasant symptoms of lactose intolerance can be avoided by not consuming milk, cheese, yogurt, ice cream, or any other dairy products, but they can also be avoided by taking a pill containing the enzyme lactase. It doesn’t matter how the enzyme gets into your digestive system; as long as it’s there, the lactose in the milk can be broken down.


Enzyme activity is influenced by physical factors such as temperature and pH, as well as by chemical factors, including enzyme and substrate concentrations. Inhibitors and activators are chemicals that bind to enzymes and, by blocking the active site or altering the shape or structure of the enzyme, can change the rate at which the enzyme catalyzes reactions.

Discuss the various factors that influence the rate of enzymatic reactions. Explain what can happen if an enzyme is altered even slightly.