3.13–3.22: Nine important landmarks distinguish eukaryotic cells.

Specialized structures in cells perform specific life-sustaining functions.


Question 3.29

Which of the following organelles is not present in animal cells?

  • a) lysosome
  • b) Golgi apparatus
  • c) rough endoplasmic reticulum
  • d) mitochondrion
  • e) chloroplast

Question 3.30

Given that a cell’s structure reflects its function, what function would you predict for a cell with a large Golgi apparatus?

  • a) movement
  • b) secretion of digestive enzymes
  • c) transport of chemical signals
  • d) rapid replication of genetic material and coordination of cell division
  • e) attachment to bone tissue

Question 3.31

Cell walls:

  • a) occur only in plant cells.
  • b) are not completely solid, having many small pores.
  • c) confer less structural support than the plasma membrane.
  • d) dissolve when a plant dies.
  • e) are made primarily from phospholipids.

Question 3.32

Which of the following organelles is not found in both plant and animal cells?

  • a) nucleus
  • b) rough endoplasmic reticulum
  • c) mitochondrion
  • d) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
  • e) central vacuole

Question 3.33

In plant cells, chloroplasts:

  • a) serve the same purpose that mitochondria serve in animal cells.
  • b) are the site of conversion of light energy into chemical energy.
  • c) play an important role in the breakdown of plant toxins.
  • d) have their own linear strands of DNA.
  • e) Both b) and d) are correct.