In science, when do we need to think outside the box?
Phenomena in the natural world don’t always give up their secrets easily. When trying to better understand some process in nature, applying a new experimental technique occasionally allows a breakthrough. Other times, it may be the discovery of new or unexpected evidence that provides the breakthrough. But sometimes progress requires a more radical approach and thinking outside the box.
Researchers have been questioning some of the most basic assumptions about life’s origin on earth, as described in the first two sections of this chapter. For example, the most widely held view is that life on earth emerged from a particular type of environment, one that was warm or hot and was wet—
But what if icy baths, not warm ponds, were the “incubator” of life?
That’s thinking outside the box. And the researchers suggesting this idea have provided some intriguing evidence and proposed some clever ideas to support it. Their ideas build upon the broad consensus about the most important physical and chemical requirements for the initial generation of self-
Chemical requirement 1 Precursor molecules need to last a while and need to come in contact with each other.
Conventional assumption: In living cells today, compartments make this duration and closeness of contact possible. But before life appeared on earth, under warm, wet conditions, some sort of chambers or microspheres may have spontaneously formed and served this purpose.
Novel approach: It turns out that, as water freezes, tiny compartments form within the ice. On early earth, low temperature may have slowed the degradation of any precursor molecules—
Chemical requirement 2 Precursor molecules need to exhibit catalytic properties.
Conventional assumption: At warm or hot temperatures—
Novel approach: Although reactions usually slow down as the temperature drops, some actually speed up. As water freezes, the ice crystals form only from pure water. If there are any impurities present—
Is it even feasible that ice was present on early earth and precursor molecules could have formed in it?
Intriguing observations and evidence Researchers have carried out experiments in which they prepare—
And recent evaluations of glacier-
Has exploration of the plausibility of ice as the initial medium of RNA replication answered the questions about how life on earth originated?
There is still plenty of skepticism about the idea that the primordial soup was a cold soup. Many researchers suspect that reported evidence of RNA chains forming under freezing temperatures may reflect accidental contamination, or that the chains actually formed during the thawing-
As a case study of scientific thinking in action, though, this example illuminates the importance of evaluating the assumptions underlying our hypotheses. And we get a glimpse of how a fresh perspective can remove constraints that might limit our ability to see solutions to problems.
Is there any value to false starts (and even dead ends) encountered in research investigations?
Keeping an open mind is more important than rigidly holding onto an idea. Observations and evidence must take the central role in guiding our interpretations and understanding of natural processes.
As researchers investigate how life on earth might have originated, some are questioning the long-
Describe how scientific thinking is helping researchers develop and test new hypotheses regarding the origins of life.
Researchers have applied critical thinking to question some of the most basic hypotheses about life’s origins. Specifically, some researchers are exploring the idea that ice may have been the incubator of the first life on earth rather than Darwin’s “warm little pond.”