Review the information provided in the graph to answer each question below.
After submitting your answer, you will be provided feedback to check if your response is correct.
(This activity contains 7 questions.)
1. What does the green portion of the pie chart represent? What does the blue portion represent? What does the “whole pie” represent?
2. Why are there two pie charts?
3. What can you conclude from this figure?
4. What might be an alternative explanation (other than bias against female scientists) for the phenomenon shown here?
5. How big was the increase in number of papers published with a female first author following the institution of a double-blind review policy?
6. Why isn’t the percentage of papers published with a female first author 50%, even after the new review policy? Is that cause for concern? What data would help you to answer that question?
7. Do these graphs prove a general bias against female scientists?
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