Review the information provided in the graph to answer each question below.
After submitting your answer, you will be provided feedback to check if your response is correct.
(This activity contains 7 questions.)
1. What is the take-home message of this graph?
2. What does the asterisk above the two bars for “Qualified trainees” signify? Does the lack of an asterisk above the other two pairs of bars have any significance?
3. Prior to this study, an alternative explanation for taxi drivers having a larger posterior hippocampus was proposed. What was that hypothesis? What evidence is supplied by this graph relevant to that hypothesis?
4. Each participant in the study was measured at two points in time. What differed between the two time periods?
5. What can you learn from later measurements of the same cab drivers that you could not determine from a comparison of cab drivers versus non-cab drivers?
6. The y-axis is labeled “gray matter intensity.” Why do you think that measure is used rather than “number of brain cells”?
7. The blue bars (Time 1) for each of the three groups are all the same height. What does this tell us?
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