Chapter 5. 5·15–5·18 Biotechnology has the potential for improving human health...

Show What You Know

Show What You Know - Self Quiz
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.


Check your understanding of concepts from 5·15–5·18 Biotechnology has the potential for improving human health (and criminal justice) by answering the following questions.

Question 5.1

Correct! (See section 5·15 The treatment of diseases and production of medicines are improved with biotechnology.)
Incorrect. (See section 5·15 The treatment of diseases and production of medicines are improved with biotechnology.)

Question 5.2

Correct! (See section 5·18 DNA is an individual identifier: the uses and abuses of DNA fingerprinting.)
Incorrect. (See section 5·18 DNA is an individual identifier: the uses and abuses of DNA fingerprinting.)

Question 5.3

Correct! (See section 5·16 Gene therapy: biotechnology can help diagnose and prevent diseases, but has had limited success in curing them.)
Incorrect. (See section 5·16 Gene therapy: biotechnology can help diagnose and prevent diseases, but has had limited success in curing them.)

Question 5.4

Correct! (See section 5·15 The treatment of diseases and production of medicines are improved with biotechnology.)
Incorrect. (See section 5·15 The treatment of diseases and production of medicines are improved with biotechnology.)

Question 5.5

Correct! (See section 5·18 DNA is an individual identifier: the uses and abuses of DNA fingerprinting.)
Incorrect. (See section 5·18 DNA is an individual identifier: the uses and abuses of DNA fingerprinting.)

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