Chapter 6. 6·5–6·8 Mitosis replaces worn-out old cells with fresh new duplicates.

Show What You Know

Show What You Know - Self Quiz
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.


Check your understanding of concepts from 6·5–6·8 Mitosis replaces worn-out old cell with fresh new duplicates by answering the following questions.

Question 6.1

Correct! (See section 6·5 Most cells are not immortal: mitosis generates replacements.)
Incorrect. (See section 6·5 Most cells are not immortal: mitosis generates replacements.)

Question 6.2

Correct! (See sections 6·6 Overview: mitosis leads to duplicate cells and 6·7 The details: mitosis is a four-step process.)
Incorrect. (See sections 6·6 Overview: mitosis leads to duplicate cells and 6·7 The details: mitosis is a four-step process.)

Question 6.3

Correct! (See section 6·7 The details: mitosis is a four-step process.)
Incorrect. (See section 6·7 The details: mitosis is a four-step process.)

Question 6.4

Correct! (See section 6·7 The details: mitosis is a four-step process.)
Incorrect. (See section 6·7 The details: mitosis is a four-step process.)

Question 6.5

Correct! (See section 6·8 Cell division out of control may result in cancer.)
Incorrect. (See section 6·8 Cell division out of control may result in cancer.)

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