Chapter 9. 9·10–9·16 Sexual conflict can result from disparities...

Show What You Know

Show What You Know - Self Quiz
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.


Check your understanding of concepts from 9·10–9·16 Sexual conflict can result from disparities in reproductive investment by males and females by answering the following questions.

Question 9.1

Correct. (See section 9·11 Males and females are vulnerable at different stages of the reproductive exchange.)
Incorrect. (See section 9·11 Males and females are vulnerable at different stages of the reproductive exchange.)

Question 9.2

Correct. (See section 9·10 There are big differences in how much males and females must invest in reproduction.)
Incorrect. (See section 9·10 There are big differences in how much males and females must invest in reproduction.)

Question 9.3

Correct. (See section 9·10 There are big differences in how much males and females must invest in reproduction.)
Incorrect. (See section 9·10 There are big differences in how much males and females must invest in reproduction.)

Question 9.4

Correct. (See section 9·15 Monogamy versus polygamy: mating behaviors can vary across human and animal cultures.)
Incorrect. (See section 9·15 Monogamy versus polygamy: mating behaviors can vary across human and animal cultures.)

Question 9.5

Correct. (See section 9·16 Sexual dimorphism is an indicator of a population’s mating behavior.)
Incorrect. (See section 9·16 Sexual dimorphism is an indicator of a population’s mating behavior.)

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