Chapter 11. 11·1–11·3 Animals are just one branch of the Eukarya domain.

Show What You Know

Show What You Know - Self Quiz
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.


Check your understanding of concepts from 11·1–11·3 Animals are just one branch of the Eukarya domain by answering the following questions.

Question 11.1

Correct. (See section 11·3 Four key distinctions divide the animals.)
Incorrect. (See section 11·3 Four key distinctions divide the animals.)

Question 11.2

Correct. (See section 11·3 Four key distinctions divide the animals.)
Incorrect. (See section 11·3 Four key distinctions divide the animals.)

Question 11.3

Correct. (See section 11·3 Four key distinctions divide the animals.)
Incorrect. (See section 11·3 Four key distinctions divide the animals.)

Question 11.4

Correct. (See section 11·1 What is an animal?)
Incorrect. (See section 11·1 What is an animal?)

Question 11.5

Correct. (See section 11·3 Four key distinctions divide the animals.)
Incorrect. (See section 11·3 Four key distinctions divide the animals.)

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