Chapter 17. 17·1–17·3 Three basic tissue types give rise to diverse plant characteristics.

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Show What You Know - Self Quiz
You must read each slide, and complete any questions on the slide, in sequence.


Check your understanding of concepts from 17·1–17·3 Three basic tissue types give rise to diverse plant characteristics by answering the following questions.

Question 17.1

Correct. (See section 17·1 Older, taller, bigger: plants are extremely diverse (but share a basic structural organization).
Incorrect. (See section 17·1 Older, taller, bigger: plants are extremely diverse (but share a basic structural organization).

Question 17.2

Correct. (See section 17·2 Flowering plants are divided into two major groups: the monocots and the eudicots.)
Incorrect. (See section 17·2 Flowering plants are divided into two major groups: the monocots and the eudicots.)

Question 17.3

Correct. (See section 17·3 Plants are organized into tissues, each with specific functions.)
Incorrect. (See section 17·3 Plants are organized into tissues, each with specific functions.)

Question 17.4

Correct. (See section 17·3 Plants are organized into tissues, each with specific functions.)
Incorrect. (See section 17·3 Plants are organized into tissues, each with specific functions.)

Question 17.5

Correct. (See section 17·2 Flowering plants are divided into two major groups: the monocots and the eudicots.)
Incorrect. (See section 17·2 Flowering plants are divided into two major groups: the monocots and the eudicots.)

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