Elephant Communication

Chapter 9. Elephant Communication

Biology Connections with Assessment
You must read each slide, and complete the question on the slide, before proceeding to the next one.

Read the article below. Then answer the questions that follow.

Rabbits and skunks use "foot thumping" to warn others against predators. It now appears that elephants use a similar form of communication.

Communicating through seismic waves

When it comes to long-distance communication, having giant ears and a big mouth might not be as useful as you would imagine. Sound tapers off with distance, a problem worsened by wind, thunder, and background noise.

A surprisng, but effective way in which some animals communicate is through the ground. Researchers have long known that kangaroo rats, rabbits, skunks, and other mammals use foot-thumping to transmit mes- sages, warning others against predators. Now, findings indicate that elephants also are capable of communicating through seismic waves. Seismic waves function much like sound, only they still can be detected after traveling miles through the surface of the earth.

Listening with their feet

In the vast expanse of African grasslands, wild elephants sometimes lift one leg to “eavesdrop” on neighboring families. However, they are listening with more than their giant ears; elephants use their big feet to detect sounds. This is possible because the vocalizations produced by elephants travel through the surface of the ground as well as through the air. Low-frequency elephant vocalizations cannot be detected by the human hearing, however they are able to travel through the ground in the same waveform as they do in the air. These ground vocalizations can travel faster or more slowly than sounds in the air (depending on the soil type and condition). However, ground sounds can travel much further than sounds in the air.

Elephants not only use their large ears to detect sounds; they also use their feet to detect seismic communication.

Researchers believe that elephants’ large diaphragms and nasal cavities allow them to generate noises at a low enough frequency and high enough amplitude to travel through the ground.

This seismic communication system works like a “caller ID” of sorts, according to recent research published by Stanford University biologist Caitlin O’Connell-Rodwell. Elephants can distinguish between the vocalizations transmitted by different groups, and they only respond to the warning sounds made by familiar herds.

At a watering hole in Namibia’s Etosha National Park, O’Connell-Rodwell began playing two recordings of elephant vocalizations. One recording featured the sounds of local elephants responding to a nearby lion. The second contained nearly identical sounds but was recorded on the other side of the continent in Kenya. In both cases, the transmitters were buried 20 meters from the watering hole. An amplifier was used to raise the signals so they resembled the real-world rumbles of elephants at this same distance. Groups of elephants were then monitored as they visited the watering hole and responded to the recordings.

Researchers buried amplifiers near a watering hole (like the one pictured here) in Namibia's Etosha National Park and observed elephants' behavior when different recordings of foreign elephants and neighboring herds were played.

When silence or random sounds were played as a control, the elephants did nothing. There also was little reaction to the warning signals from foreign elephants. However, when recordings of neighboring families were transmitted through the ground, the elephants clustered more tightly, flattened their ears to their heads, vocalized a response, and stood on tiptoe. Some even “kept their ear to the ground” by raising one leg.

“When elephants are listening with their ears, they have huge, extended ears,” says O’Connell-Rodwell. “But in this instance, the ears remained flat.”

Statistical analysis similarly confirmed that the elephants were responding to alarm vocalizations.

Elephants are one of the only large mammals known to use “seismic communication” as a mode of information transmission. Along with detecting vocalizations transmitted through the surface of the earth, elephants may also distinguish vehicles, helicopters, and airplanes. They may even have sensitive cells in their feet which detect vibrations.

“It’s a much richer communication system than we thought,” says O’Connell-Rodwell.

© 2015 WH Freeman and Company.

Answer the following questions to demonstrate your understanding of the article.


Fill in the Blank:

Elephants have the ability to communicate by producing low frequency seismic that travel through the ground.

Correct. Elephants communicate by producing low-frequency seismic waves, which can travel for very long distances through the ground.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
Incorrect. Elephants communicate by producing low-frequency seismic waves, which can travel for very long distances through the ground.


By using its large ________________ and ______________, it is possible for an elephant to produce sounds at a low enough frequency and high enough amplitude to travel through the ground.


Right! The elephant’s large diaphragm, which helps control breathing, and its large nasal cavity allow it to produce low frequency sound waves that can travel great distances.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
Incorrect. The elephant’s large diaphragm, which helps control breathing, and its large nasal cavity allow it to produce low frequency sound waves that can travel great distances.



Animals such as kangaroo rats, rabbits, and skunks use foot thumping to warn neighbors of danger.

This is true. These animals transmit warning messages by stomping their feet. Researchers now believe elephants have a similar form of communication to warn other herds of elephants about encroaching predators.
Incorrect. This is true. These animals transmit warning messages by stomping their feet. Researchers now believe elephants have a similar form of communication to warn other herds of elephants about encroaching predators.


Fill in the Blank:

Scientists believe that elephants have sensitive cells located in their , which allow them to detect vibrations from long distances.

Correct. As the article states, research has indicated that the system of communication among elephants is very intricate and rich. In addition to detecting sound waves with their ears, elephants quite possibly have sensitive cells in their feet that are attuned to detect vibrations from far off.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
Incorrect. As the article states, research has indicated that the system of communication among elephants is very intricate and rich. In addition to detecting sound waves with their ears, elephants quite possibly have sensitive cells in their feet that are attuned to detect vibrations from far off.


A friend asks you to explain the difference between sound and seismic waves. How would you explain this to him?


Both are forms of energy. But the main difference is that sound waves pass through the air whereas seismic waves pass through the earth.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
No. Both are forms of energy. But the main difference is that sound waves pass through the air whereas seismic waves pass through the earth.


Seismic testing, which involves using seismic waves to determine the composition of rock layers beneath the earth, is a common method used in oil and natural gas exploration. How might seismic testing conducted by an oil exploration company affect nearby elephant communication?


Correct. As the article points out, elephants also appear to be sensitive to the sounds of helicopters, vehicles, and airplanes. So it is plausible that oil exploration equipment could affect elephants’ ability to communicate.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
Incorrect. As the article points out, elephants also appear to be sensitive to the sounds of helicopters, vehicles, and airplanes. So it is plausible that oil exploration equipment could affect elephants’ ability to communicate.


You want to replicate Dr. Caitlin O’Connell-Rodwell's experiment conducted at the watering hole in Namibia’s Etosha National Park. Put the steps of the experiment in the correct order by first clicking the step number on the left and then matching it to a description on the right.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Bury transmitters in the soil 20 meters from the elephants’ watering hole.
Observe and record the elephants’ behavior in response to the sounds.
Play amplified recordings, including: local elephants responding to a lion, elephants in Kenya responding to a predator, and random sounds/silence.


What was the control in the experiment conducted at the watering hole in Namibia’s Etosha National Park?


The researchers played random sounds or no sounds as the control so that they could observe elephants’ behavioral responses to recordings of local elephants’ vocalizations versus Kenyan elephants’ vocalizations.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
No. The researchers played random sounds or no sounds as the control so that they could observe elephants’ behavioral responses to recordings of local elephants’ vocalizations versus Kenyan elephants’ vocalizations.


A few years ago, environmentalists began expressing concern about an increasing number of helicopter tours over Zimbabwe’s Victoria Falls, fearing that noise pollution from the helicopters could disrupt local elephants’ natural behavior patterns. Considering that helicopters produce noise at a low frequency, which of the following statements describes potential harm that this could pose for elephants?


Correct. The noise from the helicopters could disrupt elephants’ ability to communicate with and sense signals from nearby herds, meaning they could become more susceptible to predators. Ironically, tourists who are visiting Victoria Falls by helicopter to view the elephants may be harming them inadvertently.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
Incorrect. The noise from the helicopters could disrupt elephants’ ability to communicate with and sense signals from nearby herds, meaning they could become more susceptible to predators. Ironically, tourists who are visiting Victoria Falls by helicopter to view the elephants may be harming them inadvertently.


You want to find out, "Do elephants really detect warning signals as vibrations through their feet?" Which of the following is a well-designed experiment that might help you answer this question? (Read each scenario carefully.)


Correct. This is the best choice. Each group of elephants in this experiment contains exactly 3 adult females and one baby male African Elephant. Also, there is a single control (placing elephants in the enclosure with the vibration-proof mats), which allows you to observe key differences between each group's reaction to the recordings.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
Incorrect. Each group of elephants in this experiment should contain exactly 3 adult females and one baby male African Elephant. Also, there is a single control (placing elephants in the enclosure with the vibration-proof mats), which allows you to observe key differences between each group's reaction to the recordings.

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