Chapter 2. Plants Serve Up Useful Enzymes

Plants Serve Up Useful Enzymes

Biology Connections with Assessment
You must read each slide, and complete the question on the slide, before proceeding to the next one.

Read the article below. Then complete the comprehension questions that follow.

Unripe papayas are the source of papain, which is used as a digestive aid.

Biodiversity yields medicinal compounds

The biodiversity of the plant world has provided us with fascinating plant remedies. Some have been harnessed by traditional healers and native people for thousands of years. One such source is the papaya.

Papayas grow in bundles on lush, tropical trees. When yellow and ripe, they are a delicious treat. Yet it’s the green, unripe fruit that is harvested for its potent enzyme content. When shallow cuts are made on the neck of an unripe papaya, a thick milky substance called latex slowly seeps out. This latex is collected, purified, and dried to make powdered papain.

Papain is marketed as a dietary supplement—primarily for use as a digestive aid. It eats away at proteins and helps break down food in your stomach. (See the box below that describes other uses of papain.) It belongs to a class of plant-derived medicinal compounds called cystiene proteases. As we will learn, these help the body digest food and also can be found in kiwi and pineapple.

How cysteine proteases work

Papain is a superfamily of proteases—a special class of enzymes that break down the peptide bonds that hold proteins together. Papain is a “cysteine protease hydrolase” enzyme, which means the active site contains a cysteine molecule. It’s this cysteine molecule which helps breaks down peptide bonds.

Bromelain is the family of cysteine proteases extracted from pineapple. It is usually prepared from cooled pineapple juice, and—like papain—is sold as a digestive aid.

The science behind traditional plant medicine

Papaya and pineapple have been used by native healers for a very long time. In South America, papaya extract is still used to treat stings from jellyfish, stingrays, bees, wasps, and mosquitoes. It can help breakdown proteins in the toxins. Studies have recently shown that both papain and bromelain can have anti-inflammatory benefits.

Bromelain, which comes from pineapples, is another type of cysteine protease.

Much of the information we have about plant medicines like pineapple and papaya extract come from interviews with native healers. This means plant preparations are often based on tradition rather than clinical trials and scientific methodology. But in the case of papain and bromelain, there are also a few clinical studies supporting health benefits—although only to a limited extent. There is a larger body of preclinical and biochemical research that shows how these enzymes function. From cancer treatment to the absorption of antibiotics, several applications are being explored for cysteine protease enzymes—especially those from pineapple.

Are they safe?

There are no concerns about the use of papain as a meat tenderizer or digestive aid, yet the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is concerned about its use in over-the-counter topical medications. These concerns include the possibility of vision loss (from using eye drops and contact solutions that contain papain). In addition, people with latex allergies may also develop allergic reactions to the topical use of papain.

Like papain, bromelain is generally regarded as safe by the FDA. Yet whenever you purchase medicinal plant extracts—an especially when you mix them with prescription or over-the-counter drugs—it’s best to first check with a doctor.

Papain's Other Uses

Papain properties have led to many uses. It’s ability to break down proteins makes it a good meat tenderizer. It is also the main ingredient of “Papacarie,” a gel used for removing plaque on teeth. Scientists use papain to help separate cells from each other when preparing cell cultures in the laboratory. It works by breaking down the extracellular matrix that connects cells to each other. Another use of papain is in “Accuzyme” – a preparation used to clean up dead tissue in the care of wounds. In Australia, you can also find papain as the main ingredient in “Stop Itch,” a popular first aid cream.

© 2015 WH Freeman and Company

2.1 Comprehension Questions

Answer the following questions to demonstrate your understanding of the article.

Question 2.1

Unripe papayas are the source of papain, which is used as a digestive aid.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
Incorrect. Unripe papayas are the source of papain.

Question 2.2

Select the missing phrase:

Papain and bromelain belong to a special class of enzymes known as GsVbWZFciMIfqeOY6ZqO0R/WDuQELmuYMYDpnFIPe5IdJxtnlkMPFq6YnsYZFufZRxcAH7OaCdTjOjhMDQVH7bUxV2C0dBylyID/8li8TPI=.

Right. Papain and bromelain are enzymes with active sites that contain cysteine molecules, which break down very specific types of chemical bonds.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
Incorrect. Papain and bromelain are enzymes with active sites that contain cysteine molecules, which break down very specific types of chemical bonds.

Question 2.3

Fill in the Blank:

Enzymes, such as papain, are able to break zEJb9Bfpby9Z960/ bonds, which hold together amino acids in proteins.

Correct. Peptide bonds, which are a specific type of covalent bond, hold amino acids together that form protein molecules.
Try again. Which type of bonds hold together amino acids in proteins?
Incorrect. Peptide bonds, which are a specific type of covalent bond, hold amino acids together that form protein molecules.

Question 2.4


The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has concerns about the safety of both papain and bromelain since they have a high degree of toxicity when used in their raw state.


Correct. This statement is false. There are few concerns about toxicity in regard to papain and bromelain, with the exceptions of possible latex allergies and possible vision loss from eye drops/contact solutions containing papain.
Incorrect. This statement is false. There are few concerns about toxicity in regard to papain and bromelain, with the exceptions of possible latex allergies and possible vision loss from eye drops/contact solutions containing papain.

Question 2.5

According to the article, what are some of papain's many uses? Check all that apply.

bI0LPa9lfHQ+dYqk ingredient in a gel that removes tooth plaque

wCfH0QtRgXJ8o+c+ ingredient in most artificially-flavored fruit beverages

bI0LPa9lfHQ+dYqk ingredient used in preparations for cleaning up dead tissue from wounds

bI0LPa9lfHQ+dYqk ingredient in commercial meat tenderizer

wCfH0QtRgXJ8o+c+ ingredient in biosynthetic insulin

Correct. The article notes that papain is found in Papacarie, a gel used for removing plaque on teeth; in Accuzyme, a preparation used to clean up dead tissue for wound care; and also as an ingredient in meat tenderizer. Think about why papain would NOT be an ingredient in manufactured insulin—a hormonal protein.
Incorrect. The article notes that papain is found in Papacarie, a gel used for removing plaque on teeth; in Accuzyme, a preparation used to clean up dead tissue for wound care; and also as an ingredient in meat tenderizer. Think about why papain would NOT be an ingredient in manufactured insulin—a hormonal protein.

Question 2.6

Correct. Enzymes accelerate chemical reactions in our bodies—reactions that are the key to all of our metabolic functions.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
Incorrect. Enzymes accelerate chemical reactions in our bodies—reactions that are the key to all of our metabolic functions.

Question 2.7

Papain and bromelain are enzymes that break peptide bonds that bind amino acids. With the removal of just one amino acid, a protein may no longer have the same function.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
Incorrect. Papain and bromelain are enzymes that break peptide bonds that bind amino acids. With the removal of just one amino acid, a protein may no longer have the same function.

Question 2.8

Each enzyme has an active site that is a perfect fit for its substrate, like a lock with just one matching key.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
Incorrect. Each enzyme has an active site that is a perfect fit for its substrate, like a lock with just one matching key.

Question 2.9

Good! This can be concluded since the enzymes in papaya extract break apart the peptide bonds that hold amino acids together in proteins.
Try again. You have one attempt remaining.
Incorrect. The toxins are made up of protein molecules. This can be concluded since the enzymes in papaya extract break apart the peptide bonds that hold amino acids together in proteins.

Question 2.10


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