18.7–Pollination, fertilization, and seed dispersal often depend on help from other organisms.

Because sexual reproduction requires two individuals, one plant must get its gametes to join with those of another. A broad array of solutions to this problem has evolved.



When, after seed germination, does photosynthesis begin?

  • a) when the seed coat breaks open
  • b) when the first stem is formed
  • c) when the shoot emerges from the soil
  • d) the second the seed begins to germinate
  • e) when the root is formed

The seed of a certain plant remains dormant until it is exposed to fire. What would be the greatest advantage of this for the survival of this plant species?

  • a) avoiding germination during cold winters
  • b) germination under ideal soil conditions
  • c) avoiding competition with other plants
  • d) germination timed to coincide with autumn
  • e) utilization of heat energy to break down starch to glucose to feed the embryo

The scientific term for wood is:

  • a) primar y phloem.
  • b) cork.
  • c) secondar y xylem.
  • d) epidermis.
  • e) pith.

When you are seven years old, you scratch your name 4 feet above the ground into a 12-foot-tall bamboo plant. You spend the next 10 years in a special home for vandals. When you get out, the bamboo is 24 feet tall. At that time, how far above the ground will your name be?

  • a) 16 feet
  • b) 4 feet
  • c) 8 feet
  • d) 12 feet
  • e) 2 feet