24.6–Hormones influence nearly every facet of an organism.

Hormones affect a person’s physique and physical performance, behavior, mood, and cognitive abilities, as well as health and longevity.


Injecting a female prairie vole with a molecule that blocks oxytocin will have which of the following effects?

  • a) The female will experience uterine contractions.
  • b) The female will not bond with the male that she mates with.
  • c) Male voles will reject the female and any of her offspring.
  • d) The female will be unable to produce offspring.
  • e) All of the above are correct.

All except one of the following pairs link a human gland with the hormone(s) it secretes. Which pairing is incorrect?

  • a) adrenal cortex: cortisol
  • b) pancreas: insulin
  • c) testis: testosterone
  • d) ovary: estrogen and progesterone
  • e) thyroid: oxytocin

The pituitary gland is actually a fusion of two glands. Which of the following statements about its origins is correct?

  • a) The posterior pituitary is an outgrowth of the cerebellum; the anterior pituitary develops from the pineal gland.
  • b) The anterior pituitary is an outgrowth of the hypothalamus; the posterior pituitary is an outgrowth of the cerebellum.
  • c) The posterior pituitary is an outgrowth of the hypothalamus; the anterior pituitary is an outgrowth of the cerebellum.
  • d) The posterior pituitary is an outgrowth of the hypothalamus; the anterior pituitary develops from a fold of tissue at the roof of the embryonic mouth.
  • e) The anterior pituitary is an outgrowth of the hypothalamus; the posterior pituitary develops from a fold of tissue at the roof of the embryonic mouth.

What important issue has arisen about the evidence that castrating sex offenders is effective in stopping their criminal behavior?

  • a) Only males have been tested; we can’t get a clear picture unless females are tested too (by having their ovaries removed).
  • b) The evidence on repeat offenders was self-reported by the castrated offenders themselves.
  • c) some cases, castration actually increased the tendency to re-offend.
  • d) Only males from a particular culture and country were castrated, so it’s hard to extend the evidence to other cultures.
  • e) In 100% of the cases, castration effectively stopped repeat offenses. The evidence is clear.