

boldface indicates a definition; italics indicates a figure.


Abiotic environment, 611, 611

ABO blood groups, inheritance of, 295, 295–297, 297

Abscisic acid, 771, 777, 777

Absorption (by roots), 695, 695

Absorption (in digestive process), 888, 892, 892–894, 893, 894

Abstinence, for avoiding pregnancy, 1025

Acacia trees

mutualism with ants, 637–638, 766

thorns of, 764, 767–768

Acclimation, to low-oxygen conditions, 864–865, 865

Acetaldehyde, 168

Acetylcholine, 929–930

Acid precipitation, 666–668, 667, 668

Acids, 51, 51–53, 52, 53

Acoustical signals, 395

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), 561, 1069. See also HIV/ AIDS

Acrosomes, 1012, 1012

ACTH. See Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

Actin, 945

Action potentials, 925, 925–927, 926, 927

Activation energy, 72

Activators, 73, 74

Active sites of enzymes, 72, 72

Active transport, 106, 106

“Adam’s apple,” 858

Adaptation, 339

behavioral, 366, 366–368, 367

to low-oxygen conditions, 863, 863–865, 864

natural selection and, 339–341, 340

production by predation, 631–634, 632–634

Adaptive immunity. See Specific immunity

Adaptive radiations, 428, 428–429, 429

Additive effects, 297

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 14,1 141, 141–142, 142

active transport and, 106

as fuel, 116

synthesis in electron transport chain, 162–164, 162–164

ADH. See Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

Adrenal glands, 977, 978–979, 979, 982

Adrenaline, 982

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), 977, 982

Adults, 468

insect, 467, 468

African elephants, 412

Age pyramids, 595–596, 596, 597

Agent Orange, 775

Aging, 589

diet and, 899–900

longevity and, 589–590, 592–593, 593

natural selection and, 590–591, 591

slowing down process of, 593–594, 594

Agkistrodon rhodostoma, 650


biotechnology in, 208, 208–212

crop productivity and, 577–578, 578

faster growth and bigger bodies and, 211–212, 212

genetically modified crops and, 209, 209–210, 210

insect and herbicide resistance and, 210–211, 211

plant productivity and, 642

slash-and-burn, 672

AIDS. See Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS); HIV/AIDS

Air, plant growth and, 705, 706

Airborne, 3

Alarm calling, 633

Alcohol. See Ethanol


brown, 555

green, 497, 497

Ali, Mohammad, 845

Alleles, 184, 184, 279

changing frequencies of, evolution and, 325–326, 326, 328

determining, 289–290, 290

multiple allelism and, 295, 295–297, 297

Allergies, 736, 736, 1072, 1072, 1072–1073, 1073

Allopatric speciation, 416–417, 417, 418

Almas caviar, 87–88, 88

Aloe vera, 784

5-Alpha-reductase deficiency, 1031, 1031

Alternation of generations, 732

Altitude. See also Low-oxygen conditions

temperatures and, 616–617

Altruistic behaviors, 373, 373, 373–379

kin selection and, 374–377, 375, 376, 378

reciprocal altruism and, 374, 377–378, 378, 379

Alveoli, 859, 859

American mink, 631

Amino acids, 68, 68

essential, 69, 69, 880

non-essential, 880

in polypeptide chains, 70

Amino groups, 68, 68

Amish people, founder effect and, 329, 330

Amniocentesis, 265–266, 266

Amnion, 1028, 1029

Amniotes, 476, 477

Amniotic eggs, evolution of, 475, 475

Amphibians, 476, 476, 476–477

circulatory system of, 832–833, 833

lungs of, 860

Amphiuma means, DNA of, 184

Amplexus, 1008

Amygdala, 952, 953, 953

Analogous traits, 425

Anaphase, 245

in meiosis, 253, 254, 254, 255

in mitosis, 245–246, 247

Anaphylactic shock, 1073

Anatomy, comparative, common evolutionary origins revealed by, 353, 353–354, 354

Anchorage, by roots, 695, 695

Ancrod, 650

Androgen insensitivity syndrome, 1030, 1031

Anecdotal observations, 27, 28

Anemia, iron-deficiency, 843–844, 844, 854

Angel’s trumpet, 733

Angiosperms, 504, 508–513, 509. See also Flowers

classification of, 690, 690–691, 691

double fertilization and, 512, 512–513, 513

leaves of, 701

pollination of, 510, 510–511, 511

reproduction in. See Plant reproduction, sexual

stems of, 698, 698–699

Animal nutrition

animal diets and, 875, 875–876

brain and, 900–901

breastfeeding and, 1035, 1035

cardiovascular disease and, 848–849

energy requirements and, 876, 876–877, 877

lymphatic system and, 850, 850

need for food and, 874, 874–875

organic foods and, 718

weight-loss diets and, 905–906

Animal reproduction, asexual, 1006, 1006

sexual reproduction compared with, 1005, 1005–1007, 1006

Animal reproduction, sexual, 235, 250

advantages of, 258, 258, 259, 259

asexual reproduction compared with, 1005, 1005–1007, 1006

by binary fission, 233, 234–235, 235

disadvantages of, 258–259, 259

female reproductive tract and, 1016, 1016–1021, 1017

fertilization and. See Fertilization (animal)

male reproductive tract and, 1010, 1010–1016

sexual reproduction compared with, 1005, 1005–1007, 1006

sperm investment and, 1014–1016

Animals, 446. See also Invertebrates; Vertebrates; specific animals

body organization of, 792–794, 792–794

characteristics defining, 446, 446–447

circulatory system of, 828–851

diets of, 875, 875–876

fruit and seed dispersal by, 746, 746–747, 747

homeostasis in, 805–806, 806

hormones of. See Hormones (animal)

internal environment of, 804–806

invertebrate. See Invertebrates

key distinctions dividing, 448–449, 449, 450, 451

language in, 396–397

nutrition of. See Animal nutrition

obesity in, 903

oxytocin and, 970–971, 971

pollination by, 739, 739–740

protein needs of, 879–880, 880

relationships with plants, 514–517

reproduction in. See Animal reproduction, asexual; Animal reproduction, sexual

respiratory system of. See Gills; Lungs; Respiratory system

ruminant, 896, 896

vertebrate. See Vertebrates

Annelids, 456, 458, 458–459

Antacids, digestion and food allergies and, 53–54

Antarctic ice cap, global warming and, 669, 670

Antarctic ozone hole, 675, 675

Antechinus, tradeoff between reproduction and survival in, 584

Anterior pituitary, 976

Anthers, 508, 509, 734, 734

Antibiotic resistance, 356, 357, 548, 548–549, 549

Antibiotics, from bacteria, 435

Antibodies, 1057, 1057, 1058

structure and function of, 1060, 1060–1061, 1061

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH), 976

Antigen receptors, 1061

Antigen-presenting cells, 1066

Antigens, 1057, 1057

Antiseptic, 1051


mutualism with acacia trees, 637–638, 766

sex determination in, 262, 262

Anury, inheritance of, 291–292, 292

Aphids, 717, 717

Apical dominance, 773

Apical meristems, 698, 698

plant growth at, 750–751, 751–755, 752, 753–755

Apoptosis, 243, 1066, 1066–1067

Apples, health benefits of, 910

Aquaporins, 104

Arachnids, 464, 464

Archaea, 89, 433, 534, 550–552

contrasted with bacteria, 550, 550

in extreme environments, 436, 436

habitats of, 551, 551–552, 552

Archaeopteryx, 478, 479

Arctic ground squirrels, mate selection in, 386–387

Arctic habitats, plant adaptation to, 769

Arctic ice cap, global warming and, 670, 670

Aristotle, 706


Armstrong, Lance, 983, 983

Arrowleaf plant, growth and development of, 770, 770–771

ART. See Assisted reproductive technology (ART)

Arteries, 830, 830–831, 831, 838, 838, 847, 847

Arteriosclerosis, 847, 848

Arthritis, 947

of the knee, arthroscopic surgery for, 19–20

Arthropods, 463, 463–465, 464

Arthroscopic surgery, for arthritis of the knee, 19–20

Artificial selection, 341

Ascomycota, 519, 519

Ascorbic acid, 21, 25, 886

Asexual reproduction. See also Animal reproduction, asexual; Plant reproduction, asexual

by binary fission, 540, 540

difficulties classifying species and, 415, 415

Asian flu, 560

Asparagus, 698, 699

Aspartame, 934

Aspens, 726–727, 727

Aspirin, 224, 976

Assisted reproductive technology (ART), 1036, 1036–1038, 1037

Atacama desert, 615–616

Atherosclerosis, 847, 848


acclimation to low-oxygen conditions and, 865

blood doping by, 216, 854

Atlantic salmon, 211

Atomic mass, 41

Atomic number, 41, 41–42

Atoms, 40, 40–43, 41

charged, as ions, 44, 44

electrons of. See Electrons

radioactive, 42

stability of, 43, 43–44

ATP. See Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

Atrioventricular (AV) valves, 836

Atrium, 831, 831

Australian desert, 616

Australian social spider, altruistic behavior in, 373, 373

Australopithecines, 482, 483


genes responsible for, 298

MMR vaccine and, 28, 28–29

Autoimmunity, 1068, 1068, 1068–1069, 1069

Autonomic nervous system, 922, 922

Auxins, 771, 773, 773–775, 774, 779

AV valves. See Atrioventricular (AV) valves

Avian influenza virus, 561

Axons, 801, 920, 920

action potentials and, 925–927, 926, 927


B cells, 1061, 1061–1062, 1062

Babbling, hand, 953, 953

Baby boom, 595, 597

Bach, J. S., 959

Bacilli, 538, 538

Bacillus thuringiensis, pesticides containing, 210–211, 211

Background extinctions, 430, 431, 658–659

Bacteria, 89, 433, 534, 538–549

antibiotic resistance of, 356, 357, 548, 548–549, 549

beneficial, 543, 543–544

biodiversity of, 434–435, 435

cellulose-digesting, 896–897, 897

classification and structure of, 538, 538

in colon, 895

contrasted with archaea, 550, 550

food contamination by, 564

Gram-positive and Gram-negative, 539

growth and reproduction of, 539–541, 540, 541

habitats of, 544–545

identification of, 539, 539

metabolic diversity among, 541–542, 542

methane consumption by, 652–653

nitrogen fixation by, 625–626, 707–708, 708

pathogenic, 545–547, 546

population growth of, 259, 259

Balance, sense of, 942

Baldness, male-pattern, 300–301

Ball-and-stick models, 45

Bamboo, 700

Banana leaves, 700

Bananas, ripening of, 775–776, 776

Bariatric surgery, 905

Barrier contraceptive methods, 1023, 1024

Basal metabolic rate (BMR), 876, 876–877, 877

Base pairs, 180

Bases (in DNA), 180, 180, 181

Bases (solutions), 51, 51–53, 52, 53

Basidiomycota, 519, 519

Basophils, 1054

Beech trees, tradeoff between reproduction and growth and, 584, 585


pollination by, 510

sex determination in, 262, 262

waggle dance of, 395–396, 396

Behavior, 367

Behavioral defenses, 633, 633

Behavioral Ecology, 22, 22

Behavioral traits, evolution of, 364–404

adaptive value of behavior and, 366, 366–368, 367

altruistic behaviors and, 373, 373–379

communication and, 395–397

complex behaviors and, 371, 371–372

environmental mismatches and, 379–380, 380

group selection and, 381, 381

innate behaviors and, 368, 368–369

kin selection and, 374–377, 375, 376, 378

learned behaviors and, 369, 369–370

reproductive investment and, 382–394

Belding’s ground squirrels, alarm calls of, 374–375, 375, 376

Beluga whales, magnetic field detection by, 942, 942

The bends, 866

Beta-blockers, 98–99, 99

Bias, guarding against, 22, 22

Bilateral symmetry, 448, 448–449

Bile, 891

Binary fission, 233, 234, 234–235, 235, 540, 540

Biodiversity, 404–443, 406, 650–657, 651

among archaea, 436, 436

among bacteria, 434–435, 435

among eukarya, 437, 437

of animals, 444–491. See also Animals; Invertebrates; Vertebrates

distribution of, 655–657, 655–657

evolutionary trees and, 420–425

macroevolution and, 426–431

of microbes, 534, 534–535

most valuable, protecting, 676, 676–677, 677

ocean ice and coastal estuary flooding and, 670

origin of life on earth and, 406–410

racial differences and, 438

reduction by deforestation, 672

reduction by extinction. See Extinctions

scales of, 654, 654–655

species and. See Species

strategies for preserving, 678, 678–679, 679

three domains of life and, 432–434, 433, 434

value of, 650–652, 650–652

Biodiversity hotspots, 656, 656–657, 657

Biofuels, 136, 136, 136–137

Biogeography, 351, 351, 351–352, 352

Biological clocks, of plants, 780–781, 781

Biological literacy, 4, 4, 4–5

Biological species concept, 411, 412, 414–416, 415

Biology, 3, 3–4

conservation, 654, 654–655

molecular, common genetic sequences revealed by, 355, 355

unifying themes in, 31

Biomass, 622

Biomes, 611–613, 612, 612, 613

Biosphere 2 dome, 876, 876

Biotechnology, 204, 204–207, 204–220

agricultural applications of, 208, 208–212

cloning and, 219, 219–220, 220

medical applications of, 215–218, 216

safety of genetically modified foods and, 212–214, 213

Biotic environment, 610, 611

Biotin, 886

Bipedalism, 482

Bird flu, 561

Birds, 477–478, 477–479. See also specific birds

circulatory system of, 832, 832

gizzard of, 889

magnetic field detection by, 942

memory in, 953

parental investment in, 391, 392

pollination by, 739, 739

reproductive output in, 383–384, 384

reptiles compared with, 478, 478

respiratory systems of, 860, 860–861, 861

sex determination in, 262, 262

sexual dimorphism in, 393, 393

Birth, 1034, 1034–1035

Birth control pills, 1023–1024

Birth weight, stabilizing selection and, 343, 343–344

Bison, 641

Bisphenol A (BPA), 993, 994–995

Bivalve mollusks, 459, 460, 460

Black walnut tree, 766

Black widow spiders, 259, 259, 464

mate guarding in, 389, 389

Blastocysts, 1028

Blastulas, 1028

Blind experimental design, 18

Blood, 796, 830. See also Hemoglobin

adaptation to low-oxygen conditions and, 864, 864, 865

clotting of, 808–809, 809, 844, 844

components of, 842, 842–844, 843

filtering of, by kidneys, 817, 817

iron-deficiency anemia and, 843–844, 844, 854

pH of, 52–53, 53

sharing of, by vampire bats, 377–378, 378

Blood, Diane, 1004, 1004

Blood doping, 216, 854

Blood flow. See also Circulatory systems

brain activity and, 841–842

human, 834–836, 834–836, 838, 838–840, 839

muscle contraction and, 839, 839, 840

pulmonary circuit of, 832, 833

systemic circuit of, 832, 833

thermoregulation and, 812, 812

Blood groups, inheritance of, 295, 295–297, 297

Blood pressure, 845, 845, 845–846, 846

Blood, Stephen, 1004

Blood sugar, 56, 56–57

diabetes and, 906–907, 907

Blood vessels, 828, 838, 838–840, 839, 847, 847

arteries, 830, 830–831, 831, 838, 838

capillaries, 831, 831, 838, 838–840

diseases of, 847, 847–849, 849

veins, 831, 831, 838, 840

Bluegill sunfish, paternity uncertainty in, 389–390

BMI. See Body mass index (BMI)

BMR. See Basal metabolic rate (BMR)

Body fat. See also Obesity

carbohydrate conversion into, 884, 885

Body mass index (BMI), 902, 903

Body plan, innovations in, 448, 449

Body size, sexual dimorphism in, 394

Body temperature, 804, 804–805

fever and, 820, 1055–1056, 1056

thermoregulation and, 809, 809–813, 810–812

Bond energy, 45


covalent, 45, 45–46, 47

double, 46

electrons and, 43, 43–44, 44

hydrogen, 46–47, 47

ionic, 45, 46, 47

peptide, 70

Bone, 796. See also Skeletal systems


Bonobos, 661, 661

Bornean orangutan, 411

Bottleneck, 329, 330, 331

Bowman’s capsule, 817, 817–818

Boyer, Herbert, 215

BPA. See Bisphenol A (BPA)

BRAC genes, breast cancer and, 197

Brain, 948–956

activity of, 841–842, 962

caffeine and, 959, 959–960, 960

diet and nutrition and, 900–901

gray matter of, 926, 927

growth of, cognitive training and, 954–956

hemispheres of, 950–951

language and, 952, 952–953

learning and, 953

memory and, 953–954

organization of, 948–951, 948–952

“pleasure centers” in, 950

taste sense and, 934

white matter of, 926, 927

yawning to cool, 813–815

Brainstem, 949

Breast cancer, BRAC genes and, 197

Breastfeeding, 1035, 1035

Breathing. See Lungs; Respiratory system

Bribery, pollinators and, 510, 510–511

Bristlecone pine trees, longevity of, 589

Broca’s area, 952, 952

Broccoli, 699

Bronchi, 859, 859

Bronchioles, 859, 859

Brown algae, 555

Brown fat, thermoregulation and, 812, 812–813

Brown recluse spider, 464

Brown tree snake, 664–665, 665

Bryophyllum, 727, 728

Bryophytes, 498, 498–500, 499, 500

Budding, 1006, 1006

Buffers, 52, 52–53, 53

Buffon, Georges, 319, 320

Buffy coat, 842, 843

Bulbourethral glands, 1011

Burns, Aloe vera and, 784

Bush crickets, male-female differences in selectiveness about sexual partners of, 384, 384–385


Cacao trees, fungi and, 524–525

Cactus, 700


brain and, 959, 959–960, 960

for weight loss, 905

Calcitonin, 980, 980–981, 982


dietary, function and sources of, 886

plant growth and, 704

thyroid gland and, 980, 980–981

California condor, 679

Calment, Jeanne Louise, 589

Caloric restriction, 905

Calories, 876

Calvin cycle, 144, 144, 152, 152, 152–153, 153

CAM photosynthesis, 155, 155–156


cork, 754

vascular, 753, 754

Camouflage, 632, 633, 766, 766

Cancer, 246

of breast, BRAC genes and, 197

cell division and, 246–249, 248, 249

gap junctions and, 110–111

hormones and, 990–991

metastasis of, 248, 248

natural killer cells and, 1052, 1052

of skin, sunscreen to prevent, 200–202

telomeres and, 233

treatment of, 248–249, 249

vitamin C and, 21, 25

Cane toad, 666, 666

Capillaries, 831, 831, 838, 838–840

Capsids, 557

Capsule, 539

Captive breeding programs, 679

Carbohydrates, 55, 55, 55–60, 881–883, 882. See also Sugars

complex, 58, 58–59, 59, 882, 882–883

conversion into body fat, 884, 885

as energy source, 56, 56–59, 169, 169

indigestible, 59, 59–60, 60

simple, 55–56

Carbo-loading, 57, 57


bonding of, 46

formation of molecules containing, 406, 407, 407

need to reduce emissions of, 671

Carbon-13 (13C), 42

Carbon-14 (14C), 42

Carbon cycle, 624, 624–625

Carbon dioxide

as greenhouse gas, 670

release of, in animals. See Gills; Lungs; Respiratory system

Carbon monoxide, 857

Carboxyl groups, 68, 68

Cardiac muscle, 798, 798–799, 799, 943

Cardiovascular disease, 107–108, 108, 847, 847, 847–849, 849

Carnivores, 620, 621, 875, 875

Carnivorous plants, 517, 517, 708, 708, 709–710

Carnuba wax, 702

Carotenoids, 146

Carpels, 508, 509, 734, 734

Carriers, 291, 291–292

Carrion flowers, 726, 726

Carrying capacity (K), 576

for human population, 599–601, 599–601

Carson, Rachel, 992

Cartilage, 796

Cartilaginous fishes, 473, 474

Castor beans, 765

Catharanthus roseus, 650

Cauliflower, 699

CD markers, 100–101, 101

Celecoxib (Celebrex), 976

Cell body (of neuron), 800, 800–801, 920, 920

Cell cycle, 236, 236, 236–238, 237

Cell death, programmed, 1066, 1066–1067

Cell division, 232–241. See also Meiosis; Mitosis

cancer and, 246–249, 248, 249

chromosome replication and, 238–241, 239, 240

chromosome structure and, 234, 234–235, 235

eukaryotic cell cycle and, 236, 236–238, 237

telomeres and, 232–233, 233

Cell membrane. See Plasma membrane

Cell theory, 15, 87, 87

Cell wall, 90, 124, 124–125, 127

Cell-cycle control system, 237, 237

Cell-mediated immunity, 1062, 1063

Cells, 84–133, 86, 793, 793

active transport and, 106, 106

adaptation to environment, 117–118

in blood, 842, 842–844, 843

bulk transport of particles and, 107–109, 107–109

cell theory and, 87, 87

connections between, 110–111, 111

diploid, 250, 251

division of. See Cell division

eukaryotic. See Eukaryotic cells

first, formation of, 408–409, 409

haploid, 250, 251

osmosis and, 104, 104–105, 105

passive transport and, 102, 102–103, 103

photoreceptor, 936

plasma membrane bordering. See Plasma membrane

prokaryotic, 89, 89–90, 234, 234, 432

replacement of, 242, 242

reproductive. See Eggs; Gametes; Sperm

somatic, 236

stem, totipotent, 728

of vascular plants, 692, 692–693, 693

Cellular respiration, 137, 137, 157, 157–166, 158

ATP synthesis and, 162–164, 162–164

glycolysis in, 158, 158–159

jet lag and, 165–166

Krebs cycle and, 160, 160–162, 161

Cellulose, 59, 59, 59–60, 60

breakdown of, alternative means for, 896, 896–897, 897

Centipedes, 464

Central nervous system (CNS), 801, 921, 921–922, 922. See also Brain

Central vacuole, 125

Centrioles, 245

Centromeres, 237, 244, 245

Cephalopods, 459, 460, 460–461, 461

Cerebellum, 948, 949, 949

Cerebral cortex, 948, 950, 950–952, 951

Cervical caps, 1023

Cervix, 1016, 1016

CFCs. See Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

C4 photosynthesis, 154, 154–155, 155

Chaparral, 612

Character displacement, 630, 630, 630–631

Charcoal rot, 764

Charnier, Madeline, 263

Checkpoints, 237, 237, 237–238

Cheetahs, bottleneck effect and, 329, 330, 331

Chelicerates, 464, 464

Chemical defenses, of plants, 516, 516, 632, 632, 764–766, 765, 766

Chemical energy, 138, 138, 138–139

Chemical reactions

facilitation by enzymes, 72, 72

regulation by enzymes, 73, 73–74, 74

Chemical signals, 395

Chemical-induced mutations, 200

Chemolithotrophs, 541, 541–542, 542

Chemoorganotrophs, 541, 542

Chemoreceptors, 933

taste sense and, 933, 933–934

Chemotherapy, 248–249, 249

Chewing, 889

Chiasmata, 257, 257

Chicken pox, 1058, 1064, 1064

Chickens, naked, 212, 214

Child abuse, kin selection and, 377

Childbirth, 1034, 1034–1035


similarity of human and chimpanzee genes and, 481–482

sperm competition in, 1013, 1013

The Chimpanzees of Gombe: Patterns of Behavior (Goodall), 1013

Chinook salmon, 211

Chitin, 59, 59

Chlamydia, 547, 1026

Chlorine, dietary, function and sources of, 886

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 674, 674, 675, 675–676

Chlorophyll, 145

light absorption by, 146–147, 147

photons and, 148, 148–149

Chlorophyll a, 146, 147, 147, 149–150

Chlorophyll b, 146, 147, 147

Chloroplasts, 92, 126, 126, 126–127, 127, 145, 145

Chocolate, fungi and, 524–525

Cholecalciferol, 886

Cholera, 545, 546

Cholesterol, 65, 65, 97

cardiovascular disease and, 848–849, 849

hypercholesterolemia and, 107–108, 108

Chordata, 470, 471, 472. See also Vertebrates

Chorion, 1028

Chorionic villus sampling (CVS), 266

Chromatids, 244, 245

Chromatin, 113, 113, 234

Chromium, dietary, function and sources of, 886

Chromosomal aberrations, 198, 199

Chromosomes, 183, 234

eukaryotic, 234, 234

incorrect numbers of, 265–269

prokaryotic, 234, 234

replication of, 234–235, 235, 238–241, 239, 240, 244, 252, 252–253, 254

sex. See Sex chromosomes

Chyme, 891

Chytridiomycota, 519

Cilia, 115, 115, 1049

Cinchona, 766


Cinderella syndrome, 377

Circadian cycles, 979

Circulatory systems, 802, 802, 828–851. See also Blood; Blood flow; Blood vessels; Heart

blood pressure and, 845, 845–846, 846

cardiovascular disease and, 847, 847–849, 849

closed, 829–833, 830–833

functions of, 828–829, 829

of giraffes, 846, 846

hormone transport by, 971–972, 972, 973

human, 834–836, 834–836

lymphatic, 849–851, 850

open versus closed, 829–830, 830, 831

Clams, 460, 460

Class performance, access to textbook and, 25–27, 26

Classes, 413, 414

Cleavage, 1027, 1027–1028, 1027–1029

Clever Hans (horse), 18, 18

Climate change. See also Global warming; Rainfall; Weather

greenhouse gases and, 669, 669–671, 670

Climax communities, 640

Clonal selection, 1063, 1063–1064, 1064

Clone libraries, 207, 207

Clones, 206

Cloning, 206, 206–207, 219, 219–220, 220, 727

Clorox Corporation, 545

Closed circulatory systems, 829, 829–833, 830–833. See also Blood; Blood vessels; Heart

types of, 831–833, 832–833

Cnidarians, 454, 454–456, 455

Cnidocytes, 454, 455

CNS. See Central nervous system (CNS)

Cobalt, dietary, function and sources of, 886

Cocaine, 957, 958

Cocci, 538, 538

Codes, 182

Codominance, 294, 294

Codon table, 191, 191, 193

Codons, 191

Coelum, 1029, 1030

Coevolution, 629, 629, 629–630

Cognitive performance, hormones and, 988, 988–990, 989

Cognitive training, brain growth and, 954–956

Cohen, Stanley, 215

Cohesion, water movement through plants due to, 713–714, 714

Cohesion-tension mechanism, 714

Cohesiveness, of water, 48, 48–49, 49

Coho salmon, disruptive selection and, 344, 344

Cohorts, 595

Cold. See Temperatures; Thermoregulation

Cold habitats, plant adaptation to, 769, 769

Cold stress, fat cells and, 117–118

Coleochaetes, 497, 497

Collagen, 795

Collenchyma cells, 694, 694

Colon, 894, 894–895, 895

Colonization, adaptive radiations and, 429, 429

Colonizers, 639

Color blindness, 299–300, 300, 936

Coloration, sexual dimorphism in, 394

Colostrum, 1035

Commensalism, 636, 636, 637

Common cold, 559

echinacea and, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11–12, 13–14

Communication, 395, 395–397

honest signals in, 397, 397

language and, 396, 396. See also Language

signal types in, 395–396, 396

Communities, 573, 610, 611

change over time, 639–640, 640

climax, 640

competition and, 630, 630–631, 631

keystone species in, 641, 641

niches in, 628, 628–629

Comparative anatomy, common evolutionary origins revealed by, 353, 353–354, 354

Competitive exclusion, 630, 630

Competitive inhibitors, 73

Competitors, 640

Complement proteins, 1053, 1053, 1054

Complementarity, 238, 238–239, 239

Complete metamorphosis, 467, 468

“Complete” proteins, 880, 881

Complex carbohydrates, 58, 58, 58–59, 882, 882–883

Complex sugars, 882, 882–883

Composting, 706, 706

Compound eyes, 937, 938


bonds in, 45–47

ionic, 45, 46

Concentration gradients, 102

Condensation, 244

Condoms, 1023

Conduction, heat exchange by, 811, 812

Cones (of gymnosperms), 504, 506

Cones (retinal), 936

Conformers, 808, 808

Coniferous forests, 612

Conifers, 507, 507

leaves of, 700, 701

Conjugation, 540, 541

Connective tissue, 793, 794

functions of, 795, 795

special, 796–797

structure of, 796–797

Connective tissue proper, 795, 795–796, 796

Conservation, 674–679

prioritizing species to preserve, 676, 676–677, 677

reversing ozone depletion and, 674, 674–676, 675

strategies for preserving biodiversity and, 678, 678–679, 679

Conservation biology, 654, 654, 654–655

Consumer product labeling, 27–28

Consumers, energy flows from producers to, 620–622, 621

Contraception, 1023, 1023–1025, 1024, 1025

Control group, 16

Convection, heat exchange by, 811, 812

Convergent evolution, 354, 354, 424, 424, 424–425, 425

Copper, dietary, function and sources of, 886

Coprophagy, 897, 897

Copulation, 1008

Copulatory plugs, 388

Coral bleaching, 455, 455

Coral reefs, 455, 613, 613, 656–657, 657

Corals, 454, 454–455, 455

Cork cambium, 754

Cork cells, 692, 692, 692–693

Corn, 764

genetically modified, 210, 210

Coronary arteries, 847, 847

Corpus callosum, 951

Corpus luteum, 1020

Correlation, positive, 27

Cortex (cerebral), 948, 950, 950–952, 951

Cortex (of plant stems), 698, 699

Corticotropin, 977

Cortisol, 982

mood and, 986, 986

Cotyledons, 690, 690, 744

Coughing, 820

Countercurrent exchange systems, 857

Courtship rituals, 386, 387

Covalent bonds, 45, 45, 45–46, 47

Cows, selection for milk production ability, 342, 342–343

Crab lice, 547, 1026

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, 558

Crick, Francis, 180, 180, 238

Crickets, hearing in, 940

Critical experiments, 11, 11–13, 12

Crocus sativus, 734, 734–735

Crops. See Agriculture

Crosses, 282

Crossing over, 253, 257, 257

Crustaceans, 464, 464–465

C3 photosynthesis, 154

Cultural services, 651, 652

Cuticle, 498, 692, 692, 699, 702, 702

Cuvier, Georges, 319, 320

CVS. See Chorionic villus sampling (CVS)

Cyanobacteria, 542

Cyanogenic glycosides, as plant defense, 765

Cycads, 505, 740

Cystic fibrosis, 98, 98

Cytokines, 1052, 1052–1053

fever and, 1055–1056, 1056

Cytokinesis, 237, 246, 254, 255

Cytokinins, 771, 777, 777

Cytoplasm, 90, 114

Cytoskeleton, 114, 114, 114–115, 115, 127

Cytosol, 90

Cytotoxic T cells, 1066, 1066–1067, 1067


Daffodils, 698, 733

Dahlias, 733

Dannon yogurt, 3

Darwin, Charles

on adaptation, 447

on altruistic behaviors, 373–374

on carnivorous plants, 709

on classification of species, 420–421

early life of, 321

influences on thought of, 320, 321, 323

monk parakeets and, 664

natural selection and, 325–326

observations on Galápagos Islands, 321–322, 322

The Origin of Species and. See The Origin of Species (Darwin)

on pace of evolution, 428

on seedling orientation, 773

society inhabited by, 319–320

theory of evolution of, 323, 323–324, 324, 348

voyage on the Beagle, 321, 321–322

“warm little pond” of, 406, 407, 409

Darwin, Erasmus, 320

Darwin, Francis, 773

“Darwinian medicine,” 820

Data points, 24, 24

Daughter cells, 235, 235, 243, 244

DDT, 992, 992

Decomposers, 521, 621, 621, 621–622

Decomposition, 705, 706

Deep oceans, 657


animal, against diseases, 829

plant. See Plant defenses


reversibility of, 662

of tropical rain forests, 661, 661, 671–673, 671–673

Demographic transitions, 597, 597–598, 598

Denaturation of proteins, 71, 71

Dendrites, 800, 920, 920, 924–925, 925

Dendritic cells, 1052, 1052

Density-dependent factors, 576

Density-independent factors, 576, 576–577

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), 75, 180

bacterial, 540

complementarity of, 238–239, 239

eukaryotic, 234, 234

evolutionary trees based on, 423, 423–424

function of, 179

genes and, 182–184, 182–184

genetic ancestry testing and, 486

genetic sequences linking all life forms and, 355, 355

as individual identifier, 178, 178–179, 179

mitochondrial, 117

non-coding (junk), 184–185, 185, 186

in nucleus, 112

prokaryotic, 234, 234

proofreading and repair of, 240

replication of, 238–241, 239, 240

structure of, 76, 76–77, 179–181, 180, 181, 238–239, 239

telomeres and, 232–233, 233

transcription and, 187, 187, 188–190, 189

viral, 557, 558, 558

Dependent variables, 24, 24, 24

Depression, long-term, 954

Dermal tissue, of plants, 691, 692, 692–693

Descartes, René, 979

Deserts, 612, 613

formation of, 615, 615–616

plant adaptations to, 768, 769

rain shadows and, 616


Desmosomes, 110, 111

Detrivores, 621, 621, 621–622

Deuterostomes, 449

DHT. See Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

Diabetes, 906, 906–907, 907

gestational, 376, 376–377

treatment of, 215

type 1, 215, 1068, 1068–1069

Diaea ergandros, altruistic behavior in, 373, 373

Diaphragm (contraceptive), 1023

Diaphragm (muscle), 862, 862

Diarrhea, 820

Diastolic pressure, 845, 845, 845–846

Diatoms, 555, 555

Diet, 898–909. See also Nutrients; Nutrition

aging and, 899–900

brain and, 900–901

complete, 169, 169

healthy, 898, 898–900, 899

lipids in, 62, 62–64, 64–65

obesity and, 902, 902–903, 903

proteins in, 68–69, 69

weight-loss, 905, 905–906

Dietary fiber, 60, 60, 883

Differential reproductive success, 333

natural selection and, 333, 333–334

Diffusion, 102, 102, 102–103, 103

Digestion, 874

antacids and, 53–54

in digestive process, 888, 888, 890–892

Digestive process, 888, 888–897

absorption in, 888, 892–894, 893, 894

alternatives for, in animals, 896, 896–897, 897

digestion in, 888, 888, 890–892

elimination in, 888, 894–895, 895

ingestion in, 888, 889, 889–890

Digestive system, 802

protection of, 1049

Dihybrid cross, 305

Dihybrid traits, 304–305, 305, 305

Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), 1030

Dinosaurs, extinction of, 430

Dioxin, 775

Dipeptides, 90

Diphosphoglyceric acid (DPG), 865

Diploid cells, 250, 251

in bryophytes, 499, 499, 500

in ferns, 501, 502, 502

of fungi, 520, 520

Direct diffusion, respiration by, 852, 853

Directional selection, 342, 342, 342–343, 343, 344–346

Disaccharides, 58, 58–59

Discontinuous replication, 241

Diseases and genetic disorders


anury, 291–292, 292

arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis, 847, 848

arthritis, 19–20, 947

autism, 28, 28–29, 298

bacterial, 435, 545–547, 546

cardiovascular, 107–108, 108, 847, 847–849, 849

cholera, 545, 546

color blindness, 299–300, 300

common cold, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11–12, 13–14, 559

of connective tissue, 796–797

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, 558

cystic fibrosis, 98, 98

diabetes. See Diabetes

Down syndrome, 265–267, 265–267

Ebola, 1046

elephantiasis, 850–851, 851

faulty membranes causing, 98, 98–99, 99

fever and, 820, 1055–1056, 1056

fighting, lymphatic system and, 850, 850

fish odor syndrome, 278, 279, 279

gene therapy for, 217–218

genital herpes, 547, 559, 1026

gestational diabetes, 376, 376–377

global climate change and, 671


Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, 233

influenza. See Influenza

iron-deficiency anemia, 843–844, 844, 854

Klinefelter syndrome, 268, 268

lactose intolerance, 74

mad cow disease, 558

malaria, 556, 556

multiple sclerosis, 926–927, 1069, 1069

mutations and, 203, 203

oral herpes, 559

organic foods and, 718

parasitic, 556, 556, 850–851, 851

pathogens and. See Pathogens

phenylketonuria, 302, 302

polydactyly, 329, 330

rabies, 635, 635–636

severe acute respiratory syndrome, 559, 560

sexually transmitted, 546–547, 547, 1025, 1025–1026, 1026. See also HIV/ AIDS

sickle-cell disease, 298, 299, 856–857

of skeletal system, 947, 947

stomach ulcers, 16–18, 17

swine fever, 560

Tay-Sachs disease, 119, 203, 217, 217, 289, 289

transport protein defects and, 103

treatment of, biotechnology and, 215–218, 216

Turner syndrome, 268, 268

type 1 diabetes, 215

viral, 559, 559–560. See also specific disorders

XXX females, 268, 269

XXY males, 268, 268–269

Dispersers, 639, 640

Disruptive selection, 344, 344

Diving, the bends and, 866

DNA. See Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)

DNA bases, 75, 75–76

DNA fingerprinting, 220–223, 221, 222

DNA helicase, 239

DNA polymerase, 240

DNA probes, 207, 207, 207–208

DNA synthesis phase, 237

DNA viruses, 559

Dodder, 495, 495


infant immunity and, 1065–1066

smell sense of, 935, 935

Dolly (sheep), 219

Dolomedes triton, 48

Domains, 413, 414

Dominant traits, 284, 284

codominance and, 294, 294

incomplete dominance and, 293–294, 294

Dopamine, 930

Dorsal hollow nerve cord, 470, 471

Double bonds, 46

Double fertilization, 512, 512, 512–513, 513, 742

Double helix, 76, 76, 180, 181

Double-blind experimental design, 18

Douglas firs, 507

Down, John Langdon, 266

Down syndrome, 265–267, 265–267

DPG. See Diphosphoglyceric acid (DPG)

DRD4 gene, 308

Drosophila pseudoobscura, 417


altering cell membrane functioning, 98–99, 99

antibiotic, 435. See also Antibiotic resistance

beta-blockers, 98–99, 99

neurotransmitter mimicry by, 957–959, 958

performance-enhancing, 983, 983–984, 984

from plants, 516, 766, 766

smooth endoplasmic reticulum and tolerance to, 122

sources of, 516, 650, 650, 766, 766

urinalysis to screen for, 89, 819

valproic acid with anti-HIV drugs, 21, 21

weight-control, 904–905

Duckweed, 701

Dwarfism, pituitary, 977–978


Ear canal, 939

Eardrum, 939

Ears, 938–939, 939

hearing and, 938–940, 940

protection of, 1050

Earthworms, 458, 458–459, 706

Ebola, 1046

Echidnas, 480, 480

Echinacea, common cold and, 8, 9, 10, 11–12, 13–14

Echinoderms, 468–469, 469

Echolocation, 940, 940

Ecological footprint, 600

Ecology, 572, 572–573, 573

population perspective in, 573–574, 574. See also Population ecology

Ecosystem services, 651, 652

Ecosystems, 573, 610, 610–613

biomes, 611–613, 612, 613

chemical cycles in, 624–627, 624–627

elements of, 610–611, 611

energy flows in, 620–622, 621

energy pyramids and, 622–623, 623

reversibility of disturbances to, 662–663, 663

Ectoderm, 1028, 1029

Ectoparasites, 634, 635

Ectotherms, 478, 809, 810, 810

Eelgrass, 738

Effector cells, 1063, 1064

Effectors, 807

Eggs, 1005, 1005. See also Gametes

amniotic, evolution of, 475, 475

as cells, 87

donation of, 1021

plant, development of, 737, 737

production of, 255–256, 256, 1016, 1016–1018, 1017

EKG. See Electrocardiogram (EKG)

El Niño, 618, 618–619, 619

Elastin, 795

Electricity, sensitivity to, 942

Electrocardiogram (EKG), 837

Electromagnetic spectrum, 146, 146

Electron shells, 43, 43–44

Electron transport chain, 150, 151

Electrons, 41

bonding and, 43, 43–44, 44

Elements, 40, 40

in human body, 42, 43

number of protons in, 41, 41–42, 42

required for plant growth, 704

Elephant seals

caloric needs of, 877

polygamy among, 391, 391

sexual dimorphism in, 393, 393

Elephant shrews, caloric needs of, 877, 877

Elephantiasis, 850–851, 851

Elevation, high. See Low-oxygen conditions

Elimination, in digestive process, 888, 894, 894–895, 895

Embryo, 1008

Embryo sacs, 737, 737

Embryology, common evolutionary origins revealed by, 352–353, 353

Embryonic development, 1032, 1032–1034

Emergency contraceptive pills, 1024

Empirical knowledge, 6

Endangered species, 660, 677

Endangered Species Act (ESA), 677

Endemic species, 657

Endocrine cells, 972, 972

Endocrine disruptors, 992, 992, 992–993, 993

Endocrine glands, 798, 972, 972

Endocrine system, 803, 972, 972

Endocytosis, 107, 107–108, 108

Endoderm, 1028, 1029

Endomembrane system, 120, 120, 120–122, 121

Endometrium, 1016, 1016

Endoparasites, 634, 635

Endoskeletons, 946, 947

Endosperm, 503, 742

Endosymbiosis theory, 91, 91–93, 93

Endotherms, 478, 809, 810, 810

Energy, 134–175, 137

acquisition by plants versus animals, 688, 689


activation, 72

ATP and. See Adenosine triphosphate (ATP)

bond, 45

from carbohydrates, 56, 56–59, 169, 169

cellular respiration and. See Cellular respiration

chemical, 138, 138–139

conversion of, 139, 139–140, 140

from fats, 169, 169

flows from producers to consumers, 620–622, 621

fuel sources for, 169, 169

kinetic, 138, 138

light. See Light energy

from lipids, 62, 63

photosynthesis and. See Photosynthesis

potential, 138, 138

production without oxygen, 167, 167–168, 168

from proteins, 169, 169

requirements for, 136, 136–137, 137, 876, 876–877, 877

Energy pyramids, 622, 622–623, 623

Environment. See also Habitats

abiotic, 611, 611

adaptation to, through natural selection, 338–347

biotic, 610, 611

cardiovascular disease and, 848

cellular adaptation to, 117–118

extreme, archaea living in, 436, 436

global warming and. See Global warming

human activities and. See Human activities

interaction with genes, 302, 302–303, 303

mismatched, behaviors and, 379–380, 380

sex determination in turtles and, 263–264

Environmental disturbance, species richness and, 656, 656

Environmental intervention, unintended consequences of, 637–638

Enzymatic proteins, 97

Enzymes, 68, 72–74

cellulose-digesting, 896

DNA replication and, 239, 240

facilitation of chemical reactions by, 72, 72

lysosomes and, 119

membrane, 97, 97

non-functioning, 74, 74

regulation of reactions by, 73, 73–74, 74

restriction, 205, 205

Epibatidine, 650

Epidermis, of plants, 692, 692, 696, 699

Epididymis, 1010, 1011

Epipedobates tricolor, 650

Epithelial tissue (epithelium), 793, 794, 797–798

functions of, 797, 797, 798

EPO. See Erythropoietin (EPO)

Equus quagga, 415

Erie, Lake, 627

Erosion, reduction by non-vascular plants, 500, 500

Erwin, Terry, 465–466

Erythrocytes, 842, 843, 843–844. See also Red blood cells

Erythropoietin (EPO), production of, 216

ESA. See Endangered Species Act (ESA)

Escaping, 633, 633

Escherichia coli, 435, 538

generation time of, 539

Esophagus, 889, 889–890, 890

Essay on the Principle of Population (Malthus), 323

Essential amino acids, 69, 69, 880

Estrogen, 65–66, 66, 981, 982, 1020

longevity and, 990–991

monthly cycle and, 1020

mood and, 985, 985

Estuaries, 613, 613

Ethanol, 168

aspirin and, 224

harmful effects of, 961, 961

interference with neurotransmitters, 960–961, 961

response to, genetics and, 202–203, 203

Ethylene, 771, 775–777, 776, 776

Eucritta melanolimnetes, 413

Eudicots, 690, 690, 691

auxins killing, 775

leaves of, 700, 701

stems of, 698–699

Eukarya, 433, 437, 437. See also Animals; Invertebrates; Vertebrates

Eukaryotes, 89, 534

cell division in, 233

first, 553, 553–554

gene control in, 196, 196

Eukaryotic cells, 89, 90–93, 112–127, 432

adaptation to environment, 117–118

cell cycle of, 236, 236–238, 237

cell wall of, 124, 124–125

chloroplasts of, 126, 126–127, 127

chromosomes of, 234, 234

cytoplasm of, 114

cytoskeleton of, 114, 114–115, 115

distinguishing features of, 90, 91

endomembrane system of, 120, 120–122, 121

endosymbiosis and, 91–93, 93

Golgi apparatus of, 122–123, 123

invagination and, 93, 93

lysosomes of, 118–119, 119

mitochondria of, 115–117, 116

nucleus of, 112, 112–113, 113

structure of, 90–91, 90–92

vacuoles of, 125, 125–126

European mink, 631

Eutrophication, 626, 626–627


heat exchange by, 811, 812

from plants, 713, 714, 714

Evolution, 314–404, 317

adaptive radiations and, 429, 429

of amniotic egg, 475, 475

of behavior. See Behavioral traits, evolution of

changing allele frequencies and, 325–326, 326

common genetic sequences linking all life forms and, 355, 355

comparative anatomy and embryology and, 352–354, 353, 354

convergent, 354, 354, 424, 424–425, 425

Darwin’s theory of, 323, 323–324, 324, 348

of eukaryotes, 91–93, 93

evidence for, 348–357

of fins, 473, 473

fossil record of, 348–350, 349, 350

genetic drift and, 328–331, 329, 330

of horses, 349–350, 350

of humans, 483–485, 484

of jaws, 473, 474

of limbs, 475, 475

of lungs, 475, 475

macro. See Macroevolution

mechanisms of, 325–337

micro, 426–427, 427

migration and, 331, 331

misconceptions about, 358

movement from water to land and, 474–475, 475

multigenerational experiments and observations and, 356, 356–357, 357

mutation and, 326–328, 327

natural selection and. See Natural selection

ongoing nature of, 316, 316–318, 318

power of, 31

of primates, 481, 481–483, 482

recessive traits and, 335–337, 336

species distributions and, 351, 351–352, 352

species richness and, 656, 656

theory of, by natural selection, 15

of vertebrae, 475, 475

Evolutionary trees, 420, 420–425

ancestor-descendent relationships shown by, 421–424, 422

constructing by comparing similarities and differences among organisms, 422–424, 423

convergent evolution and, 424, 424–425, 425

DNA-based, 423, 423–424

nodes on, 421–422

Excretory system, 803

Exercise, cardiovascular disease and, 848

Exocrine glands, 798

Exocytosis, 107, 108–109, 109

Exoskeletons, 463, 946, 947

Exotic species, 664

introduction of, 661, 664–666, 664–666, 680

Experimental group, 16

Experiments, 16–22

bias in, 22, 22–23

critical, 11–13, 12

designing, 16–19

elements common to, 16

multigeneration, 356, 356–357, 357

reproducible and repeatable, 21, 21–22

Exponential growth, 575

External fertilization, 1007

internal fertilization versus, 1007–1009, 1007–1009

Extinctions, 430, 658–661

background, 430, 431, 658–659

causes of, 658, 658–660, 659

current, 660–661, 661

mass, 429, 429, 430, 430–431, 431, 658–659

Extracellular fluid, 805

Extremophiles, 551

Eye cups, 937, 937, 937–938


compound, 937, 938, 938

human, 936, 936

protection of, 1050

single-lens, 936

vision and, 936–938, 936–938

Eyewitness identification

DNA analysis and, 178, 178–179, 179

reliability of, 8, 8, 10, 11, 13


Facilitated diffusion, 103, 103

Fake fats, 65

Fallopian tubes, 1016, 1016

Familial hypercholesterolemia, 107–108, 108

Families, 413, 414

Family resemblance, 278–287

Fast flushers, 202–203, 203

Fat, body. See Body fat; Obesity

Fat cells

cold stress and, 117–118

obesity and, 902

Fats, 883, 883–885, 884

digestion of, 891–892

energy from, 169, 169

fake, 65

glucose conversion to, 57, 57

hydrogenation of, 64, 64, 78

saturated, 62, 63, 64, 884, 884–885

trans, 64, 885

unsaturated, 63, 64, 884, 884–885

Fatty acids, essential and non-essential, 884

Feathers, 478, 479

Feces, 888, 894–895, 895

coprophagy and, 897, 897


negative, 807, 807–808

positive, 808–809, 809

Female reproductive cycle, pheromones and, 1018, 1018

Female reproductive system, 802, 1016–1021

gametogenesis and, 1017, 1017–1018

hormone regulation of, 1018–1020, 1018–1021

structures of, 1016

Females, 382

Fermentation, 168, 168

Ferns, 501, 501–502, 502

Fertilization, 250

Fertilization (animal), 1005, 1005, 1007–1009, 1007–1008, 1022, 1022–1025

external versus internal, 1007–1009, 1007–1009

prevention of, 1023–1025, 1024, 1025

Fertilization (plant), 730, 731, 732, 741–742, 742

double, 512, 512–513, 513, 742

pollinators and, 510, 510–511, 511

self-, avoidance by plants, 743–744, 744



composting to produce, 706, 706

human feces as, 706

Fetus, 1032

access to oxygen, 856, 856

Fever, 820, 1055, 1055–1056, 1056

Fiber, dietary, 60, 60, 883

Fibroblasts, 795

Fibrous roots, 695, 695–696, 696

Fighting back, 633, 633

Filaments (of stamens), 508, 509, 734, 734

Filtrate, 818, 818–819

Finches, of Galápagos Islands, 417, 418, 429

Fins, evolution of, 473, 473

Firs, 504, 505, 506, 506, 507

First law of thermodynamics, 140

First trimester, 1032, 1032–1033, 1033

Fish odor syndrome, 278, 279, 279

Fishes. See also specific fishes

cartilaginous, 473, 474

circulatory system of, 831, 831–832

endocrine disruptors and, 993, 993

evolution of jaws and fins in, 473, 473–474, 474

gills of. See Gills

lobe-finned, 474, 474

movement onto land, 474–475, 475

osmoregulation in, 816

ray-finned, 473–474, 474

Fishing spider, 48

Fitness, 338, 338–339, 339

inclusive, 376

Fixation, 328

Fixed action patterns, 368, 368, 368–369

Flagella, 90, 115, 115

Flagship species, 678–679

Flatworms, 456, 456–457, 457

eyes of, 937

fragmentation in, 1007

Fleming, Alexander, 521–522

Fleshy fruits, 515

seed dispersal and, 514, 514–515

Flies. See Fruit flies; Hanging flies; House flies


in insects, 467

in invertebrates, 467, 467

Flowers, 508, 509, 733, 733–737. See also Angiosperms

blooming of, gibberellins and, 772, 772

ethylene and, 776, 776

feeding and protecting in a vase, 170

male and female, 743–744

of monocots versus eudicots, 690

nectar and, 740–741

parts of, 733–735, 734

pH and color of, 705, 705

Fluid mosaics, 96, 96

Fluorine, dietary, function and sources of, 886

FMO3 gene, 278, 279, 279

Folic acid, 886

Follicles (in ovaries), 1017, 1017

Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), 977, 982, 1017

female reproductive cycle and, 1020

Follicular phase, 1020

Food. See also Diet; Nutrients; Nutrition

allergies to, antacids and, 53–54

contamination by bacteria, 564

conversion into nutrients. See Digestive process

labeling of, 27–28

need for, 874, 874–875

preparation of, 889

spicy, 908, 908–909, 909

Food chains, 621, 621–622

inefficiency of, 622–623, 623

“Food coma,” 840

Food webs, 621, 621

Ford, Gerald, 559

Forebrain, 948, 949, 949–952


acid precipitation and, 668, 668

coniferous, 612

destruction of. See Deforestation

rain. See Tropical rain forests

temperate deciduous, 612

tropical seasonal, 612, 613

Fossil fuels, 136

Fossils, 348, 348–350, 349

of australopithecines, 482, 483

of cells, 408, 408

difficulties classifying, 415, 415

Founder effect, 329, 330

Foxgloves, 733

Fragmentation, 1006, 1007

Franklin, Rosalind, 180

Freckles, red hair and, 304, 306, 306–307

Friendly behaviors, in humans, 398


epibatidine from, 650

external fertilization in, 1007

life cycle of, 476, 477

mate guarding in, 388

Frontal lobe, 951, 951

Fructose, 56

Fruit flies

allopatric speciation of, 417

colonization by, 429

eyes of, 937

life extension in, 593–594, 594

starvation-resistant, 316, 316–317, 317, 357

Fruits, 744. See also specific fruits

development of, auxins and, 774, 775

enlargement of, gibberellins and, 772, 772

ripening of, 775–776, 776

seed dispersal by, 514, 514–515, 745–747, 746

vegetables versus, 756

FSH. See Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)


biofuels, 136, 136–137

fossil, 136

Fundamental niche, 628, 629

Fungi, 518–525

beneficial, 521–522, 524–525

habitats of, 521, 521

life cycle if, 520, 520

mycorrhizal, 522, 522–524, 523

plant nutrient absorption and, 711–712, 712

structure of, 520–521, 521


G0, 237

G1. See Gap 1 (G1)

G2. See Gap 2 (G2)

Gage, Phineas, 950, 951

Galápagos Islands

Darwin’s observations on, 321–322, 322

finch species of, 417, 418, 429

Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), 1037, 1037

Gametes, 236. See also Eggs; Sperm

male versus female, 255, 255–256, 256, 383, 513, 513

production by meiosis, 252, 252–256, 254–256, 729, 730, 732


in females, 1017, 1017–1018

in males, 1011, 1011–1013, 1012

Gametophytes, 499, 499, 500, 730

in ferns, 501, 502, 502

Gap 1 (G1), 237

Gap 2 (G2), 237

Gap junctions, 110, 110–111, 111

Garciaparra, Nomar, 5

Garlic mustard, 523

Garter snakes, mate guarding in, 388

Gas exchange. See Gills; Lungs; Respiratory system


greenhouse, 669, 669–671, 670, 672

intestinal, 892

Gastric freezing, 16–18, 17

Gastropods, 459, 459–460, 460

Gastrula, 1028, 1029

Gastrulation, 1028

Geek theory of autism, 298

Geese, egg retrieval in, 368, 368–369, 371, 371–372

Gene expression, 94

control of, 194–195

Gene flow, 331

as mechanism of evolution, 331, 331

Gene libraries, 207, 207

Gene regulation, 193–196, 194, 194–196

Gene therapy, 217–218, 218

Generations, alternation of, 732

Genes, 182–184, 183, 183, 184

alleles and, 184, 184

autism and, 298

function of, 186–187, 187

for height, 297, 297

independent assortment of, 304–305, 305

interaction with environment, 302, 302–303, 303

linked, 304, 306, 306–307

with more than two alleles, 295, 295–297, 297

pedigrees and, 291, 291–292, 292

regulatory, 195

Genetic code, 191, 191, 193

damage to, 197–200, 198, 199

Genetic disorders. See Diseases and genetic disorders

Genetic diversity

avoidance of self-fertilization in plants and, 743–744, 744

loss of, genetic engineering and, 214

sexual versus asexual reproduction and, 729

Genetic drift, 328, 328–331, 329, 330

Genetic engineering, 204, 208, 208, 208–212

Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 217

Genetic recombination, 253

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs), 209

safety of, 212–214, 213

Genetics, 276–313

ancestry testing and, 486

cardiovascular disease and, 848

family resemblance and, 278–287

genetic sequences linking all life forms and, 355, 355

genotype translation into phenotype and, 293–303

linked genes and, 304–307

Mendel’s experiments in, 282–285

mutation and, 326–328, 327

probability and chance and, 288–292

racial differences and, 438

Genital herpes, 547, 559, 1026

Genomes, 182, 182–183, 183

Genotype, 187, 286

phenotype and, 286, 286–287, 287

translation into phenotype, 293–303

Genus, 413

Geographic isolation

speciation with, 416–417, 418

speciation without, 417–418, 419

Geographic range, extinction risk and, 659, 659–660

Germ layers, 1028

Germination, 730

gibberellins and, 772, 772

of seeds, 748, 748–749, 749

Gestational diabetes, 376, 376–377

Ghost pipe, 523, 523

Giant kelp, 555

Gibberellins, 771, 771, 771–772, 772

GIFT. See Gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT)

Gigantism, 977, 978

Gills, 831–832, 853, 853, 57–858

blood circulation in, 857

diversity of, 857–858

gas exchange in, 857, 858

Gingras, Gabby, 918, 918

Ginkgo, 505

Giraffes, 846, 846

Gizzard, 889

Glands, 797–798

adrenal, 977, 978–979, 979, 982

bulbourethral, 1011

endocrine, 798, 972, 972

exocrine, 798

mammary, 479

parathyroid, 980, 981

pineal, 979, 982

pituitary, 976, 976–978, 977, 978

prostate, 1011

thyroid, 980, 982


Glial cells, 801, 920, 920

Global warming

coral reefs and, 455

greenhouse gases and, 669, 669–671, 670

Glomerulus, 817

Glucagon, 981, 981, 982

Glucose, 56, 56–57

diabetes and, 906–907, 907

Glutamate, 930

Glycemic index, 906

Glycerol, 95

Glycine, 68

Glycogen, 56–57, 57, 883

Glycolysis, 158, 158, 158–159, 161

Glycoproteins, 70

Glyptodonts, 322, 322

G2/M checkpoint, 237, 238

GMOs. See Genetically modified organisms (GMOs)

Gnetophytes, 505

Goiter, 980, 980

Golden lion tamarin, 411

Golden rice, 209, 209–210, 210

Golgi apparatus, 122, 122–123, 123, 127

Gonads, 252. See also Ovaries; Testes

hormones produced by, 981, 982

Gonorrhea, 547, 1026

Goodall, Jane, 1013

Gram, Hans Christian, 539

Gram stains, 539, 539

Grant, Peter, 340

Grant, Rosemary, 340

Graphs, 23, 23–24, 24

Grass, multigeneration observation of, 356, 356

Gravitotropism, 779, 779, 779–780

Gray matter, 926, 927

Great Barrier Reef, 455

Great Basin bristlecone pines, 507

Great Dying, 430, 431

Green algae, 497, 497

Greenhouse gases, 669, 669–671, 670

increase in, deforestation and, 672

Greenland glacier, global warming and, 670

Ground tissue, of plants, 692, 694, 694, 696, 696

Group selection, 381, 381


of brain, cognitive training and, 954–956

by molting versus adding to body in continuous manner, 449, 451

need for new cells and, 242, 242

of plants. See Plant growth

of populations. See Population growth

proteins and, 879–881, 880, 881

reproduction and, 584, 585

of seeds, 748, 748–749, 749

Growth hormone, 977, 982

Growth rate, 575

G1/S checkpoint, 237, 237–238

Guam, brown tree snake and, 664–665, 665

Guard cells, 692, 692, 702, 702

Guinea pigs, hazard factor and, 593

Gulf of Mexico

dead zone in, 642

oil spill in, 652–653

Gulf Stream, 618

Gymnosperms, 504, 505, 506, 506, 507, 507

leaves of, 700, 701


Habitat conservation, 678, 678

Habitat restoration, 679

Habitat services, 651, 652

Habitat tolerance, extinction risk and, 660

Habitats, 611, 611

extreme, plant adaptations to, 768–769

loss and degradation of, due to human activity, 661, 661

Hagfishes, 473

Hair, 479

color and texture of, shaving and, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14

male-pattern baldness and, 300–301

of mammals, 479

red, freckles and, 304, 306, 306–307

texture of, protein and, 71, 71

Hairs (plant), 764, 765

Halophiles, 436

Hamilton, W. D., 375

Hanging flies, mate selection in, 387

Haploid cells, 250, 251

in bryophytes, 499, 499, 500

in ferns, 501, 502, 502

of fungi, 520, 520

Hardy, G. H., 335

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, 336, 337

Hardy-Weinberg Law, 335–337, 336

Hawn, Goldie, 333

Hazard factor, determinants of, 592, 592–593

HbS allele, 556

hCG. See Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

HDL. See High-density lipoproteins (HDL)

Health. See also Diseases and genetic disorders

hormones and, 990, 990–991, 991

Hearing, 938–940, 940

Heart, 829, 830, 830. See also Circulatory systems

atria of, 831, 831

of birds and mammals, 832, 832

diseases of, 847, 847–849, 849

electrical activity in, 836–837, 837

of fishes, 831, 831

human, 834–836, 834–836

of reptiles, 833

ventricles of, 831, 831

Heart attacks, 847, 847

Heart murmurs, 836

Heart valves, 836

Heat. See also Global warming; Temperatures; Thermoregulation

sensitivity to, 942, 942

Heat capacity, of water, 49–50, 50

Heat exchange mechanisms, 811, 812

Heat stroke, 804, 804–805

Height genes, 297, 297

Height, of plants versus animals, 688, 689

Heliconius, 416, 766

Heliotropism, 779

Helper T cells, 1066, 1066–1067, 1067

Hematocrit, 843

Hemlock, 765

Hemoglobin, 843, 854, 854

adaptation to low-oxygen conditions and, 864, 864, 865

gene coding for, evolution and, 355, 355

oxygen binding to, 854–857, 855, 856

Hemolymph, 829, 829–830

Hepatitis, 1026

Herbivores, 620, 621, 875, 875, 875–876

Herbivory, defenses against, 764–766

Herbs, 639

Heredity, 280

Heritability, 333

natural selection and, 332–333, 333

Hermaphrodites, 262

Hermaphroditism, 269, 743

Heroin, 957


genital, 547, 559, 1026

oral, 559

Heterotherms, 810–811, 811

Heterozygous genotype, 285

HGH. See Human growth hormone (HGH)

Hibernation, 810, 810–811, 811

Hiding, 633, 633

Hierarchical organization

of animal body, 793–794, 794

of life, 31

High elevation. See Low-oxygen conditions

High-density lipoproteins (HDL), cardiovascular disease and, 848–849, 849

Himalayan rabbits, 302–303, 303

Hindbrain, 948, 949

Hippocampus, 952, 953, 953

Hippocrates, 813

Histamine, 1054, 1055

Histones, 234

HIV/AIDS, 547, 1026, 1069–1071, 1070, 1071

course of, 1069–1070, 1070

difficulty of controlling, 561–563, 562, 563, 1070–1071, 1071

mode of infection by HIV and, 100–101, 101

pandemic of, 559

prevalence of, 1071, 1071

treatment of, 1071

Homeostasis, 805, 805–809, 806

fever and, 820

negative and positive feedback systems influencing, 807–809, 807–808

temperature control and, 809–813, 810–812

Homeotherms, 810, 811

Homer, 280

Homo erectus, 482, 483, 484

Homo ergaster, 482

Homo floresiensis, 482, 483, 484

Homo habilis, 482

Homo heidelbergensis, 415

Homo neanderthalensis, 482, 483

Homo sapiens, 413, 415, 482, 484. See also Humans

Homologous features, 425

Homologous pairs, 252, 252, 253, 254

crossing over and, 257, 257

Homologous structures, 353, 353

Homozygous genotype, 285

H1N1 virus, 1046, 1046

Honest signals, 397, 397

Honeybees, waggle dance of, 395–396, 396

Hong Kong flu, 560

Hooke, Robert, 86

Horizontal gene transfer, 433

Hormonal contraceptive methods, 1023–1024, 1024

Hormone injections/implants, contraceptive, 1024

Hormones (animal), 968–1001, 971

adrenal, 978–979, 979, 982

behavioral effects of, 987, 987–988

as chemical messengers, 971–972, 972, 973

chemicals mimicking or blocking, 992, 992–995, 993

cognitive performance and, 988, 988–990, 989

estrogen. See Estrogen

health and longevity and, 990, 990–991, 991

human growth hormone production, 215–216, 216

mood and, 985–986

ovulation control by, 1018, 1018–1020, 1019

pancreatic, 981, 981, 982. See also Oxytocin

peptide or protein, 973, 974, 974

physique and physical performance and, 83, 983–984

of pineal gland, 979, 982

pituitary, 976–978, 977, 978, 982

sex, 981, 982

steroid. See Steroid hormones

target tissue regulation by, 973–995, 974

testosterone. See Testosterone

thyroid, 980, 980–981, 982

Hormones (plant), 770–777, 771, 771

flowering, fruit ripening, and stress response regulation by, 775–777

seed germination and stem elongation regulation by, 771–772, 772

seedling growth and orientation regulation by, 773–775, 774

Horses, evolutionary history of, 349–350, 350

Horsetails, 501, 501–502

Hosta, 700

Hosts, 556, 634

House flies, mate guarding in, 388

HPV. See Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest, 611

Hudson, Kate, 333

Hudson’s Bay Company, 579

Human activities, 662–673

acid rain and, 666–668, 667, 668

deforestation and, 671–673, 671–673

greenhouse gases and, 669, 669–671, 670

introduction of non-native species and, 664–666, 664–666, 680

mass extinction due to, 660–661, 661

reversibility of ecosystem disturbances due to, 662–663, 663

Human babies, fear of snakes in, 370, 370

Human body

elements in, 42, 43

pH and, 52–53, 53

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), 1021


Human development, prenatal. See Prenatal development

Human feces, as fertilizer, 706

Human Genome Project, 76

Human growth hormone (HGH), production of, 215–216, 216

Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), 561, 1069. See also HIV/AIDS

Human papillomavirus (HPV), 1026

Human population, 595–602

age distribution of, 595

demographic transitions and, 597–598, 598

growth of, 595–601

limit to, 599–601, 599–601


blood flow in, 834–836, 834–836, 838, 838–840, 839

current mass extinction due to activity of, 660–661, 661

evolution of, 481, 481–483, 482, 483–485, 484

eyes of, 936, 936

friendly behaviors in, 398

initial migration out of Africa, 483–485, 484

lungs of, 859, 859

mating systems of, 392, 392–393

number of offspring produced by, 382

osmoregulation in, 817–819, 817–819

pregnancy in. See Pregnancy

prenatal development in. See Prenatal development

sex determination in, 260, 260–261, 261

similarity of human and chimpanzee genes and, 481–482

Humoral immunity, 1062, 1062–1063

Humus, 705, 706

Hunger, 876, 876

Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, 233

Hybrid individuals, 413

Hybridization, 416

difficulties classifying species and, 415, 416


bonding of, 45

formation of molecules containing, 406, 407, 407

Hydrogen bonds, 46, 46–47, 47

in water, 48, 48–49

Hydrophilic molecules, 62, 95, 95

Hydrophobic molecules, 62, 95, 95

Hydroponically grown plants, 704, 704

Hydrostatic skeletons, 946, 947

Hypertension, 846

Hyperthermia, 804

Hypertonic solutions, 104, 104, 105

Hyphae, 519

Hypotension, 846

Hypothalamus, 948, 950, 950, 976

pituitary control by, 976–978, 977, 978

Hypothermia, 805

Hypotheses, 9

formulating, 9–10, 10

null, 9–10

testable predictions and, 10–11, 11

theory and, 15

Hypotonic solutions, 104, 104, 105



density of, 50, 50

origin of life in, 409–410

ICSI. See Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

Illness. See Diseases and genetic disorders

Immune system, 803, 1047

AIDs and, 1069–1071, 1070, 1071

allergies and, 1072, 1072–1073, 1073

autoimmune diseases and, 1068, 1068–1069, 1069

boosting, 1074

dogs and infants and, 1065–1066

physical barriers and, 1047, 1048–1050, 1048–1050

Immunity, 1044–1079, 1058

cell-mediated, 1062, 1063

humoral, 1062, 1062–1063

non-specific. See Non-specific immunity

specific. See Specific immunity

Inclusive fitness, 376

Incomplete dominance, 293, 293–294, 294

Incomplete metamorphosis, 467, 468

“Incomplete” proteins, 880, 881

Independent variables, 24, 24, 24

Indicator species, 679

Individual organisms, 573


hand babbling in, 953, 953

immunity of, dogs and, 1065–1066

thermoregulation in, 812, 812–813


clonal selection and, 1063–1064, 1064

immune system and. See Immune system; Immunity

Infertility, 1036

Inflammation, 820

Inflammatory response, 1053, 1053–1055, 1054

Influenza, 559–561

H1N1, 1046, 1046

pandemics of, 559, 559–560

vaccines against, 1058–1059, 1059

Influenza A virus, 560–561, 561

Ingestion, in digestive process, 888, 889, 889, 889–890

Inheritance, 333

Inhibitors, 73, 73, 73–74

Innate behaviors, 368, 368, 368–369

Innate system. See Non-specific immunity

Insectivorous Plants (Darwin), 709

Insects, 464, 465. See also specific insects

cellulose digestion by, 896

eyes of, 937, 938, 938

flight in, 467

hearing in, 940

metamorphosis in, 467, 467–468

osmoregulation in, 815–816

plants eating, 517, 517, 708, 708, 709–710

pollination by, 510, 510, 739, 739

wings of, evolution of, 347, 347

Instincts, 368, 368, 368–369

Insulin, 108–109, 109, 981, 981, 982

Integumentary system, 803, 1048. See also Hair

as physical barrier, 1048–1050, 1049, 1050

Intelligence, of invertebrates, 462, 462

Interferons, 1053

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 670

Intermediate filaments, 114, 114

Intermembrane space, 117

Internal fertilization, 1007

external fertilization versus, 1007–1009, 1007–1009

Interneurons, 921, 921

Interphase, 236, 236, 237, 245

meiosis and, 252–253, 254

Intersex individuals, 269

Interstitial fluid, 805, 829

Intestinal gas, 552, 552, 892

Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), 1037

Intrauterine devices (IUDs), 1024, 1024–1025

Introduced species, 664, 664–666, 664–666

Introns, 185

Invagination, 93, 93

Invasive species, 664, 664–666, 664–666

Invertebrates, 450, 451, 452–465, 467–469. See also specific invertebrates

arthropods, 463, 463–465, 464

balance and motion senses in, 942

cnidarians, 454, 454–456, 455

echinoderms, 468–469, 469

endocrine disruptors and, 993, 993

flight in, 467, 467

intelligence of, 462, 462

metamorphosis in, 467, 467–468

molluscs, 459–461, 460, 461

sponges, 452, 452–453

worms, 456–459, 457, 458

Iodine, dietary, function and sources of, 886

Ionic bonds, 45, 46, 47

Ionic compounds, 45, 46

Ions, 44, 44

Iris (of eye), 936, 936

Iron, dietary, function and sources of, 886

Iron-deficiency anemia, 843–844, 844, 854

Islands, 657, 657

Isotonic solutions, 104, 104

Isotopes, 42, 42

IUDs. See Intrauterine devices (IUDs)

IVF-ET, 1036, 1037


Japanese white pine, 700

Jaws, evolution of, 473, 474

Jeffreys, Alec, 220

Jellyfishes, 454, 454, 456, 946, 947

Jet lag, NADH and, 165–166

Johnson, Ben, 983–984

Jones, Marion, 984


Kalahari Desert, 616

Karyotype, 265, 265–266, 266

kcals. See Kilocalories (kcals)

Kelp, 554, 555

Keystone species, 641, 641, 679


functions of, 817, 817

osmoregulation and, 816, 817–819, 817–819

Kilocalories (kcals), 876, 877

Kin selection, 374, 374–377, 375, 376, 378

Kinetic energy, 138, 138

Kingdoms, 413, 414

Kittiwake gull, reproductive output in, 384

Klinefelter syndrome, 268, 268

Knowles, Beyonce, 411

Koala, cellulose digestion by, 897, 897

Korean flu, 560

Krebs cycle, 160, 160, 160–162, 161


La Niña, 619, 619

Labor, 1034

lac operon, 194, 195, 195–196

Lactation, 383, 1035

Lactobacillus acidophilus, 543, 543–544

Lactose intolerance, 74

Lagging strand, 241

Lakes, 613, 613

acid precipitation and, 668

Lamarck, Jean-Baptiste, 319, 320

Lamellae, 857

Lampreys, 473

Lancelets, 471, 472

Landis, Floyd, 983

Landscape conservation, 678

Language, 396, 396, 396–397

brain and, 952, 952–953

Large intestine, 894, 894–895, 895

Large weevil, 610, 610

Larva, 467, 467

Larynx, 858, 859

Lateral meristems, 698, 698

plant growth at, 751, 751

Law of segregation, 284–285, 285, 285

LDL. See Low-density lipoproteins (LDL)

Leading strand, 240, 240–241

Learned behaviors, 369, 369–370

Learning, 369

brain and, 953

prepared, 370

Leaves, 699, 699–701

function of, 699

hairs on, 702, 702

of monocots versus eudicots, 690

number and size of, 701, 701

structure of, 699–701, 700

succulent, 768, 769

Leeches, 459

Left hemisphere, 951

Legumes, nitrogen fixation in, 707–708, 708

Lemmings, 579

Lemurs, 931

Leonardo da Vinci, 779

Leopard seals, 875

Leukocytes, 844. See also White blood cells

Lewis models, 45

LH. See Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Lichens, 524, 639

Life, 406

events following origin of, 433–434, 434

origin of, 406–410

water and, 49–51


Life cycles, 730

of flowering plants, 731, 732

of non-flowering, non-seed plants, 730–731, 731

Life histories, 582, 582–588

life tables and survivorship curves and, 587, 587–588, 588

natural selection and, 582–584, 583, 584

tradeoffs between growth, reproduction, and longevity and, 584–586, 585

Life tables, 587, 587

Life-dinner hypothesis, 635

Ligaments, 795, 795–796

Light energy, 146, 146, 146–147, 147

capture as chemical energy, 149–150, 149–151, 152

distribution of, 614, 614–615

photoperiodism and, 782, 782–783, 783

phototropism and, 778, 778–779

species richness and, 656, 656

Lignin, 694, 694

Limbic system, 952

Limbs, evolution of, 475, 475

Linked genes, 304, 306, 306, 306–307

Linnaeus, Carolus, 413, 420, 432, 709, 781

Linoleic acid, 884

Linolenic acid, 884

Lions, kin selection in, 377

Lipids, 61, 61, 61–66

in diet, 62, 62–64, 64–65

regulating growth and development, 65, 65–66, 66

Lipoproteins, 70

Liposuction, 905

Liver, 891

Living organisms and systems

common characteristics of, 31

pH and, 51–53, 52, 53


pollination by, 739

testosterone in, 984

Llamas, 863, 863–864

Lobe-finned fishes, 474, 474

Lobsters, 946

Loci, 183

Locust swarms, 578, 578

Logistic growth, 576, 577

Loneliness, health consequences of, 194

Longevity, 589–590

determinants of, 592, 592–593

hormones and, 990, 990–991, 991

of plants versus animals, 688, 689

tradeoff with reproduction, 2

Longitudinal studies, 955–956

Long-term depression, 954

Long-term potentiation, 954

Low-density lipoproteins (LDL), cardiovascular disease and, 848–849, 849

Low-oxygen conditions

animal adaptations to, 863, 863–864

human adaptations to, 864, 864–865

Lucy (australopithecine), 482, 483

Luehea seemannii, 465, 676

Lungs, 853, 853

alveoli of, 859, 859

evolution of, 475, 475

muscles controlling air flow into and out of, 862, 862

smoking and, 860

Luteal phase, 1020

Luteinizing hormone (LH), 977, 982

female reproductive cycle and, 1020

Lyell, Charles, 319, 320, 323

Lymph, 850

Lymph nodes, 850

Lymphatic system, 803, 849–851, 850

functions of, 849–850

Lymphocytes, 1061

Lysosomes, 118, 118–119, 119, 127

Lysozyme, 1049


M phase. See Mitotic phase (M phase)

Macroevolution, 426, 426, 426–431, 427

adaptive radiations and, 428–429, 429

mass extinctions and, 430, 430–431, 431

uneven pace of evolution and, 427–428, 428

Macromolecules, 55

Macrophages, 1051, 1051–1052, 1052

Macrophomina phaseoline, 764

Mad cow disease, 558

Madagascar periwinkle, 650


dietary, function and sources of, 886

plant growth and, 704

Magnetism, sensitivity to, 942, 942

Malaria, 556, 556

Malayan pit viper, 650

Male reproductive system, 802, 1010, 1010–1016

competition among sperm cells and, 1013, 1013–1014, 1014

gametogenesis and, 1011, 1011–1013, 1012

sperm investment and, 1014–1016

structures of, 1010–1011, 1011

Male-pattern baldness, 300–301

Males, 382

Malpighian tubules, osmoregulation and, 815–816

Malthus, Thomas, 323

Mammals, 479, 479–480, 480. See also specific mammals

blood pressure in, 846, 846

circulatory system of, 832, 832

endocrine disruptors and, 993, 993

pollination by, 739

respiratory systems of, 858–860, 859

Mammary glands, 479

Manganese, dietary, function and sources of, 886

Mangroves, 697, 697

Maple trees, 714–715, 715

Marsupials, 480, 480

Martha (passenger pigeon), 658, 658

Mass, 41

Mass extinctions, 429, 429, 430, 430, 430–431, 431, 658–659

current, 660–661, 661

Mast cells, 1054, 1054

Mate guarding, 388, 388, 388–390, 389

Mating systems, 391, 391, 391–393, 392

Matrix, 793

Maximum sustainable yield, 580, 580, 580–581, 581

Meadow voles, sperm investment in, 1015–1016

Mechanical defenses, 632, 632

Mechanical plant defenses, 764, 765, 767–768

Mechanoreceptors, 938

Medulla, 948, 949

Meiosis, 233, 250, 250–259

gamete production by, 252, 252–256, 254–256, 729, 730, 732

sexual reproduction and, 250–251, 251, 258–259

variation created by, 257, 257

Melatonin, 982

mood and, 986

Membrane enzymes, 97, 97

Memory, brain and, 953–954

Memory cells, 1063, 1064

Menadione, 886

Mendel, Gregor, 282–285, 303, 307, 368

Mendel’s law of independent assortment, 304–305, 305, 305

Mendel’s law of segregation, 284–285, 285, 285

Menopause, 1021

Menstrual cycle, 1019, 1019

Menstrual synchrony, 1018, 1018

Menstruation, 1020

Meristems, 697, 697–698, 750

apical, 750–751, 751

root and shoot, 744

Mesoderm, 1028, 1029


palisade, 699

spongy, 699

Messenger RNA (mRNA), 187

bacterial, 540

transcription and, 188–190, 189

translation and, 190–191, 190–192, 193

Metabolic pathways, 72

Metabolic plasmids, 540

Metabolism, 72

Metamorphosis, 467, 467–468

Metaphase, 245

in meiosis, 253, 254, 254

in mitosis, 245, 246

Metastasis, 248, 248


bonds in, 45, 46

consumption by bacteria, 652–653

as greenhouse gas, 670

Methanogens, 436

Methuselah tree, 507

Methyl jasmonate (MJ), 516–517

Microbes, 432, 534. See also Archaea; Bacteria; Protists; Viruses

abundance of, 535, 536–537, 537

diversity of, 534, 534–535

habitats of, 535–536, 536

normal flora, 543

size of, 535, 536

Microevolution, 426, 426–427, 427

Microfilaments, 114, 114

Microspheres, 409

Microsporidia, 519, 519

Microtubules, 114, 114, 245

Midbrain, 948, 949

Migration, 331

as mechanism of evolution, 331, 331

Milk of Magnesia, osmosis and, 105

Miller, Stanley, 407, 407, 409

Millipedes, 464, 464

Mimicry, 632, 632–633

as plant defense, 766, 766

Minerals, 885, 885–887, 886, 887

absorption by plants, 711–712, 712

plant growth and, 704–705, 705

Mismatches, 380

Mitochondria, 91–92, 92, 93, 115, 115–117, 116, 127

DNA of, 117

structure of, 162, 162

Mitochondrial matrix, 117, 162, 162–163

Mitosis, 233, 237, 242–249

cancer and, 246–249, 248, 249

events preceding, 243–244, 244, 245

need for, 242, 242–243

in plant reproduction, 730, 732

rate of, 243, 243

steps in, 245–246, 246–247

Mitotic phase (M phase), 236, 236, 236–238, 237

MJ. See Methyl jasmonate (MJ)

MMR vaccine, autism and, 28, 28–29

Mojave Desert, 616

Molecular biology, common genetic sequences revealed by, 355, 355

Molecular structure, models representing, 45

Molecules, 45

bonds in, 45–47

hydrophobic and hydrophilic, 62

nonpolar, 51

organic, formation of, 406, 407, 407

passive transport across membranes, 102, 102–103, 103

polar, 47

self-replicating, information-containing, formation of, 408, 408

Mollusks, 459–461, 460, 461, 857

Molybdenum, dietary, function and sources of, 886

Monarch butterfly caterpillars, 765, 765

Monk parakeets, 664, 664

Monkey puzzle tree, 700

Monkeys, fear of snakes in, 369, 369

Monocots, 690, 690, 690–691

leaves of, 700, 701

stems of, 699

Monogamy, 391, 392, 392

Monophyletic groups, 423, 423

Monosaccharides, 55, 55–56

Monotremes, 480, 480

Mono-unsaturated fats, 64

Monsanto Company, 213

Moods, 985, 985–986

Morphine, 957

Morphological species concept, 416


Morphospecies, 524

Mosquitoes, hearing in, 940

Mosses, 498–500, 499, 500, 639

Mosso, Angelo, 841


mate guarding in, 388

smell sense of, 935

Motion, sense of, 942

Motor neurons, 921, 921

Movement, as plant defense, 764, 765

mRNA. See Messenger RNA (mRNA)

MRSA infections, 548

MS. See Multiple sclerosis (MS)

Multicellularity, 792, 793

Multigeneration experiments, 356, 356–357, 357

Multiple allelism, 295, 295, 295–297, 297

Multiple births, rising number of, 1038

Multiple sclerosis (MS), 926–927, 1069, 1069

Muscle contraction, 943–945, 943–945

blood flow and, 839, 839, 840

breathing and, 862, 862

Muscle fibers, 798

Muscle tissue, 793, 794, 798, 798–799

types of, 798–799, 799

Muscular system, 803. See also Muscle contraction

Musculoskeletal system, 802, 803, 943–947. See also Muscle contraction

Mussels, 460

Mutations, 197, 197–200, 198, 199, 326, 326–328, 327

chemical-induced, 200

point, 198, 199

radiation-induced, 198–200

Mutualism, 636, 636–638, 637

for plant defense, 766

Mycelium, 520

Mycorrhizae, 522, 522, 522–523, 523, 712, 712

Myelin sheath, 926, 926, 927

Myofibrils, 945

Myosin, 945


NADH, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 167

jet lag and, 165–166

NADPH, 150, 152

Naked chickens, 212, 214

National Invasive Species Council, 666

Natterjack toads, call of, 397, 397

“Natural” contraceptive methods, 1024, 1025

Natural killer (NK) cells, 1052, 1052

Natural preserves, design of, 678–679, 679

Natural selection

adaptation to environment and, 339–341, 340

aging and, 590–591, 591

artificial selection as special case of, 341

coevolution and, 629

conditions for occurrence of, 332–334, 332–335

directional selection and, 342, 342–343, 343, 344–346

disruptive selection and, 344, 344

evolution of complex traits and behaviors and, 346, 346–347, 347

life histories and, 582–584, 583, 584

as mechanism of evolution, 325–326

stabilizing selection and, 343, 343–344

theory of evolution by, 15

Nautiluses, 461

Nectar, 740, 740–741

Negative feedback, 807, 807, 807–808

Nephrons, 817, 818, 818

Nerves, 919

Nervous system, 802, 802, 918–942, 919

autonomic, 922, 922–923, 923

central. See Brain; Central nervous system (CNS)

filtering characteristic of, 929, 929

functions of, 918, 918–919, 919

hormones and, 972

neurons and. See Neurons

parasympathetic, 923

peripheral, 921, 922, 922

somatic, 922, 922

sympathetic, 922–923

vertebrate, 921–923, 922, 923

Nervous tissue, 793, 794, 800, 800–801, 801, 802

Neural tube, 1029, 1029

Neuroglia, 801

Neurons, 800, 801, 919, 919–921, 924–930

action potentials of, 925–927, 926, 927

axons of, 801, 920, 920, 925–927, 926, 927

dendrites of, 800, 920, 920, 924–925, 925

interaction at synapses, 928, 928–929, 929

interneurons, 921, 921

motor, 921, 921

resting potentials of, 924

sensory, 920–921, 921, 931, 931–934, 932, 936, 938, 942

structure of, 920, 920

Neurotransmitters, 928

alcohol interference with, 960–961, 961

drug mimicry of, 957–959, 958

synapses and, 928–929

types of, 929–930, 930

Neurulation, 1028–1030, 1029, 1029

Neutrons, 41

Neutrophils, 1051, 1052

Niacin, 886

Niches, 628, 628, 628–629

Nicotine, 958

Night soil, 706


the bends and, 866

plant growth and, 704

Nitrogen cycle, 625, 625–626

Nitrogen dioxide, acid rain and, 666, 666–668, 667

Nitrogen fixation, 625–626, 707, 707–708, 708

Nitrogen-containing waste products, 819

NK cells. See Natural killer (NK) cells

Nodes, 421, 421–422, 698

Nodules, 707

Noise, hearing loss and, 939–940

Non-amniotes, 476

Noncompetitive inhibitors, 73, 73–74

Nondisjunction, 267, 267

Non-essential amino acids, 880

Nonpolar head, 95, 95

Nonpolar molecules, 51

Non-specific immunity, 1047, 1047–1048, 1048, 1050–1056

antibody structure and function and, 1060, 1060–1061, 1061

fever and, 1055–1056, 1056

inflammatory response and, 1053–1055, 1054, 1055

memory of pathogens and, 1057–1059, 1057–1060

pathogen recognition and, 1050–1051

white blood cells and, 1051, 1051–1053, 1052, 1061–1063, 1062

Non-vascular plants, 496, 496, 498–500, 499, 500

Normal flora, 543

Norway spruces, 507

Notochord, 470, 471, 1028, 1029

Novelty-seeking individuals, 308

Nuclear membrane (nuclear envelope), 112, 113

Nuclear pores, 112–113

Nucleic acids, 75, 75–77, 180. See also Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA); Ribonucleic acid (RNA)

information stored by, 75, 75–76

Nucleolus, 113, 113

Nucleotides, 75, 75, 75–76, 180

Nucleus (atomic), 41, 41

Nucleus (of cell), 91, 112, 112–113, 113, 127

Nudibranchs, 460

Null hypothesis, 9, 9–10

Nuptial gifts, 387

NutraSweet, 904–905

Nutrients, 874, 874–875, 878–887

carbohydrates as, 881–883, 882

food conversion into. See Digestive process

lipids as, 883, 883–885, 884

proteins as, 879–881

vitamins and minerals as, 885–887, 886, 887

water as, 878, 878–879

Nutrition, 874–887. See also Animal nutrition; Nutrients; Plant nutrition



in animals, 903

human, 902, 902–903, 903


anecdotal, 27, 28

in scientific method, 8–9, 9

Occipital lobe, 52, 951

Ocean currents, weather and, 618, 618–619, 619

Oceans. See also Gulf of Mexico

deep, 657

Gulf Stream and, 618

open, 613, 613

Octopuses, 461, 461

intelligence of, 462, 462

Offspring, number and size of, 584–585, 585

Oils. See Fats

Olds, James, 950

Olestra, 65, 904–905

Omnivores, 875, 876

Oogenesis, 1017, 1017

Oogonia, 1017, 1017

Open circulatory systems, 829, 829–830, 830, 831, 831–833

Open oceans, 613, 613

Operons, 195

Optic nerve, 936

Oral herpes, 559

Orders, 413, 414

Organ systems, 793, 793, 793–794, 801–803, 802–803. See also specific organ systems

Organelles, 91

Organic foods, 718

Organic materials, plant growth and, 705, 705–706, 706

Organic molecules, formation of, 406, 406–407, 407

Organs, 793, 793. See also specific organs

Origin of replication, 239

The Origin of Species (Darwin)

on classification, 421

on evolution of behavior, 409, 421, 428

on natural selection, 340, 357

on pace of evolution, 428

publication of, 323–324, 324

survival of the fittest and, 338

on variation in nature, 332

on “warm little pond,” 409

Osmoconformers, 815, 816

Osmoregulation, 815, 815–816, 816

Osmoregulators, 815, 816

Osmosis, 104, 104, 104–105, 105

Osteoporosis, 947, 947

Outbreeding, 513

Ovarian cycle, 1019, 1019

Ovaries, 508, 509, 734, 1016, 1016, 1016–1018, 1017

Oviducts, 1016, 1016

Oviparity, 1008, 1008, 1008–1009

Ovoviparity, 1008, 1009

Ovulation, 1017, 1017–1018

hormonal control of, 1018, 1018–1020, 1019

Ovules, 504, 734, 734

development into seed, 744–745, 745

Ovum(a), 1005, 1005. See also Eggs; Gametes


binding of, to hemoglobin, 854–857, 855, 856

bonding of, 45, 45–46

conditions low in. See Low-oxygen conditions

extraction from water by gills, 847–848, 858

partial pressure of, 855–856, 856

transport of, in animals. See Gills; Lungs; Respiratory system

Oxygen Revolution, 542

Oxytocin, 970, 970–971, 971


Oysters, 460

Ozone layer depletion, 674, 674–676, 675


Pacific yew tree, 650, 650


inability to feel, 918, 918

“phantom,” 941, 941

Pair bonds, 392

Palisade mesophyll, 699

Pan paniscus, 661, 661

Pancoast, William, 1036

Pancreas, 891, 981, 981, 982

Panting, thermoregulation and, 812, 812

Pantothenic acid, 886

Pará (Brazil), 673

Paracrine regulators, 976

Paramecium, 554

Parasites, 556, 556, 634

Parasitism, 634, 634–636, 635

Parasympathetic nervous system, 922, 923

Parathyroid glands, 980, 981

Parathyroid hormone, 982

Parenchyma cells, 694, 694, 699

Parent cells, 235, 235, 243, 244

Parenting, by males versus females, 383

Parietal lobe, 951, 951, 951–952

Parthenogenesis, 1006, 1006

Partial pressure of oxygen (PO2), 855–856, 856

Passion flower, 766, 766

Passive transport, 102, 102, 102–103, 103

Paternity uncertainty, 384, 386, 389–390

Pathogenic bacteria, 545, 545–547, 546

Pathogens, 844, 1046, 1046–1047, 1047

lymphatic system and, 850, 850

memory of, 1057–1059, 1057–1060

Pauling, Linus, 21, 179–180

PCBs. See Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs)

PCR. See Polymerase chain reaction (PCR)

Pea plants, Mendel’s experiments using, 282–285

Peacocks, mate selection in, 387, 391–392

Peanuts, 764

Peat, 500, 500

Peat moss, 500

Pedigrees, 291, 291, 291–292, 292

Penguin, 792, 792

Penicillium, 519, 519, 522

Penis, 1010, 1010

Pepsin, 891

Peptide bonds, 70

Peptidoglycans, 539

Periodic table, 42

Peripheral nervous system (PNS), 801, 921, 922, 922–923, 923

Peristalsis, 890

Permafrost, 769

Persian buttercup, 411

Pesticides, containing Bacillus thuringiensis, 210–211, 211

Petals, 733, 734

pH, 51, 51–53, 52, 53

enzymes and, 73, 73

flower color and, 705, 705

Phagocytosis, 107, 107, 554

“Phantom pain,” 941, 941

Pharyngeal slits, 470, 471

Pharynx, 858, 859

Phenotype, 187, 286

genotype and, 286, 286–287, 287

genotype translation into, 293–303

Phenylalanine, 302, 302

Phenylketonuria (PKU), 302, 302

Pheromones, 395, 973, 973, 996, 1018

Phloem, 693, 693, 696

nutrient distribution through, 716, 716–717, 717

secondary, 753, 754

Phospholipid bilayer, 95, 95, 95–96

Phospholipids, 66, 66, 95


dietary, function and sources of, 886

plant growth and, 704

Phosphorus cycle, 626, 626–627

Photoautotrophs, 542, 542

Photons, 146

Photoperiodism, 782, 782, 782–783, 783

Photoreceptor cells, 936

Photosynthesis, 92, 137, 137, 143, 143–156, 144

Calvin cycle and, 152, 152–153, 153

CAM and, 155–156

C4, 154–155, 155

chlorophyll and. See Chlorophyll

chloroplasts and, 145, 145

C3, 154

“photo” segment of, 144, 144, 150, 151, 152

photosystems and, 149–150, 149–151

sunlight and, 146, 146–147, 147

“synthesis” segment of, 144, 144, 152, 152–153, 153

Photosynthetic cells, 699

Photosystems, 149, 149–150, 149–151, 152

Phototropism, 778, 778, 778–779

Phthalates, 993

Phyla, 413, 414

Phylogeny, 421

Physical barriers, 1047, 1048–1050, 1048–1050

Physical defenses, 632, 632, 632–633

Physiology, 793, 793–794

Phytoplankton, 555

Pigments, 146. See also Chlorophyll

Pili, 90

Pineal gland, 979, 982

Pines, 504, 505, 506, 506, 507

Pinocytosis, 107

“Pit organs,” 942, 942

Pitcher plant, 709

Pitchfork, Colin, 220–221, 221

Pith, 696, 696, 753, 754

Pituitary dwarfism, 977–978

Pituitary gland, 976

hypothalamic control of, 976–978, 977, 978

PKU. See Phenylketonuria (PKU)

Placebo effect, 18

Placebos, 13

Placenta, 1028

Placentals, 480, 480

Plant defenses, 764–767

chemical, 764–766, 765, 766

mechanical, 764, 765, 767–768

mimicry and camouflage as, 766, 766

mutualism for, 766

Plant growth

animal growth contrasted with, 750, 750

auxins and, 775, 775

features of, 750, 750

gibberellins and, 772–773, 773

hormones regulating, 770–777

primary and secondary, 750–751, 751

requirements for, 703, 703–704, 704

tropisms and, 778–780

Plant nutrition, 703–710

carnivorous plants and, 517, 517, 708, 708, 709–710

nitrogen fixation and, 625–626, 707–708, 708

nutrients for, 704–706

requirements for, 703, 703–704, 704

Plant reproduction, asexual, 726–729, 727, 727–729, 728

advantages and disadvantages of, 728–729

Plant reproduction, sexual, 726, 726, 729–747

avoidance of self-fertilization and, 743–744, 744

fertilization and, 730, 731, 732, 741–742, 742

in flowering plants, 733–737

plant life cycles and, 730–732, 731

pollination and, 738, 738–741, 739

seed development and, 744–745, 745

seed dispersal by fruits and, 745–746, 746

steps in, 729–730, 730

Plants, 494, 494–496, 494–517

adaptations to extreme habitats, 768–769

adapted to water scarcity, 153–156, 154–156

carnivorous, 517, 517, 708, 708, 709–710

cell wall of, 124, 124–125, 127

characteristics of, animal characteristics compared with, 688, 689

chloroplasts of, 126, 126–127, 127

common structural features of, 695–702. See also Leaves; Roots; Stems

crop. See Agriculture

defenses of. See Plant defenses

first, 497–502

flowering. See Angiosperms; Flowers

fruits of, 514, 514–515

fungal symbionts of, 522, 522–523, 523

fungi and, 518–519, 519, 522, 522–524, 523

growth of. See Plant growth

hydroponically grown, 704, 704

internal clocks of, 780–781, 781

land, first, 497–498, 498

male and female, separate, 744

with medicinal uses, 516

medicines from, 766, 766

non-vascular, 496, 496, 498–500, 499, 500

nutrition of. See Plant nutrition

photoperiodism in, 782, 782–783, 783

photosynthesis and. See Chlorophyll; Photosynthesis

protein needs of, 880–881

relationship with animals, 514–517

reproduction in. See Plant reproduction, asexual; Plant reproduction, sexual

resistance to predation, 515–517, 516, 517

resistance to water loss by, 701–702, 702

seeds and, 503, 503–504, 503–507, 514, 514–515

vacuoles of, 125, 125–126, 127

vascular, 501, 501–502, 502

Plasma, 842, 842

Plasma cells, 1063

Plasma membrane, 89, 89, 94, 94–101

active transport across, 106, 106

diffusion across, 102, 102–103, 103

endocytosis and exocytosis and, 107–109, 107–109

faulty, diseases due to, 98, 98–99, 99

“fingerprint” of, 100, 100–101, 101

functions of, 95

molecules embedded in, 96, 96–97, 97

origin of life and, 408–409, 409

osmosis across, 104, 104–105, 105

phospholipid bilayer of, 95, 95–96

Plasmids, 206, 206, 540

Plasmodesmata, 124, 125

Plasmodium, 556, 556

Platelets, 808–809, 809, 844, 844

Platypus, 480, 480

“Pleasure centers,” 950

Pleiotropy, 298, 298–299, 299

PNS. See Peripheral nervous system (PNS)

Poinsettias, 782–783

Point mutations, 198, 199

Polar bodies, 256, 256, 1017, 1017

Polar head, 95, 95

Polar ice, 612

Polar molecules, 47

Pollen, allergy to, 736, 736

Pollen grains, 504, 734

fertilization and, 741–742, 742

production of, 735, 735–736, 736

Pollen tubes, 735, 736

Pollination, 504, 506, 510, 510–511, 511, 738, 738, 738–740, 739

Polyandry, 391

Polychaetes, 458

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 992, 992–993

Polydactyly, among Amish people, 329, 330

Polygamy, 391

Polygenic traits, 297, 297, 297–298

Polygyny, 391, 391, 391, 392

Polymerase chain reaction (PCR), 205, 206

Polypeptides, 70

Polyploidy, 418

Polysaccharides, 58, 58, 58–59

Polyunsaturated fats, 64

Ponds, 613, 613

Pons, 948, 949

Population bottleneck effect, 329, 330, 331

Population density, 576

Population ecology, 570–607, 573

aging and, 589–594, 602


environmental limitation on population growth and, 576, 576–577, 577

growth rate of populations and, 574–575, 575

human population growth and, 595–601

life histories and, 582–588

maximum sustainable yield and, 580, 580–581, 581

populations cycling between large and small and, 578, 578–579, 579

Population growth

bacterial, 259, 259

environmental limit on, 576, 576–577, 577

rapid, cost of, 585–586

rate of, 574–575, 575

Populations, 573

human. See Human population

size of, extinction risk and, 660

Porcupines, hazard factor and, 593

Portion control, 905

Portuguese man-o’-war, 454

Positive correlation, 27

Positive feedback, 808, 808–809, 809

Post-anal tails, 470, 471

Posterior pituitary, 976

Postsynaptic membrane, 928, 928

Postzygotic barriers, 412, 412, 413


dietary, function and sources of, 886

plant growth and, 704

thermoregulation and, 811–812

Potato plants, 698, 699, 727, 728

Potential energy, 138, 138

Praying mantises, 259

Precapillary sphincters, 839, 839


adaptations produced by, 631–634, 632–634

parasitism as, 634–636, 635

plant defenses against, 515–517, 516, 517

Predictions, testable, devising, 10–11, 11


assisted reproductive technology and, 1036, 1036–1038, 1037

fetal access to oxygen during, 856, 856

gestational diabetes and, 376, 376–377

trimesters of, 1032, 1032–1034

Prenatal development, 1027–1035

childbirth and lactation and, 1034, 1034–1035, 1035

cleavage and, 1027–1028, 1027–1029

gastrulation and, 1028

neurulation and, 1028–1030, 1029

sex differentiation and, 1030–1031, 1031

stages of pregnancy and, 1032, 1032–1034

Prepared learning, 370

Preseucoila imallshookupis, 413

Presley, Elvis, 413

Pressure-flow mechanism, 716, 716, 716–717, 717

Presynaptic membrane, 928, 928

Prezygotic barriers, 412, 412–413, 413

Prilosec, 54

Primary active transport, 106, 106

Primary consumers, 620, 621

Primary electron acceptor, 149

Primary growth (of plants), 750, 750–751, 751, 752, 752

Primary oocytes, 1017, 1017

Primary productivity, 620

Primary response, 1063, 1063–1064, 1064

Primary spermatocytes, 1011

Primary structure of proteins, 70, 71

Primary succession, 639–640, 640

Primase, 240

Primates. See also specific primates

evolution of, 481, 481–483, 482

Principles of Geology (Lyell), 320, 321

Prions, 558

Probiotic therapy, 543–544

Producers, 620

energy flows to consumers from, 620–622, 621

Progesterone, 981, 982, 1020

Programmed cell death, 1066, 1066–1067

Prokaryotes, 89. See also Archaea; Bacteria

cell division in, 233

gene regulation in, 194, 195, 195–196

replication in, 234–235, 235

structural features of, 89, 89–90

Prokaryotic cells, 89, 89, 89–90, 432

chromosomes of, 234, 234

Prolactin, 977, 982

Promoter sites, 188, 195

Prophase, 245

in meiosis, 253, 254, 254, 255

in mitosis, 245, 246

Prostaglandins, 975, 976

Prostate gland, 1011

Protein synthesis, 193

Proteins, 67, 67–74

amino acids and, 68, 68

complement, 1053, 1053, 1054

“complete” and “incomplete,” 880, 881

in cytoskeleton, 114

denaturation of, 71, 71

in diet, 68–69, 69

energy from, 169, 169

enzymatic, 68, 72–74, 72–74, 97

functions of, 67, 67–68

growth and, 879–881, 880, 881

receptor, 96–97, 97

recognition, 97, 97

structure of, 70, 70–71, 71

surface, 96, 96

synthesis of, RNA and, 77, 77

transmembrane, 96, 96

transport, 97, 97, 103

Proteus, 538

Prothallus, 502

Protists, 423, 437, 448, 553–556

animal-like, 554

first eukaryotes as, 553, 553–554

fungus-like, 554, 554–555

pathogenic, 556, 556

plant-like, 554, 555, 555

Protons, 41

number of, 41, 41–42, 42

Protostomes, 449

Provisioning services, 651, 652

Prozac, 957

Pseudoscience, 27, 27, 27–28

Pulmonary circuit, 832, 833

Punctuated equilibrium, 427, 427–428, 428

Punnett, R. C., 335

Punnett square, 286, 286–287, 287

Pupa, 467, 467, 467–468

Purple loosestrife, 665, 665

Pus, 1051

Pyridoxine, 886

Pyruvate, 158


Quagga mussels, 665–666

Quaternary structure of proteins, 70, 71

Quinine, 766


Rabbits, cellulose digestion by, 897

Rabies, 635, 635–636

Rabies virus, 560

Racial differences, 438

Radial symmetry, 448

Radiation, heat exchange by, 811, 812

Radiation therapy, 249

Radiation-induced mutations, 198–200

Radioactive atoms, 42

Radiometric dating, 348, 348–349, 349

Rafflesia arnoldii, 726, 726

Rain shadows, 616


acid rain, 666–668, 667, 668

day of the week and, 32

global patterns of, 615, 615–616

Random assortment, 253

Randomization, 18

Raspberry plants, 727, 728


running in maze, 346, 346–347

superstitious behavior in, 5, 5

Ray-finned fishes, 473, 473–474, 474

Realized niche, 628, 629

Reasoning, nutrition and, 900–901

Receptor proteins, 96, 96–97, 97

Receptor-mediated endocytosis, 107, 107–108, 109

Recessive traits, 284, 284

frequency in population, 335–337, 336

Reciprocal altruism, 374, 377–378, 378, 379

Recognition proteins, 97, 97

Recombinant DNA technology, 208, 208–209

Recombination, 253

Red blood cells, 842, 843, 843–844

Red deer

mate selection in, 387

tradeoff between reproduction and growth and, 584

Redwoods, 504, 505, 506, 506

Reflexes, 922, 923

Regeneration, in photosynthesis, 152–153

Regulating services, 651, 652

Regulators, 808, 808

Repeatability, of experiments, 21, 21–22

Replication, 234, 238–241, 239, 240

of chromosomes, 244, 252, 252–253, 254

discontinuous, 241

origin of, 239

in prokaryotes, 234–235, 235

Replication forks, 239

Reproducibility, of experiments, 21, 21–22

Reproduction, 1002–1027. See also Prenatal development

asexual. See Animal reproduction, asexual; Asexual reproduction; Plant reproduction, asexual

bacterial, 539–540, 540, 541

growth and, 584, 585

sexual. See Animal reproduction, sexual; Plant reproduction, sexual; Sexual reproduction

survival and, 584, 585

technology and options for, 1004, 1004–1005

tradeoff with longevity, 2

Reproductive cells, 236. See also Eggs; Gametes; Sperm

Reproductive investment, 382, 382–394, 582, 582–583, 583

competition and courtship and, 386–388, 387

differing patterns in males and females, 384, 384–386

mate guarding and, 388, 388–390, 389

monogamy versus polygamy and, 391, 391–393, 392

paternity uncertainty and, 384, 386, 389–390

sexual dimorphism and, 393, 393–394

Reproductive isolation, 411

Reproductive output, 591

Reproductive success

differential, natural selection and, 333, 333–334

fitness and, 338–339, 339

of humans, 392, 392–393

Reproductive system. See Female reproductive system; Male reproductive system

Reptiles. See also specific reptiles

circulatory system of, 833

lungs of, 860

Resistance plasmids, 540

Resource partitioning, 630, 630

Respiration, cellular. See Cellular respiration

Respiratory sacs, 852–853, 853

Respiratory system, 802, 802, 852–865

adaptations to low-oxygen conditions and, 863, 863–865, 864

of birds, 860, 860–861, 861

direct diffusion and, 852, 853

gills and. See Gills

hemoglobin and, 854–856, 854–847

lungs and. See Lungs

protection of, 1049–1050

respiratory sacs and, 852–853, 853

tracheae and, 853, 853

Resting potentials, 924

Restoration ecology, 679

Restriction enzymes, 205, 205

Retina, 936, 936

Retinol, 886

Retroviruses, 562

Rh blood group, 297

Rhinoceros, internal fertilization in, 1007


Riboflavin, 886

Ribonucleic acid (RNA), 75

messenger. See Messenger RNA (mRNA)

origin of life and, 408, 408

protein synthesis and, 77, 77

structure of, 77, 77

transfer, 190, 191

viral, 557, 558, 558

Ribosomal subunits, 190

Ribosomes, 89, 90, 113

Rice, golden, 209, 209–210, 210

Ricin, 765

Right hemisphere, 951

Ring species, 416

difficulties classifying, 415, 415–416

Rivers, 613, 613

RNA. See Ribonucleic acid (RNA)

RNA bases, 75–76

RNA viruses, 559

Rodents. See also specific rodents

cellulose digestion by, 897

hazard factors and, 592, 592

reproductive strategy of, 583, 583

Rods (retinal), 936

Roe deer, 875

Romberg, Cindy Lou, 952–953

Ronaldo, Cristiano, 411

Root hairs, 696, 696, 711, 711

Root meristem, 744

Roots, 495, 695, 695–696

branching of, auxins and, 774, 774

functions of, 695, 695

of monocots versus eudicots, 690

nutrient uptake through, 711, 711–712, 712

structure of, 696, 696–697

types of, 695–696, 696

Rose, 411

Rough endoplasmic reticulum (rough ER), 120, 121, 127

Roundworms, 456, 457, 457–458

Rubisco, 152

Ruffin, Julius, 178, 178

Ruminants, 896, 896


S phase, 237

Saccharin, 934

Saffron crocus, 734, 734–735

Sahara Desert, 616

Salamanders, DNA of, 184

Saliva, 889

Salmon, tradeoff between reproduction and survival in, 584, 585

Salty environments, plant adaptation to, 768, 769

Sand dollars, 468, 469

Sands, Bobby, 316

Sap, 693

constituents of, 714

as plant defense, 764, 765

Sarcomeres, 945, 945

SARS. See Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)

Saturated fats, 62, 63, 64, 884, 884–885

Saussurea laniceps, 345–346

Savannas, 612, 613

Scallops, 460

Scathophaga stercoraria, 258

SCID. See Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)

Science, 2, 2–3

limitations of, 29–30, 30

Scientific literacy, 4

Scientific method, 5–6, 6

steps in, 7, 7–14, 8

Sclerenchyma cells, 694, 694

Scorpions, 464

Scrotum, 1010, 1010

Scrubbers, to prevent acid rain, 668

Sea anemones, 454, 456

Sea slugs, 459–460

Sea stars, 468, 469

fragmentation in, 1007

as keystone species, 641, 641

Sea urchins, 468, 469

Seaweed, 555

Second law of thermodynamics, 140

Second trimester, 1032, 1033

Secondary active transport, 106, 106

Secondary compounds, as plant defense, 764–766, 765, 766

Secondary consumers, 620, 621

Secondary growth (of plants), 750, 750–751, 751, 753–755, 753–755

Secondary oocytes, 1017, 1017

Secondary phloem, 753, 754

Secondary response, 1064, 1064

Secondary spermatocytes, 1011

Secondary structure of proteins, 70, 71

Secondary succession, 640, 640

Secondary xylem, 753, 754

Seedlings, orientation of, auxins and, 773–774, 774

Seeds, 503, 503, 503–504, 744, 745

development of, 744–745, 745

dispersal of, 514, 514–515, 745–747, 746

germination and growth of, 748, 748–749, 749

in gymnosperms, 504, 505, 506, 506

long-dormant, 768, 769

Segmented worms, 456, 458, 458–459

Segregation, law of, 284–285, 285

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 957

Selenium, dietary, function and sources of, 886

Semicircular canals, 939, 939

Seminal vesicles, 1011

Seminiferous tubules, 1010, 1011

Senses, 931–942. See also Hearing; Smell sense; Taste sense; Touch sense; Vision

intensity of sensation and, 932, 932–933

receptors and, 931, 931–934, 932, 936, 938

Sensory integration, 951, 951–952

Sensory neurons, 920, 920–921, 921

Sensory receptors, 931, 931–934, 932, 936, 938, 942

Sepals, 733, 734

Sequoia sempervirens, 413

Serotonin, 930

Sessile organisms, 447

Set point, 807

Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), 559, 560

Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID), 218, 218

Sex chromosomes, 252, 252, 260, 260–261, 261

incorrect number of, 268, 268–269

Sex determination, 1030–1031, 1031

in humans, 260, 260–261, 261

in non-human species, 262, 262–264

selecting sex of child, 270

SRY gene and, 298–299, 1030, 1031

Sex-linked traits, 291, 299–301, 300

Sexual dimorphism, 393, 393–394, 394

Sexual partners

female tactics for selecting, 386–388, 387

male-female difference in selectiveness about, 384, 384–386

Sexual reproduction, 1005, 1006. See also Animal reproduction, sexual; Plant reproduction, sexual

Sexual selection, 334

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), 546, 546–547, 547, 1025, 1025–1026, 1026. See also HIV/AIDS


gills of, 857–858

parthenogenesis in, 1006

sensitivity to electrical charges, 942

Shaving, hair color and texture and, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14

Shoot meristem, 744

Shoots, 495, 697

elongation of, auxins and, 773, 774

Shopping carts, pathogens on, 1046–1047, 1047

Short tandem repeats (STRs), 221–223, 222

Shrew, 877, 877

Shrubs, 639

Siamese cats, 302–303, 303

Sick buildings, 521, 521

Sickle-cell disease, 298, 299, 856–857

Sierra redwoods, 507

Sieve tubes, 693, 693

Sign stimulus, 368

Silent Spring (Carson), 992

Simple diffusion, 103, 103

Simple sugars, 55, 55–56, 882

Single-gene traits, 281, 281

Single-lens eyes, 936

Sinosauropteryx, 478, 479

Sister chromatids, 244, 245, 252, 253–254, 255

Sitka spruces, 507

Skeletal muscle, 798, 799, 943

Skeletal systems, 803, 946, 946–947, 947. See also Bone

disorders of, 947, 947

functions of, 946, 946–947

types of, 946, 947

Skin allergy testing, 1073, 1073

Skin cancer, sunscreen to prevent, 200–202

Slash-and-burn agriculture, 672

Small intestine, 891, 891–892, 892–894, 892–894

Smell sense, 934–935, 935

taste sense and, 934–935

Smith, Jaden, 280, 280

Smith, Will, 280, 280


cardiovascular disease and, 848

lungs and, 860

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (smooth ER), 120, 120–121, 121, 127

Smooth muscle, 798–799, 799, 799, 943–944

Snails, 459


heat sensitivity in, 942, 942

human babies’ fear of, 370, 370

monkeys’ fear of, 369, 369

smell sense of, 935

Snow, John, 545

Socrates, 765


dietary, function and sources of, 886

thermoregulation and, 811–812

Soil, components of, 704–706, 705, 706

Solar energy. See Light energy

Solutes, 102, 102


hypertonic, 104, 104, 105

hypotonic, 104, 104, 105

isotonic, 104, 104

Solvents, 102, 102

water as, 50–51, 51

Somatic cells, 236

Somatic nervous system, 922, 922

Soybeans, 764

Space-filling models, 45

Spanish influenza, 559, 559–560

Special connective tissue, 796, 796–797

Speciation, 416, 416–419

allopatric, 416–417, 418

sympatric, 417–418, 419

Speciation events, 421

Species, 411, 411–419, 414

biological species concept and, 411, 412, 414–416, 415

change into another species, determining, 415, 415

classification of, 420–421, 432–434, 433, 434

coevolution of, 629, 629–630

commensalism and, 636, 636, 637

determinants of longevity and, 592, 592–593

difficulties defining, 414–416, 415

distribution patterns of, 351, 351–352, 352

endangered, 660, 677

endemic, 657

extinction of. See Extinctions

flagship, 678–679

indicator, 679

invasive, 664–666, 664–666

keystone, 641, 641, 679

morphological species concept and, 416

mutualism and, 636, 636–638

naming of, 413–414, 414


niches and, 628, 628–629

non-native, introduction of, 661, 664–666, 664–666, 680

number on earth, 465–466

prioritizing for preservation, 676, 676–677, 677

speciation and, 416–419

threatened, 660

umbrella, 679

Species jumping, by viruses, 560–561, 561

Species richness, 656, 656

Specific epithet, 413

Specific immunity, 1048, 1048

Spemann, Hans, 219

Spencer, Herbert, 338

Sperm. See also Gametes

production of, 255

Sperm (animal), 1005, 1005

path taken by, 1012, 1012–1013

production of, 1011–1012

separating to select sex of child, 270

sperm competition and, 1013, 1013–1016, 1014

structure of, 1012, 1012

Sperm (plant), 735

“Sperm sorting,” 1037, 1037

Spermatogenesis, 1010

Sphagnum moss, 500

Sphincters, 890

Spices, as plant defense, 766

Spicy foods, 908, 908–909, 909

Spiders, 464, 464

Spindle, 245

Spindle assembly checkpoint, 237, 238

Spindle fibers, 245

Spines (plant), 764, 765

Spirilli, 538, 538

Sponges, 452, 452–453

Spongy mesophyll, 699

Spontaneous mutations, 198

Sporangia, 501

Spores, 500, 501, 502, 730

pollen production and, 735, 735

Sporophytes, 499, 499, 500, 730

in ferns, 501, 502, 502

Spruces, 504, 505, 506, 506, 507, 700

Squid, 461, 461

eyes of, 937

Squirrels, memory in, 953

SRY gene, 298–299, 1030, 1031

SSRIs. See Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

Stabilizing selection, 343, 343, 343–344

Stamens, 508, 509, 734, 734

Staphylococcus aureus, antibiotic resistance of, 356, 357, 548

Starch, 58

Statistics, 25, 25–27, 26

STDs. See Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs)

Stem cells, 218, 843

totipotent, 728

Stems, 697, 697–699

elongation of, gibberellins and, 772, 772

functions of, 697, 697

of monocots versus eudicots, 690, 691

structure of, 697–699, 698

succulent, 768, 769

Sterilization, 1024, 1025

Steroid hormones, 65–66, 66, 973, 974, 974–975

athletic performance and, 983–984

Sterols, 65

Stickleback fish, aggressive displays and attacks by, 368, 369

Stigmas (of carpels), 508, 509, 734, 734, 734–735

Stimulants, for weight loss, 905

Stoma(ta), 154, 154, 692

in leaves, 700, 702

Stomach, 890, 890–891, 891

acid in, 52, 53–54

hydrochloric acid in, 52, 53–54

Stomach banding, 905

Stomach ulcers, gastric freezing and, 16–18, 17

Storage, by roots, 695, 695

Strawberries, 776

Strawberry plants, 698, 699

Streams, 613, 613

acid precipitation and, 668

Streptococcus pyogenes, 546, 546

Stringer, Korey, 804

Stroma, 126, 145, 145

STRs. See Short tandem repeats (STRs)

Styles (of carpels), 508, 509, 734, 734, 734–735

Substrate molecules, 72

Succession, 639, 639–640, 640

Sucralose, 934

Sugar substitutes, 934, 934


blood, 56, 56–57, 906–907, 907

complex, 882, 882–883

creation by photosynthesis, 152

intestinal gas and, 892

movement through plants, 716, 716–717, 717

in sap, 714

simple, 55–56, 882


dietary, function and sources of, 886

plant growth and, 704

Sulfur dioxide, acid rain and, 666, 666–668, 667

Sunlight. See Light energy

Sunscreen, skin cancer prevention and, 200–202

Superstition, 5, 5–6

Surface proteins, 96, 96


arthroscopic, for arthritis of the knee, 19–20

for weight loss, 905

Survival, reproduction and, 584, 585

Survivorship curves, 587, 587, 587–588

Swanson, Bob, 215

Sweating, thermoregulation and, 812, 812

Swine fever, 560

Swine flu, 1046, 1046

Sympathetic nervous system, 922, 922, 922–923

Sympatric speciation, 417, 417–418, 419

Synapses, 928, 928, 928–929, 929

Synaptic cleft, 928, 928

Syphilis, 547, 1026

Systematics, 421

Systemic circuit, 832, 833

Systolic pressure, 845, 845, 845–846


T cells, 1061–1062, 1062, 1062

cytotoxic and helper, 1066–1067, 1067

Tadpoles, 477

Tails, post-anal, 470, 471

Taproots, 695, 696

deep, 768, 769

Taq polymerase, 551

Target cells, 972, 972

Target tissues, hormonal regulation of, 973–975, 974

Tasmanian devil, 659–660

Taste preferences, 366–367, 367

Taste sense, 933, 933–934

smell sense and, 934–935

Taxol, 650, 650, 766

Taxus brevifolia, 650, 650, 766

Tay-Sachs disease, 119, 203, 217, 217, 289, 289

Telomeres, 232, 232–233, 233

Telophase, 246

in meiosis, 253, 254, 255

in mitosis, 246, 247

Temperate deciduous forests, 612

Temperate grasslands, 612, 613

Temperatures. See also Global warming

altitude and, 616–617

body. See Body temperature

enzymes and, 73, 73

modern landscapes and, 617, 617

Temporal lobe, 951, 951

Tendons, 795

Tendrils, 780, 780

Tension, water movement through plants due to, 713, 714, 714

Terminal buttons, 925, 925–926, 926

Termites, 60

Terrestrial biomes, 612, 612

Terrestrial slugs, 459, 460

Tertiary consumers, 620, 620–621, 621

Tertiary structure of proteins, 70, 71

Testable predictions, devising, 10–11, 11

Test-cross, 290, 290

Testes, 1010, 1010, 1011

Testosterone, 65–66, 66, 67, 981, 982, 1010

athletic performance and, 983–984, 984

mood and, 985, 986

production of, 1010

Tetrapods, 476

Textbooks, access to, performance in class and, 25–27, 26

Thalamus, 948, 950

Theobroma cacao, fungi and, 524–525

Theories, 15

Thermodynamics, 140

Thermoneutral zone, 809

Thermophiles, 436

Thermoregulation, 809, 809–813, 810–812

circulatory system and, 828–829

Thermus aquaticus, 551

Thiamine, 886

Thigmotropism, 780, 780

Third trimester, 1032, 1033–1034

Thompson, William, 346

Thorium-236, 42

Thorns, 764, 765, 767–768

Threatened species, 660

Three-spined sticklebacks, temperature and growth rates of, 586

Thrips, 740

Thylakoids, 126, 145

Thyroid gland, 980, 982

Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), 977, 982

Thyroxine, 980, 982

Tibetan snow lotus, 345–346

Tight junctions, 110, 111

Tiktaalik, 350, 350

Tissues, 793, 793, 794. See also Connective tissue; Epithelial tissue (epithelium); Muscle tissue

categorization of animals and, 448

dermal, of plants, 691, 692, 692–693

ground, of plants, 692, 694, 694, 696, 696

nervous, 793, 794, 800, 800–801, 801, 802

vascular, of plants, 691, 691, 691–692, 693, 693, 696, 696

Toad, 946

Tobacco use. See Smoking

Tocopherol, 886

Tomatoes, ethylene and, 776–777

Tonicity, 104, 104

Topography, 616

weather and, 616, 616–617, 617

Tortoises, hazard factor and, 592, 592

Total reproductive output, 383, 383

Totipotent stem cells, 728

Touch sense, 940–941, 941

Toxoplasma, 635

Tracheae, 853, 853, 858–859, 859, 889, 890

Traits, 184, 321, 321–322

analogous, 425

behavioral, evolution of. See Behavioral traits, evolution of

carriers of, 291–292

categorization of, 342, 342

complex, natural selection causing evolution of, 346, 346–347, 347

dihybrid, 304–305, 305

dominant. See Dominant traits

physical, evolution of. See Evolution

pleiotropic, 298–299, 299

polygenic, 297, 297–298

recessive, 284, 284, 335–337, 336

sex-linked, 291, 299–301, 300

single-gene, 281, 281

true-breeding, 282–283

variation for, natural selection and, 332, 332


Trans fats, 64, 885

Transcription, 187, 187, 188–190, 189

Transduction, 540, 540–541, 541

Transfer RNA (tRNA), 190, 191

Transformation, 541, 541

Transgenic organisms, 205, 205–206, 206, 211–212, 212

Translation, 187, 187, 190–191, 190–192, 193

Transmembrane proteins, 96, 96

Transport proteins, 97, 97, 103

Treatment, 16

Trees, 639. See also Forests; specific types of trees

girdling, 754–755, 755

height of, 714

Trichomoniasis, 547, 1026

Trickery, pollinators and, 510, 510

Triglycerides, 62

Trimesters, 1032, 1032, 1032–1034

Trisomy 21, 265–267, 265–267

tRNA. See Transfer RNA (tRNA)

Trobriand Islanders, male-female differences in selectiveness about sexual partners of, 385

Trophic levels, 620, 621

Tropical rain forests, 612, 613, 656, 657

destruction of, 661, 661, 671–673, 671–673

Tropical seasonal forests, 612, 613

Tropisms, 778, 778–780

True-breeding traits, 282, 282–283

Trust, oxytocin and, 970–971, 971

TSH. See Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH)

Tuber, 522

Tundra, 612

Tunicates, 470, 471

Turgor pressure, 126


parthenogenesis in, 1006

selection for breast size, 342–343, 343

Turner syndrome, 268, 268

Turtles, sex determination in, 262, 262–264

Twitches, 945

2,4-D, 775

Types I and II diabetes, 906–907, 907


Ulcers, of stomach, gastric freezing and, 16–18, 17

Umbilical cord, 1032

Umbrella species, 679

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), dietary guidelines of, 899

Unsaturated fats, 63, 64, 884, 884–885

Uranium-238, 42

Urey, Harold, 407, 407, 409

Urinalysis, to screen for drugs, 89, 819

Urinary system, 803

Urine, production of, 817, 818

USDA. See U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)

Uta stansburiana, tradeoff between number and size of offspring of, 584–585, 585

Uterus, 1016, 1016

UVB light, ozone layer depletion and, 675


Vaccines, 1058, 1058, 1058–1059, 1059

against HIV, 1070–1071, 1071

MMR, autism and, 28, 28–29

Vacuoles, 125, 125–126, 127

Vagina, 1016, 1016

Valproic acid, with anti-HIV drugs, 21, 21


in heart, 836

in veins, 839, 840

Vampire bats, reciprocal altruism in, 377–378, 378

van Leeuwenhoek, Antonie, 599

Variables, 16

dependent and independent, 24, 24

Varicose veins, 840

Vas deferens, 1011, 1011

Vascular cambium, 753, 754

Vascular plants, 501, 501, 501–502, 502

structure of, 689, 689

Vascular tissue, of plants, 691, 691, 691–692, 693, 693, 696, 696

Vegetables, fruits versus, 756

Veins (blood vessels), 831, 831, 838, 840

valves in, 839, 840

varicose, 840

Veins (in leaves), 700

Ventricles, of heart, 831, 831

Venus flytrap, 708, 708, 709, 764, 880–881

Vertebrae, evolution of, 475, 475

Vertebrates, 451. See also specific vertebrates

balance and motion senses in, 942

circulatory systems of, 828, 831–833, 831–833

evolution of jaws and fins in, 473, 473–474, 474

jawless, 473

movement onto land, 474–475, 475

osmoregulation in, 816

phylogeny of, 472, 472

respiratory systems of, 858–860, 859

size of, 472

terrestrial, 476–485

Vesicles (in endocytosis), 107

Vesicles (synaptic), 928, 928

Vestigial structures, 353, 353–354, 354

Vinblastine, 650

Vinci, Leonardo da, 779

Vincristine, 650

Virulence plasmids, 540

Viruses, 433, 557–563. See also HIV/AIDS

diseases caused by, 559, 559–560. See also Ebola; Herpes; HIV/AIDS; Influenza; Rabies

DNA, 559

organisms infected by, 560, 560–561, 561

RNA, 559

Vision, 936–938, 936–938

Visual displays, of data, 23, 23–25, 24

Visual signals, 395

Vitamin supplements, 887, 887

Vitamins, 21, 25, 885, 886, 886–887, 887

Viviparity, 480, 1008, 1009, 1009

Voice box, 858, 859

Volcanic eruptions, 663, 663

Vomiting, 820


Waggle dance, 395, 395–396, 396

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 323, 323

Warning coloration, 632, 632–633


pollination by, 510

sex determination in, 262, 262


absorption by plants, 711, 711–712

cohesiveness of, 48, 48–49, 49

frozen, 50, 50

fruit and seed dispersal by, 746, 746

functions in body, 878, 878

gas exchange in gills and, 847–848, 858

movement through plants, 713–715, 713–715

need for, 878–879

as nutrient, 878, 878–879

osmoregulation and, 815–816, 816

plant growth and, 705, 706

pollination by, 738, 739

properties of, 49–51

scarce, plant adaptation to, 153–156, 154–156

Water intoxication, 128

Water lily leaves, 701, 701

Watson, James, 180, 180, 238

Waxes, 66

as plant defense, 764, 765

Weather, 614–619. See also Global warming; Rainfall

global air circulation patterns and, 614, 614–616, 615

local topography and, 616, 616–617, 617

ocean currents and, 618, 618–619, 619

Weight loss, 904, 904–906

diets for, 905, 905–906

glycogen and, 57

Weight, of plants versus animals, 688, 689

Weinberg, Wilhelm, 335

Wernicke’s area, 952, 952

Western grebe, mate selection in, 386, 387

Western scrub-jays, 875

Wetlands, 613, 613

White blood cells, 844, 1051

antigen receptors of, 1061

B cells and T cells, 1061–1062, 1062

cell-mediated immunity and, 1062, 1063

humoral immunity and, 1062, 1062–1063

non-specific immunity and, 1051, 1051–1053, 1052, 1061–1063, 1062

White matter, 926, 927

Whooper swans, 860

Wilkins, Maurice, 180

Wilmut, Ian, 219


fruit and seed dispersal by, 746, 746

modern landscapes and, 617, 617

pollination by, 738, 739

Windpipe, 858–859, 859, 889, 890

Windy habitats, plant adaptation to, 769, 769

Woese, Carl, 432–433

Wood, secondary growth producing, 753–755, 753–755

World Wildlife Fund “Global 200,” 678

Worms, 456–459, 457, 458


X chromosomes, 260, 260–261, 261

single, Turner syndrome and, 268, 268

Xavante Indians, reproductive success of, 392, 392–393

x-axis, 24, 24

Xenical, 904, 904

XXX females, 268, 269

XXY males, 268, 268–269

Xylem, 693, 693, 696

secondary, 753, 754

water and nutrient distribution through, 713–715, 713–715


Y chromosomes, 260, 260–261, 261

Yawning, 813–815

y-axis, 24, 24

Yeast infections, 547, 1026

Yellow dung fly, 258

Yellow honey mushroom fungus, 520–521, 521

Yellow-bellied marmot, mate selection in, 387

Yellowstone Park, 678

Yosemite Park, 678, 678

Yucatán Peninsula, asteroid crashing into, 430, 431


Zebra, 415

Zebra mussels, 665, 665–666

ZIFT. See Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT)

Zinc, dietary, function and sources of, 886

Zoloft, 957

Zona pellucida, 1023

Zygomycota, 519

Zygote, 412, 742, 1008

Zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), 1037, 1037





