Section 10.1
Suppose that an automated, unmanned probe is sent into deep space to search for extraterrestrial life. After wandering for many light-years among the far reaches of the universe, this probe arrives on a distant planet and detects life. The chemical composition of life on this planet is completely different from that of life on Earth, and its genetic material is not composed of nucleic acids. What predictions can you make about the chemical properties of the genetic material on this planet?
Section 10.2
How might 32P and 35S be used to demonstrate that the transforming principle is DNA? Briefly outline an experiment that would show that DNA rather than protein is the transforming principle.
Section 10.3
Researchers have proposed that early life on Earth used RNA as its source of genetic information and that DNA eventually replaced RNA as the source of genetic information. What aspects of DNA structure might make it better suited than RNA to be the genetic material?
Scientists have reportedly isolated short fragments of DNA from fossilized dinosaur bones hundreds of millions of years old. The technique used to isolate this DNA is the polymerase chain reaction, which is capable of amplifying very small amounts of DNA a millionfold (see Chapter 19). Critics have claimed that the DNA isolated from dinosaur bones is not purely of ancient origin but instead has been contaminated by DNA from present-day organisms such as bacteria, mold, or humans. What precautions, analyses, and control experiments could be carried out to ensure that DNA recovered from fossils is truly of ancient origin?
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