Section 10.1
What four general characteristics must the genetic material possess?
Section 10.2
Briefly outline the history of our knowledge of the structure of DNA until the time of Watson and Crick. Which do you think were the principle contributions and developments?
What experiments demonstrated that DNA is the genetic material?
What is transformation? How did Avery and his colleagues demonstrate that the transforming principle is DNA?
How did Hershey and Chase show that DNA is passed to new phages in phage reproduction?
Why was the discovery of DNA structure so important?
Section 10.3
Draw and identify the three parts of a DNA nucleotide.
How does an RNA nucleotide differ from a DNA nucleotide?
How does a purine differ from a pyrimidine? What purines and pyrimidines are found in DNA and RNA?
Draw a short segment of a single polynucleotide strand, including at least three nucleotides. Indicate the polarity of the strand by identifying the 5′ end and the 3′ end.
Which bases are capable of forming hydrogen bonds with each other?
What different types of chemical bonds are found in DNA and where are they found?
What are some of the important genetic implications of the DNA structure?
What are the three major pathways of information flow within the cell?
Section 10.4
What are hairpins and how do they form?
What is DNA methylation?
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