How similar are the genomes of humans and chimpanzees? What genetic changes might be responsible for the large differences in the anatomy, physiology, and behavior of humans and chimpanzees?
Section 17.1
List some important differences between bacterial and eukaryotic cells that affect the way in which genes are regulated.
Section 17.2
Where are DNase I hypersensitivity sites found and what do they indicate about the nature of chromatin?
What changes take place in chromatin structure and what role do these changes play in eukaryotic gene regulation?
What is the histone code?
How is chromatin immunoprecipitation used to determine the locations of histone modifications in the genome?
Section 17.3
Briefly explain how transcriptional activator proteins and repressors affect the level of transcription of eukaryotic genes.
What is an enhancer? How does it affect the transcription of distant genes?
What is an insulator?
What is a response element? How do response elements bring about the coordinated expression of eukaryotic genes?
Section 17.4
Outline the role of alternative splicing in the control of sex differentiation in Drosophila.
What role does RNA stability play in gene regulation? What controls RNA stability in eukaryotic cells?
Section 17.5
Briefly list some of the ways in which siRNAs and miRNAs regulate genes.
Section 17.6
How does bacterial gene regulation differ from eukaryotic gene regulation? How are they similar?
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