Application Questions and Problems

Section 1.1

Question 1.17

What is the relation between genetics and evolution?

Question 1.18

For each of the following genetic topics, indicate whether it focuses on transmission genetics, molecular genetics, or population genetics.

  • a. Analysis of pedigrees to determine the probability of someone inheriting a trait
  • b. Study of people on a small island to determine why a genetic form of asthma is prevalent on the island
  • c. Effect of nonrandom mating on the distribution of genotypes among a group of animals
  • d. Examination of the nucleotide sequences found at the ends of chromosomes
  • e. Mechanisms that ensure a high degree of accuracy in DNA replication
  • f. Study of how the inheritance of traits encoded by genes on sex chromosomes (sex-linked traits) differs from the inheritance of traits encoded by genes on nonsex chromosomes (autosomal traits)

Question 1.19

Describe some of the ways in which your own genetic makeup affects you as a person. Be as specific as you can.

Question 1.20

Describe at least one trait that appears to run in your family (appears in multiple members of the family). Does this trait run in your family because it is an inherited trait or because it is caused by environmental factors that are common to family members? How might you distinguish between these possibilities?

Section 1.2

Question 1.21

Genetics is said to be both a very old science and a very young science. Explain what is meant by this statement.

Question 1.22

Match the description (a through d) with the correct theory or concept listed below.



Germ-plasm theory

Inheritance of acquired characteristics

  • a. Each reproductive cell contains a complete set of genetic information.
  • b. All traits are inherited from one parent.
  • c. Genetic information may be altered by the use of a characteristic.
  • d. Cells of different tissues contain different genetic information.

Question 1.23

Compare and contrast the following ideas about inheritance.

  • a. Pangenesis and germ-plasm theory
  • b. Preformationism and blending inheritance
  • c. The inheritance of acquired characteristics and our modern theory of heredity


Section 1.3

Question 1.24

Compare and contrast the following terms:

  • a. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
  • b. Gene and allele
  • c. Genotype and phenotype
  • d. DNA and RNA
  • e. DNA and chromosome