Section 26.1
How is biological evolution defined?
What are the two steps in the process of evolution?
How is anagenesis different from cladogenesis?
Section 26.2
Why does protein variation, as revealed by electrophoresis, underestimate the amount of true genetic variation?
What are some of the advantages of using molecular data in evolutionary studies?
What is the key difference between the neutral-mutation hypothesis and the balance hypothesis?
Describe some of the methods that have been used to study variation in DNA.
Section 26.3
What is the biological species concept?
What is the difference between prezygotic and postzygotic reproductive isolating mechanisms? List different types of each.
What is the basic difference between allopatric and sympatric modes of speciation?
Briefly outline the process of allopatric speciation.
What are some of the difficulties with sympatric speciation?
Briefly explain how switching from hawthorn fruits to apples has led to genetic differentiation and partial reproductive isolation in Rhagoletis pomonella.
Section 26.4
Draw a simple phylogenetic tree and identify a node, a branch, and an outgroup.
Briefly describe differences among the distance approach, the maximum parsimony approach, and the maximum likelihood approach to the reconstruction of phylogenetic trees.
Section 26.5
Outline the different rates of evolution that are typically seen in different parts of a protein-encoding gene. What might account for these differences?
What is the molecular clock?
What is exon shuffling? How can it lead to the evolution of new genes?
What is a multigene family? What processes produce multigene families?
Define horizontal gene transfer. What problems does it cause for evolutionary biologists?
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