6.1 The Study of Genetics in Humans Is Constrained by Special Features of Human Biology and Culture

Humans are both the best and the worst of all organisms for genetic study. On the one hand, we know more about human anatomy, physiology, and biochemistry than we know about most other organisms, so many well-characterized traits are available for study. Families often keep detailed records about their members extending back many generations. Additionally, a number of important human diseases have a genetic component, and so the incentive for understanding human inheritance is tremendous. On the other hand, the study of human genetic characteristics presents some major obstacles.

First, controlled matings are not possible. With other organisms, geneticists carry out specific crosses to test their hypotheses about inheritance. We have seen, for example, how the testcross provides a convenient way to determine whether an individual organism having a dominant trait is homozygous or heterozygous. Unfortunately (for the geneticist at least), matings between humans are usually determined by romance, family expectations, or—occasionally—accident rather than by the requirements of a geneticist.

Another obstacle is that humans have a long generation time. Human reproductive age is not normally reached until 10 to 14 years after birth, and most people do not reproduce until they are 18 years of age or older; thus, generation time in humans is usually about 20 years. This long generation time means that, even if geneticists could control human crosses, they would have to wait on average 40 years just to observe the F2 progeny. In contrast, generation time in Drosophila is 2 weeks; in bacteria, it’s a mere 20 minutes.

Finally, human family size is generally small. Observation of even the simple genetic ratios that we learned in Chapter 3 would require a substantial number of progeny in each family. When parents produce only 2 children, the detection of a 3 : 1 ratio is impossible. Even an extremely large family of 10 to 15 children would not permit the recognition of a dihybrid 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 ratio.

Although these special constraints make genetic studies of humans more complex, understanding human heredity is tremendously important. Therefore, geneticists have been forced to develop techniques that are uniquely suited to human biology and culture. TRY PROBLEM 18


Although the principles of heredity are the same in humans and in other organisms, the study of human inheritance is constrained by the inability to control genetic crosses, the long generation time, and the small number of offspring.

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