The main goals of Genetics: A Conceptual Approach have always been to help students uncover and make connections between the major concepts of genetics. Throughout the four preceding editions of this book the accessible writing style, simple and instructive illustrations, and useful pedagogical features throughout the book have helped students develop a fuller understanding of genetics.
Connected Learning Paths for Core Topics
At the heart of this revision is the connection between the book and its media. The media resources were developed alongside the text in order to create a connected learning path from the book throughout the media package. Through extensive reviewing we identified the genetics topics and skills that students find most difficult. We then designed our media to include the types of resources that instructors felt would best help students understand these topics, study, and practice problem-solving—a key skill that is crucial to understanding genetics. To give you an idea of how our media resources connect with the book, here are a few examples of the learning paths we visualized for two of the topics that are consistently noted by instructors as difficult for their students.
All of the new media resources for Genetics: A Conceptual Approach will be available in our LaunchPad system.
LaunchPad is a dynamic, fully integrated learning environment that brings together all of our teaching and learning resources in one place. It also contains the fully interactive e-Book and other newly updated resources for students and instructors, including the following:
The fifth edition addresses recent discoveries in genetics, corresponding to our ever-changing understanding of inheritance, the molecular nature of genetic information, epigenetics, and genetic evolution.
NEW Epigenetics Chapter A new chapter on epigenetics (Chapter 21) integrates and expands on material formerly spread across five chapters in the previous edition. Briefer discussions of epigenetics are now in those separate chapters (5, 11, 17, 22, and 23).
Chapter 11 now covers Chromosome Structure and Organelle DNA (formerly covered in Chapter 21).
Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 (Bacterial and Viral Genetic Systems, and Chromosome Structure in the previous edition) have been switched so that chromosome variation now follows Chapter 7 (Linkage, Recombination, and Gene Mapping).
Other new and updated content includes:
I am indebted to many people for help with this and previous editions of Genetics: A Conceptual Approach. I learned much from my genetics teachers: Ray Canham, who first exposed me to genetics and instilled in me a lifelong love for the subject; and Jeff Mitton, who taught me the art of genetic research. I’ve learned from the thousands of genetics students who have filled my classes over the past 33 years, first at Connecticut College, then at Baylor University, and now at Southwestern University. Their intelligence, enthusiasm, curiosity, and humor have been a source of motivation and pleasure throughout my professional life. I have also learned from students worldwide who have used earlier editions of this book and kindly shared with me—through emails and phone calls—their thoughts about the book and how it could be improved.
I am grateful for the wonderful colleagues who surround me daily at Southwestern University and whose friendship, advice, and good humor sustain my work. The small classes, close interaction of students and faculty, and integration of teaching and research have made working at Southwestern University personally and professionally rewarding. I thank James Hunt, Provost of Southwestern University and Dean of the Brown College, for helping to create this supportive academic environment and for his continued friendship and collegiality.
Writing a modern science textbook requires a team effort and I have been blessed with an outstanding team at W. H. Freeman and Company. Life Sciences Publisher Susan Winslow has been a champion of the book for a number of years; I value her creativity, insight, and support. Lauren Schultz, Senior Acquisitions Editor for the Life Sciences team was a wonderful shepherd of the project, providing ideas, encouragement, and support throughout the project. It was a pleasure working with Developmental Editor Anna Bristow, my daily partner in crafting this edition of Genetics. Anna is a superb editor with outstanding organizational skills and an eye for detail; she kept the project on track and contributed to this edition in innumerable ways.
Senior Project Editor Georgia Lee Hadler at W. H. Freeman expertly managed the production of this fifth edition, as well as all preceding editions. Her dedication to excellence in all phases of the production process has been a major factor in making the book a success. Jeanine Furino served as copy editor and provided valuable editorial suggestions. I thank Dragonfly Media Group for creating and revising the book’s illustrations and Matthew McAdams for coordinating the illustration program. Thanks to Paul Rohloff at W. H. Freeman and Assunta Petrone at codeMantra for coordinating the composition and manufacturing phases of production. Diana Blume developed the book’s design and the cover for this edition. I thank Christine Buese and Jacqui Wong for photo research. Allison Michael, Elaine Palucki, Alexi Garrett, Adam Feil, and Chris Efstratiou developed the excellent media and supplements that accompany the book. I am grateful to Jung Choi and Mark McCallum for writing solutions to new end-of-chapter problems. Joseph Ahlander, Ellen France, Robert Fowler, Brian Kreiser, Joshua Loomis, Amy McMillan, Marcie Moehnke, Douglas Thrower, and Daniel Williams developed and reviewed assessment questions.
I am grateful to the W. H. Freeman sales representatives, regional managers, and regional sales specialists, who introduce my book to genetics instructors throughout world. I have greatly enjoyed working with this sales staff; their expertise, hard work, and good service are responsible for the success of Freeman books.
A number of colleagues served as reviewers of this book, kindly lending me their technical expertise and teaching experience. Their assistance is gratefully acknowledged. Any remaining errors are entirely my own.
Marlene Tyrrell—my spouse and best friend for 33 years—and our children and their spouses—Sarah, Matt, Michael, and Amber—provide love, support, and inspiration for everything that I do.
My gratitude goes to the reviewers of this new edition of Genetics: A Conceptual Approach.
Amy Abdulovic-Cui
Augusta State University
Joseph Ahlander
Northeastern State University
David Aiello
Austin College
Preston Aldrich
Benedictine University
Kirk Anders
Gonzaga University
Jeanne Andreoli
Marygrove College
Anthony Arment
Central State University
Minoo Askari
Pellissippi State Community
Andrea Bailey
Brookhaven Community College
Paul W. Bates
University of Minnesota Duluth
Keith Barlow
Guilford Technical Community College
Phillip Barnes
Connecticut College
Christine Beatty
Benedictine University
John Belote
Syracuse University
Spencer Benson
University of Maryland
Edward Berger
Dartmouth College
Laura Bermingham
University of Vermont
Aimee Bernard
University of Colorado Denver
Indrani Bose
Western Carolina University
John Braverman
Saint Joseph’s University
David Buchanan
North Dakota State University
Gerald L. Buldak
Loyola University Chicago
Alyssa C. Bumbaugh
Penn State University
Dan Caprioglio
Colorado State University
Maria V. Cattell
University of Colorado
Richard Duhrkopf
Baylor University
Joel Chandlee
University of Rhode Island
Henry Chang
Purdue University
Cynthia Church
Metropolitan State University of Denver
Sarah Crawford
Southern Connecticut State University
Marilyn Cruz-Alvarez
Florida Gulf Coast University
Sandra Davis
University of Indianapolis
Sarwan Dhir
Fort Valley State University
David Donnell
The Citadel
Chuanguang Du
Montclair State University
Cheryld L. Emmons
Alfred University
William Ettinger
Gonzaga University
Sarah Evans
Friends University
Victor Fet
Marshall University
Ted Fickel
American Jewish University
Robert G. Fowler
San Jose State University
Thomas Fowler
Southern Illinois University
Edison Fowlks
Hampton University
Dennis Frisby
Cameron University
Laura Frost
Point Park University
J. Yvette Gardner
Clayton State University
William Gilliland
DePaul University
Elliott S. Goldstein
Arizona State University
Steven W. Gorsich
Central Michigan University
Anjali Gray
Lourdes University
Bradley Hersh
Allegheny College
Debra Hinson
Dallas Baptist University
Peter Hoffman
Notre Dame of Maryland
Margaret Hollingsworth
University at Buffalo
Carina Endres Howell
Lock Haven University
Li Huang
Montana State University
Mary Huff
Bellarmine University
Colin Hughes
Florida Atlantic University
Jeffrey Hughes
Millikin University
Cristina Iftode
Rowan University
Jeba Inbarasu
Metropolitan Community College, South Omaha Campus
Diana Ivankovic
Anderson University
Aaron Johnson
University of Colorado School of Medicine
David H. Kass
Eastern Michigan University
Todd Kelson
Brigham Young University–Idaho
Cathy Silver Key
North Carolina Central University
Christopher Korey
College of Charleston
Margaret J. Kovach
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
Brian Kreiser
University of Southern Mississippi
Tim Kroft
Auburn University at Montgomery
Mary Rose Lamb
University of Puget Sound
Melanie Lee-Brown
Guilford College
Aime Levesque
University of Hartford
Joshua Loomis
Nova Southeastern University
Shawn Macauley
Muskegon Community College
William Mackay
Edinboro University of Pennsylvania
Cindy S. Malone
California State University at Northridge
Teresa McElhinny
Michigan State University
Karen McGinnis
Florida State University
Amy McMillan
SUNY Buffalo State
Steven Mezik
Herkimer County Community College
Brook Milligan
New Mexico State University
Marcie Moehnke
Baylor University
Charles Molnar
Camosun College
Jessica L. Moore
Western Carolina University
Sarah Mordan-McCombs
Franklin College of Indiana
Ashley Morris
Middle Tennessee State University
Cam Muir
University of Hawaii at Hilo
Karolina Mukhtar
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Elbert Myles
Tennessee State University
Todd Nickle
Mount Royal University
John Niedzwiecki
Belmont University
Selene Nikaido
University of Central Missouri
Margaret Olney
Saint Martin’s University
Sally Pasion
San Francisco State University
Ann Paterson
Williams Baptist College
Helen Piontkivska
Kent State University
Uwe Pott
University of Wisconsin-Green Bay
Michael Lee Robinson
Miami University
Charles Sackerson
California State University
Stephanie Schroeder
Webster University
Rodney Scott
Wheaton College
Rebecca Seipelt-Thiemann
Middle Tennessee State University
Barkur S. Shastry
Oakland University
Mark Shotwell
Slippery Rock University
Wendy Shuttleworth
Lewis/Clark State College
Agnes Southgate
College of Charleston
Walter Sotero
University of Central Florida
Ron Strohmeyer
Northwest Nazarene University
David Thompson
Fresno Pacific University
Sandra Thompson-Jaeger
Christian Brothers University
Douglas Thrower
University of California at Santa Barbara
Kathleen Toedt
Housatonic Community College
Cynthia van Golen
Delaware State University
Nanette van Loon
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Sara Volk
Texas State University
Laurence von Kalm
University of Central Florida
Erik Vollbrecht
Iowa State University
Alan Waldman
University of South Carolina
Daniel Williams
Winston-Salem State University
Lise D. Wilson
Siena College
Kathleen Wood
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Lev Yampolsky
East Tennessee State University
Malcolm Zellars
Georgia State University
Ming Zheng
Gordon College