TABLE 6.3 Different types of chromosome mutations
Chromosome mutation Definition

Chromosome rearrangement

 Chromosome duplication

 Chromosome deletion


  Paracentric inversion


  Pericentric inversion



  Nonreciprocal translocation



  Reciprocal translocation

Change in chromosome structure

Duplication of a chromosome segment

Deletion of a chromosome segment

Deletion of a chromosome segment

Inversion that does not include the centromere in the inverted region

Inversion that includes the centromere in the inverted region

Movement of a chromosome segment to a nonhomologous chromosome or to another region of the same chromosome

Movement of a chromosome segment to a nonhomologous chromosome or to another region of the same chromosome without reciprocal exchange

Exchange between segments of nonhomologous chromosomes or between regions of the same chromosome







Change in number of individual chromosomes

Loss of both members of a homologous pair

Loss of one member of a homologous pair

Gain of one chromosome, resulting in three homologous chromosomes

Gain of two homologous chromosomes, resulting in four homologous chromosomes





Addition of entire chromosome sets

Polyploidy in which extra chromosome sets are derived from the same species

Polyploidy in which extra chromosome sets are derived from two or more species