Chapter 16

Articles on ethical issues in genetics are preceded by an asterisk.

Bitttner, M., P. Meltzer, Y. Chen, et al. 2000. Molecular classification of cutaneous malignant melanoma by gene expression profiling. Nature 406:536–540.

Presents evidence of genes that affect the spread of cancer.

The Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network. 2011. Integrated genomic analysis of ovarian carcinoma. Nature 474:609–615.

Results of recent genomic analysis of ovarian cancer.

The Cancer Genome Atlas Research Network. 2012. Comprehensive molecular portraits of human breast tumours. Nature 490:61–70.

Genomic analysis of breast cancer tumors.

Chen, J., R. M. McKay, and L. F. Parada. 2012. Malignant glioma: lessons from genomics, mouse models, and stem cells. Cell 149:36–47.

Discusses results of genomic studies of malignant gliomas.

Chin, L., and J. W. Gray. 2008. Translating insights from the cancer genome into clinical practice. Nature 452:553–563.

A review of how information from cancer genomic studies can be used in the treatment of cancer. See other articles in this issue of Nature on the use of molecular techniques to better diagnose and treat cancer.

Dawson, M. A., and T. Kouzarides. 2012. Cancer epigenetics: from mechanism to therapy. Cell 150:12–27.

An in-depth review of epigenetic changes associated with cancer.

Fearon, E. R., and B. Vogelstein. 1990. A genetic model for colorectal tumorigenesis. Cell 61:759–767.

A review of some of the mutations that lead to colorectal cancer.

Fodde, R., and R. Smits. 2002. A matter of dosage. Science 298:761–763.

A discussion of haploinsufficiency in tumor-suppressor genes.

Gibbs, W. W. 2003. Untangling the roots of cancer. Scientific American 289(1): 56–65.

A good review of some views of cancer, including the genomic instability hypothesis.

Gudmundsson, J., P. Sulem, A. Manolescu, et al. 2007. Genome-wide association study identifies a second prostate cancer susceptibility variant at 8q24. Nature Genetics 39:631–637.

An example of the power of genomic approaches to identifying genes that contribute to cancer.

Hanahan, D., and R. A. Weinberg. 2000. The hallmarks of cancer. Cell 100:57–70.

A review of the different types of genes that are associated with cancer.

Hernando, E., Z. Nahle, G. Juan, et al. 2004. Rb inactivation promotes genomic instability by uncoupling cell cycle progression from mitotic control. Nature 430:797–802.

A report on the role of the RB protein in genomic instability.

Hung, R. J., J. D. McKay, V. Gaborieau, et al. 2008. A susceptibility locus for lung cancer maps to nicotine acetylcholine receptor subunit genes on 15q25. Nature 452:633–641.

Reports that genome-wide association studies have detected genes that predispose some people to lung cancer induced by smoking.

Knudson, A. G. 2000. Chasing the cancer demon. Annual Review of Genetics 34:1–19.

A short history of the search for a genetic cause of cancer, along with a review of hereditary cancers and the genes that cause them.

Kumar, M., J. Lu, K. L. Mercer, et al. 2007. Impaired microRNA processing enhances cellular transformation and tumorigenesis. Nature Genetics 39:673–682.

A report on research showing that global reduction in microRNAs increases tumor progression.

Ledford, H. 2010. The cancer genome challenge. Nature 465:972–974.

A new article on current efforts to sequence the genomes of cancer cells.

Lengauer, C., K. W. Kinzler, and B. Vogelstein. 1998. Genetic instabilities in human cancer. Nature 396:643–649.

A review of how defects in DNA repair and chromosome-segregation genes lead to cancer.

Massague, J. 2004. G1 cell-cycle control and cancer. Nature 432:298–306.

A comprehensive review of cell-cycle control at the G1/S checkpoint.

Minn, A. J., G. P. Gupta, P. M. Siegel, et al. 2005. Genes that mediate breast cancer metastasis to lung. Nature 436:518–524.

A report on the detection of genes having roles in the metastasis of breast-tumor cells to the lung.

Orr-Weaver, T. L., and R. A. Weinberg. 1998. A checkpoint on the road to cancer. Nature 392:223–224.

A discussion of how mutations that affect cell-cycle checkpoints may contribute to cancer progression.

Pogue-Geile, K. L., R. Chen, M. P. Bronner, et al. 2006. Palladin mutation causes familial pancreatic cancer and suggests a new cancer mechanism. PLoS Medicine 3:2216–2228.

A report on research showing that a mutation in the palladin gene is associated with the spread of pancreatic cancer.

Ponder, B. A. 2001. Cancer genetics. Nature 411:336–341.

A good review of the types of genetic events that contribute to cancer.

Seligson, D. B., S. Horvath, T. Shi, et al. 2005. Global histone modification patterns predict risk of prostate cancer recurrence. Nature 435:1262–1270.

A report on how histone acetylation and methylation are associated with the chances of prostate cancer reappearing.

Stratton, M. R., P. J. Campbell, and P. A. Futreal. 2009. The cancer genome. Nature 458:719–724.

A short review of genomic studies of mutations that cause cancer.

Weizman, J. B., and M. Yaniv. 1999. Rebuilding the road to cancer. Nature 400:401.

A discussion of the first successful attempt to convert normal human cells into cancer cells by artificially introducing telomerase-expressing genes, oncogenes, and tumor-suppressor genes into a cell.