An Early RNA World

Life requires two basic functions. First, living organisms must be able to store and faithfully transmit genetic information during reproduction. Second, they must have the ability to catalyze the chemical transformations that drive life processes. A long-held belief was that the functions of information storage and chemical transformation are handled by two entirely different types of molecules: genetic information is stored in nucleic acids, whereas the catalysis of chemical transformations is carried out by protein enzymes. This biochemical dichotomy—nucleic acid for information, proteins for catalysis—created a dilemma. Which came first: proteins or nucleic acids? If nucleic acids carry the coding instructions for proteins, how can proteins be generated without them? Nucleic acids are unable to copy themselves, so how can they be generated without proteins? If DNA and proteins each require the other, how can life begin?

This apparent paradox disappeared in 1981 when Thomas Cech and his colleagues discovered that RNA can serve as a biological catalyst. They found that some RNA molecules from the protozoan Tetrahymena thermophila can excise 400 nucleotides from its RNA in the absence of any protein. Other examples of catalytic RNAs have now been discovered in different types of cells. Called ribozymes, these catalytic RNA molecules can cut out parts of their own sequences, connect some RNA molecules together, replicate others, and even catalyze the formation of peptide bonds between amino acids. The discovery of ribozymes complements other evidence suggesting that the original genetic material was RNA.

Self-replicating ribozymes probably first arose between 3.5 billion and 4 billion years ago and may have begun the evolution of life on Earth. Early life was probably an RNA world, with RNA molecules serving both as carriers of genetic information and as catalysts that drove the chemical reactions needed to sustain and perpetuate life. These catalytic RNAs may have acquired the ability to synthesize protein-based enzymes, which are more efficient catalysts. With enzymes taking over more and more of the catalytic functions, RNA probably became relegated to the role of information storage and transfer. DNA, with its chemical stability and faithful replication, eventually replaced RNA as the primary carrier of genetic information. Nevertheless, today RNA is either produced by or plays a vital role in many biological processes, including transcription, replication, RNA processing, and translation.


Early life probably centered on RNA, which served as the original genetic material and as a biological catalyst.