Section 14.1

Question 1

1.What role do restriction enzymes play in bacteria? How do bacteria protect their own DNA from the action of restriction enzymes?

Question 2

2.Explain how gel electrophoresis is used to separate DNA fragments of different lengths.

Question 3

3.Give three important characteristics of cloning vectors.

Question 4

4.Briefly explain how an antibiotic-resistance gene and the lacZ gene can be used as markers to determine which cells contain a particular plasmid.

Question 5

5.Briefly explain how the polymerase chain reaction is used to amplify a specific DNA sequence.

Section 14.2

Question 6

6.How does a genomic library differ from a cDNA library?

Question 7

7.Briefly explain how a gene can be isolated through positional cloning.

Section 14.3

Question 8

8.What is the purpose of the dideoxyribonucleoside triphosphates in the dideoxy sequencing reaction?

Question 9

9.What is DNA fingerprinting? What types of sequences are examined in DNA fingerprinting?

Section 14.4

Question 10

10.How does a reverse-genetics approach differ from a forward-genetics approach?

Question 11

11.What are knockout mice and for what are they used?

Question 12

12.How is RNA interference used in the analysis of gene function?

Section 14.5

Question 13

13.What is gene therapy?

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