Section 15.1

Question 1

1.What is the difference between a genetic map and a physical map? Which generally has higher resolution and accuracy and why?

Question 2

2.What is the difference between a map-based approach to sequencing a whole genome and a whole-genome shotgun approach?

Question 3

3.What is a single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)? How are SNPs used in genomic studies?

Question 4

4.What is a haplotype?

Question 5

5.How is a genome-wide association study carried out?

Question 6

6.Give some examples of important findings from metagenomic studies.

Section 15.2

Question 7

7.What is a microarray? How can it be used to obtain information about gene function?

Section 15.3

Question 8

8.What is the relation between genome size and gene number in prokaryotes?

Question 9

9.DNA content varies considerably among different multicellular organisms. Is this variation closely related to the number of genes and the complexity of the organism? If not, what accounts for the variation?

Question 10

10.What accounts for much of the variation in genome size among species of Drosophila?

Section 15.4

Question 11

11.How does proteomics differ from genomics?

Question 12

12.How is mass spectrometry used to identify proteins in a cell?

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