Polygenic Inheritance

After the rediscovery of Mendel’s work in 1900, questions soon arose about the inheritance of continuously varying characteristics. These characteristics had already been the focus of a group of biologists and statisticians, led by Francis Galton, who used statistical procedures to examine the inheritance of quantitative characteristics such as human height and intelligence. The results of these studies showed that quantitative characteristics were at least partly inherited, although the mechanism of inheritance was not yet known. Some biometricians argued that the inheritance of quantitative characteristics could not be explained by Mendelian principles, whereas others believed that Mendel’s principles acting on numerous genes (polygenes) could adequately account for the inheritance of quantitative characteristics.

This conflict began to be resolved through independent work by Wilhelm Johannsen, George Udny Yule, and Herman Nilsson-Ehle, each of whom studied continuous variation in plants. The argument was finally laid to rest in 1918, when Ronald Fisher demonstrated that the inheritance of quantitative characteristics could indeed be explained by the cumulative effects of many genes, each following Mendel’s rules.