Section 1.1

Question 16

*16.How are genetics and evolution related?

Question 17

*17.For each of the following genetic topics, indicate whether it focuses on transmission genetics, molecular genetics, or population genetics.

  1. Analysis of pedigrees to determine the probability of someone inheriting a trait.

  2. Study of people on a small island to determine why a genetic form of asthma is so prevalent on the island.

  3. Effect of nonrandom mating on the distribution of genotypes among a group of animals.

  4. Examination of the nucleotide sequences found at the ends of chromosomes.

  5. Mechanisms that ensure a high degree of accuracy during DNA replication.

  6. Study of how the inheritance of traits encoded by genes on sex chromosomes (sex-linked traits) differs from the inheritance of traits encoded by genes on nonsex chromosomes (autosomal traits).

Section 1.2

Question 18

*18.Genetics is said to be both a very old science and a very young science. Explain what this means.

Question 19

*19.Match each description (a through d) with the correct theory or concept listed below.

  1. Each reproductive cell contains a complete set of genetic information.

  2. All traits are inherited from one parent.

  3. Genetic information may be altered by the use of a characteristic.

  4. Cells of different tissues contain different genetic information.

    • Preformationism

    • Pangenesis

    • Germ-plasm theory

    • Inheritance of acquired characteristics

Question 20

*20.Compare and contrast the following ideas about inheritance.

  1. Pangenesis and germ-plasm theory.

  2. Preformationism and blending inheritance.

  3. The inheritance of acquired characteristics and our modern theory of heredity.

Section 1.3

Question 21

*21.Compare and contrast the following terms:

  1. Eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells

  2. Gene and allele

  3. Genotype and phenotype

  4. DNA and RNA

  5. DNA and chromosome