Section 4.1
*1.How does sex determination in the XX-
2.What is meant by genic sex determination?
3.How is sex determined in humans?
Section 4.2
4.What characteristics are exhibited by an X-
5.Explain why tortoiseshell cats are almost always female and why they have a patchy distribution of orange and black fur.
6.What is a Barr body? How is it related to the Lyon hypothesis?
Section 4.3
7.How do incomplete dominance and codominance differ?
8.What is incomplete penetrance and what causes it?
Section 4.4
9.What is gene interaction? What is the difference between an epistatic gene and a hypostatic gene?
10.What is a complementation test and what is it used for?
Section 4.5
11.What characteristics are exhibited by a cytoplasmically inherited trait?
For more questions that test your comprehension of the key chapter concepts, go to for this chapter.