Section 6.3

Question 34

34.Red–green color blindness is a human X-linked recessive disorder. Jill has normal color vision, but her father is color blind. Jill marries Tom, who also has normal color vision. Jill and Tom have a daughter who has Turner syndrome and is color blind.

  1. How did the daughter inherit color blindness?

  2. Did the daughter inherit her X chromosome from Jill or from Tom?

Question 35

35.image Mules result from a cross between a horse (2n = 64) and a donkey (2n = 62), have 63 chromosomes, and are almost always sterile. However, in the summer of 1985, a female mule named Krause who was pastured with a male donkey gave birth to a foal (O. A. Ryder et al. 1985. Journal of Heredity 76:379–381). Blood tests established that the male foal, appropriately named Blue Moon, was the offspring of Krause and that Krause was indeed a mule. Both Blue Moon and Krause were fathered by the same donkey (see the pedigree below). The foal, like his mother, had 63 chromosomes—half of them horse chromosomes and the other half donkey chromosomes. Analyses of genetic markers showed that, remarkably, Blue Moon seemed to have inherited a complete set of horse chromosomes from his mother, instead of the random mixture of horse and donkey chromosomes that would be expected with normal meiosis. Thus, Blue Moon and Krause were not only mother and son, but also brother and sister.

  1. With the use of a diagram, show how, if Blue Moon inherited only horse chromosomes from his mother, Krause and Blue Moon are mother and son as well as sister and brother.

  2. Although rare, additional cases of fertile mules giving birth to offspring have been reported. In these cases, when a female mule mates with a male horse, the offspring is horselike in appearance, but when a female mule mates with a male donkey, the offspring is mulelike in appearance. Is this observation consistent with the idea that the offspring of fertile female mules inherit only a set of horse chromosomes from their mule mothers? Explain your reasoning.

  3. Can you suggest a possible mechanism for how fertile female mules might pass on a complete set of horse chromosomes to their offspring?

Section 6.4

Question 36

36.Humans and many other complex organisms are diploid, possessing two sets of genes, one inherited from the mother and one from the father. However, a number of eukaryotic organisms spend most of their life cycles in a haploid state. Many of these eukaryotes, such as Neurospora and yeast, still undergo meiosis and sexual reproduction, but most of the cells that make up the organism are haploid.

Considering that haploid organisms are fully capable of sexual reproduction and generating genetic variation, why are most complex eukaryotes diploid? In other words, what might be the evolutionary advantage of existing in a diploid state instead of a haploid state? And why might a few organisms, such as Neurospora and yeast, exist as haploids?