EXERCISE 12–5 Pronoun reference

EXERCISE 12–5Pronoun reference

Click on the correct item in the parentheses.

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1 of 10

In my hometown, (we / you) “wait on” the bus and “fix” dinner and go to the store for “light bread.”


EXERCISE 12–5 Pronoun reference - 1 of 10: In my hometown, (we / you) “wait on” the bus and “fix” dinner and go to the store for “light bread.”

2 of 10

The transportation specialist reviews the airlines’ tariffs to determine whether (the airlines / they) have added any new fares applicable to government employees.


EXERCISE 12–5 Pronoun reference - 2 of 10: The transportation specialist reviews the airlines’ tariffs to determine whether (the airlines / they) have added any new fares applicable to government employees.

3 of 10

We are proud of our children, three of (whom / which) have become legislators.


EXERCISE 12–5 Pronoun reference - 3 of 10: We are proud of our children, three of (whom / which) have become legislators.

4 of 10

The thief stole the woman’s purse and her car and then destroyed (it / the purse).


EXERCISE 12–5 Pronoun reference - 4 of 10: The thief stole the woman’s purse and her car and then destroyed (it / the purse).

5 of 10

Prince George’s County is bordered on three sides by the Patuxent, Potomac, and Anacostia Rivers. Because (this is / the rivers are) a likely place for criminals to hide evidence, the police department has created a special aquatic search team.


EXERCISE 12–5 Pronoun reference - 5 of 10: Prince George’s County is bordered on three sides by the Patuxent, Potomac, and Anacostia Rivers. Because (this is / the rivers are) a likely place for criminals to hide evidence, the police department has created a special aquatic search team.

6 of 10

The players’ publicist spoke at a press conference, but (they / the players) were nowhere to be found.


EXERCISE 12–5 Pronoun reference - 6 of 10: The players’ publicist spoke at a press conference, but (they / the players) were nowhere to be found.

7 of 10

I knew that the magician had marked the cards, but (I / you) couldn’t see how he had done it.


EXERCISE 12–5 Pronoun reference - 7 of 10: I knew that the magician had marked the cards, but (I / you) couldn’t see how he had done it.

8 of 10

The identical twins (who / that) shared the role of the television family’s youngest child could not get any acting roles after the show ended.


EXERCISE 12–5 Pronoun reference - 8 of 10: The identical twins (who / that) shared the role of the television family’s youngest child could not get any acting roles after the show ended.

9 of 10

Some people who use products for chapped lips claim that lip balm is addictive, (which / a claim that) the manufacturers dispute.


EXERCISE 12–5 Pronoun reference - 9 of 10: Some people who use products for chapped lips claim that lip balm is addictive, (which / a claim that) the manufacturers dispute.

10 of 10

The gulls fought over the oyster on the pier until (the oyster / it) plummeted into the ocean.


EXERCISE 12–5 Pronoun reference - 10 of 10: The gulls fought over the oyster on the pier until (the oyster / it) plummeted into the ocean.